I got the best update from Teddy’s mom today! Teddy was from Whisper and Koda’s litter (Secret’s full brother). She said he is an avid bird hunter and has caught several birds to bring back to his family as “gifts”! Way to go, Teddy!
This is “Rumor” or Jackie, as his family has been calling him. Due to no fault of his own, he is looking for a new home. Please message me privately for more information.
I’m so proud of Secret UCH IntCh Charming’s Best Kept Secret ATT FITS BCAT aka SeeSee and her Junior Handler! She has done an amazing job training with her and she has put several titles on her in the last year! Way to go!
So, after a wet and muddy, but successful, FastCAT trial at the Great Smokey Mountain Cluster in Knoxville, TN, here are the results of our efforts (and the aftermath of running in the rain! Yikes! Good thing tomorrow is BATH DAY!!!):
🛻 GCHG Shanajen’s Like A Rock BCAT!
New title! Pending AKC approval
👨🏼🎤 UCh IntCh Galaxy’s Lights By Journey At Charming DCAT!
New title! Pending AKC approval
🌅 GCH CH DASH UCh BPIS RBPIS IntJr NatJr HnrJr Galaxy’s From Heaven’s Gate CAA FITG FCAT2!
New title! Pending AKC approval
🌧️🌈DASH UCh RBIS IntCh NatCh HnrCh-B Charming’s Rainbows After The Rain CAA FITG FCAT2
Two qualifying runs despite not feeling well. Valiant effort, and a heart that never quits ❤️
Huge thanks to all of the volunteers who showed up to weather the storm for a weekend of Trash Bunny Murder Sport! Your hard work and dedication is what keeps the sport going! Thank you Speed Dog Coursing for bringing the bunnies! Special thanks to Lauren of MLBaer Photography for capturing the moment! I can’t wait to see all of the dogs playin the rain! ❤️
A sneak peek behind the scenes from our before the show ring prep work! This is how pampered these dogs are 😉
Mercy earning her DCAT title in Canton, GA! Thank you Speed Dog Coursing and Brian Batista Photography!
Hampton Roads Kennel Club UKC show in Courtland, VA #hamptonroadskennelclub #hamptonroads #ukc #conformation
You go girl! #dog #dogs #dogsofinstagram #dogstagram #ilovemydog #puppy #puppylove #puppiesofinstagram #acs #cocker #cockerspaniel #cockerspanielofinstagram #americancocker #americancockerspaniel #americancockerspanielpuppy #americancockerspanielpuppies #spaniel #spanielsofinstagram #spanielpuppy #spanielpuppies #pet #whisper #whisker #whiskersdontlie #ESA #emotionalsupportanimal #newpuppy #bigsister #bestsisterever #dogsportmom #FastCat #gottagofast
Gotta love the flying ears and flowing coat as thes three girls chase the plastic “bunnies”! #FastCat
Introducing Charming’s Pretty In Prism BCAT pending AKC approval! Congratulations Harper girl! Look at this girl RUN!!! Harper is the daughter of Percy out of Whisper, Opal’s littermate. This is the litter that started Opalina Cockers! #opalicious