Omorrow German Shepherds

Omorrow German Shepherds This is the place to share your pics and stay in touch with all of your Omorrow babies!

Please post your puppy pics,, start discussions, and be sure and leave reviews under the reviews tab, and check the discussion tab too!

Willa says "Good Morning!"

Willa says "Good Morning!"

Mama's girl!

Mama's girl!

Mommy's boy!

Mommy's boy!

Update**** she had been rehomed! Thank you everyone!****A friend looking to rehome this gal due to health problems😔 she ...

Update**** she had been rehomed! Thank you everyone!****A friend looking to rehome this gal due to health problems😔 she is 2 years old, spayed, house and crate trained up to date on everything! If you're interested please contact me and I will put you in touch!

Thanks to all that commented, shared and looked at the pups! One of the gals has come home with me..😁 she and Vlad are d...

Thanks to all that commented, shared and looked at the pups! One of the gals has come home with me..😁 she and Vlad are doing great!!

***Update**** she now has a new home!Female five! She is seven weeks now, such a fun sweet gal! Definitely Omorrow! AKC,...

***Update**** she now has a new home!
Female five! She is seven weeks now, such a fun sweet gal! Definitely Omorrow! AKC, microchipped.. Parents tested for genetic diseases!

***Update***" all puppies now have New homes!!!Available puppies..6 week pics! Message for details!

***Update***" all puppies now have New homes!!!Available puppies..6 week pics! Message for details!

More of the 5 week precious ones! The smallest is a female of course and she's 8 some of these babies are t...

More of the 5 week precious ones! The smallest is a female of course and she's 8 some of these babies are topping 10 lb at just 5 weeks today. They are big, beautiful and healthy! ❀

Five week pics! One more of these is spoken for.. Not sure which yet.. Will update.. More random to follow! Their second...

Five week pics! One more of these is spoken for.. Not sure which yet.. Will update.. More random to follow! Their second set of vaccines will be on July 22.. Then they can go home! These puppies are simply awesome!!đŸ„°đŸ„°đŸ„°

4 week pics! SOOOO DARN CUTE!

4 week pics! SOOOO DARN CUTE!

Okay..3week pics and mama and papa! Picks have not been made other than by the breeder. Those pups not shown. Picks will...

Okay..3week pics and mama and papa! Picks have not been made other than by the breeder. Those pups not shown. Picks will be made in order of deposits received! pm me for more info!

Hey Omorrow folks.. Need some help with this guy. His name is Jake.. He is 8 and needs a loving home. From his owner.  R...

Hey Omorrow folks.. Need some help with this guy. His name is Jake.. He is 8 and needs a loving home.
From his owner.

Rhonda Sellers, he will be 8 in January. I had to sell my home and I’m moving about 1.5 hours away In a town house. He has had lots of room to roam at my house. He is good with my daughter who is 9 but I think his age he is getting cranky so I’m not sure about little ones. I baby this dog. He is neutered and he seems to be fine with other dogs after he smells them lol.. he has been my rock through some difficult years and I don’t know how I’m gonna do this but he doesn’t deserve to be locked up or tied to a dog house. I just have to know that he is gonna go some where were he is loved. I also had him at the vet a week ago and they gave him and clean bill of health other than anxiety which they prescribed him trazodone for anxiety and depression. He does great inside the house never tears up anything and is fully house trained. He does not like cats very well or chickens.

From what I understand. he tolerates the house cat, but the strays not at all. I have posted more pictures below. His home has been very stressful lately and unfortunately the owner must rehome him.

Now sold! 5week pics of green male.. This fella is sweet and sassy.. He is going to be a big guy and Gorgeous!

Now sold! 5week pics of green male.. This fella is sweet and sassy.. He is going to be a big guy and Gorgeous!

Last fella available! Mr Green.. Pics of parents last post(Victor and Cora) he is 4 1/2 weeks old and absolutely preciou...

Last fella available! Mr Green.. Pics of parents last post(Victor and Cora) he is 4 1/2 weeks old and absolutely precious!

Parents.. Victor and Cora

Parents.. Victor and Cora

Here is a 4 week old litter I highly recommend! So much so, I'm getting a new baby! These boys are still available!

Here is a 4 week old litter I highly recommend! So much so, I'm getting a new baby! These boys are still available!

Sadly one of my owners have passed away and the family needs to place her Omorrow babies...Both are fixed the male i abo...

Sadly one of my owners have passed away and the family needs to place her Omorrow babies...Both are fixed the male i about 9 and a Jager baby..the female is 6 and from the luger lines. Anyone who may be interested they are in Canal Fulton Ohio


In desperate need of someone to foster three small dogs. A dear friend of mine's sister had a stroke and heart attack and is in the Cleveland Clinic. They can be fostered together, or separately. One is a very old pug, one is a Jack Russell mix and one is a terrier mix. Please PM me for the contact info if you're interested in helping. The dogs are in Ashland.


Born this morning, 3/15/20 at about 3 AM.

Hi extended Omorrow family!!  I have a surprise for you!  These 3 little monsters are Holly's newborn puppies!  All male...

Hi extended Omorrow family!! I have a surprise for you! These 3 little monsters are Holly's newborn puppies! All male, all happy, all healthy!!!!!

My book is finally finished and available for distribution/sales.  Omorrow is the place where it all began for me...The ...

My book is finally finished and available for distribution/sales. Omorrow is the place where it all began for me...The book is partially dedicated to Rhonda Sellers.


Suits claim Hill's Pet Nutrition delayed its recall, allegedly leading to numerous pet deaths and illnesses


Although it seems like its taking forever, the work has been worthwhile. I'm proud of what "The Communicative Approach to Training Theory" has become. Would you like to read an excerpt that directly involves Omorrow? Enjoy!

“The Bond”
 and the Communicative Approach.

This chapter has been in development for several years, waiting to finally make it into a book. Frankly, it drove me to distraction as I just couldn't seem to get it “Right”. I knew what I wanted to write, but I wanted it to sound less like psycho-babble, and more of what it really is, which is behavioral understanding. Admittedly, I know that this chapter will not be the definitive description of The Bond, as I’m describing it. There’s much more to learn. It’s going to be a life-long pursuit. But if I can start others on this journey of discovery, then I’ll be satisfied. There might very well be others that already recognize the “Bond” themselves. You may have your own description for it, your own way of developing it and that is as it should be. Hopefully this chapter will help someone else find it for themselves and their dog.
I remember the day vividly. It was the first time that I saw “The Bond”, living, breathing, buzzing with a gentle hum. I couldn’t explain it, even if I had known what I was seeing. I’m not saying that I understand it fully even now, but I do “see” it, and my best mentors are teaching me about it. It has been theorized, and I believe substantially “proven”, that dogs are all about emotion, energy and communication. That’s a major part of this “Bond”. But I’m getting the cart before the horse. Come back with me, about 15 years ago, to the beginning of my "real" dog education.
I had already spent 6 months actually visiting German Shepherd breeders in my research. I had driven to, as I recall, 13 different breeders.. During that time, I was not yet shopping. My mission was to meet as many breeders and their dogs as I could, and form my goals clearly. I met many wonderful dogs, two or three very nice breeders, a couple of “questionable” breeders, several breeders that shouldn’t have been breeding, and at least 2 ego-maniacs, with delusions of god-hood. I learned a lot. I also unlearned a lot. (Think, “never judge a book by its cover.”)
One of the breeders that I met came right in the middle of my search, sixth or seventh in line. She was not famous, she didn’t import dogs from the finest Germanic Lines overseas, she had absolutely no pretense about herself. But she did have an encyclopedic knowledge of her dogs and their behavior. Her name was Rhonda, and what I saw at her facility will forever be a part of my own work with dogs. Her farm is located in a rural area, an island in a sea of tall corn, and waving hay fields. There’s a gate to enter as you arrive, and when I passed thru, my car was engulfed by German Shepherds. One or two barks alerted the mistress of the property, but no excessive, anxious carrying on by the 8 German Shepherds now giving my car the 3rd, 4th, and 5th degree. I admit it now, I was hesitant to open the door and get out. I needn’t have worried though, as their leader walked out onto her deck, and without word, the dogs went to her without question or hesitation. They were protective of her, but they also knew that she was here for them. There was nothing to worry about.
Rhonda is a slightly built lady, not imposing in any degree physically. She could be 30 years old, or she could be 60. But to this pack of German Shepherds, she was the center of the universe, and their behavior was controlled by what I can only call her "presence". She talked to them like mature children, and they swirled around her. As our “interview” proceeded, I recall that each dog checked me out individually. I had come here with some very specific needs and wants. I was honest and forthright with my strengths and weaknesses as a dog owner, and what I planned for my prospective dog. While Rhonda listened intently, it was easy to see that she was watching each dog in turn. In hind sight, I think the dogs were talking to her on a whole different level, unheard by me, but about me, nonetheless. To this day, it was one of the strangest experiences that I have felt. And if this sounds somehow fantastic, it’s true. My observations for that first day are still fresh. Rhonda moved about her large property, and the dogs moved with her like a flight of birds. When she sat back in her chair, talking, the dogs showed the exact posture. When she leaned forward to press a question, the dogs followed suit. That was “The Bond” in living, breathing action.
I still had other breeders to visit over the next few weeks, and I saw some very fine dogs. But I found myself comparing every one (dogs AND people) back to those living in that bucolic place, that small farm in the cornfields. I even returned to a couple of those earlier breeders, to use what I had observed. I then returned to Rhonda and made my decision, I would select my dog from her brood.
But that wasn’t the end of my quest. Over the next few weeks, I visited and re-visited. I thought I knew what I wanted, and was convinced. To my surprise, I learned that this wise and experienced dog-person was deciding what I really needed.
I had internally, and prematurely, chosen a pup from a large and curious Black & Tan male, with a beautiful female of similar appearance and temperament. However, on one visit, I was introduced to a large, solid black male. Certainly an imposing, impressive creature. She also introduced me to a young first time bred female, also solid black. Rhonda suggested one of these upcoming pups, certain in her appraisal of me. I was mesmerized by the relationship that existed between her and the big, black, male German Shepherd, named "Blitz", and I began to adjust my thinking. Suffice to say, I listened and trusted. I have never regretted trusting her. That was only my first exposure to “The Bond”, that hidden state of understanding, communication, and even grace, that is achievable with a dog. She knew what I needed, and had the experience to match the dog most suited to me. I am happy to report that nearly a decade later, that dog was my constant shadow, protector, buddy, partner, and friend. He never disappointed me. Even with his sock-thieving antics.

The next time I saw it, was with a small, but energetic fire-ball of a terrier on an agility course. This time I saw it as an identifiable energy between dog and human. As the dog ran the course, there was no talking, no flailing hand signals by the handler. I noticed that the pair were rarely separated at the eyes. They watched one another for instruction, explanation, and yes, celebration. It was uncanny in my thinking, and I knew that I would need to speak with the handler. That took some time, as the duo won everything that day, and were deeply involved in the accolades heaped on them as prizes were handed out. The handler was a very fit lady, 63 years young, well into her second adolescence.
The first question I asked, took her by surprise I think. Usually she hears, “How did you train your dog?” Somehow, I got it right this time, and asked, “What was going on between you and Sammy (the dog) out there?”
She laughed out loud at the question, not rudely, but in relief. “You mean, ‘how does he know what I want him to do?”
“Yes, exactly
you never lost your eye contact with him
It looked like you willed him thru the course.”
“Well, that’s only sort of true
We’ve worked together for 5 years now, and we have a 'connection', I’d call it
Our further conversation revealed that something beyond training” was, and had, been going on for those years. “It’s more than mastering a specific method of training, or strict method. A good trainer will observe the dog, motivate the dog, and allow each dog to be an individual with unique needs. It’s a lot more work than using clickers or food or toys exclusively
but the connection is stronger. It eliminates behavioral problems. You learn it by living with your dog, working with your dog, and understanding where his energies flow most freely. When both dog and handler have matching energy, you have success. But it’s more work than most trainers want to put in, emotionally and time wise.”
It should be re-noted here that I have great admiration for trainers in Agility disciplines. They are unafraid of looking inward for better ways to relate to their dogs and the training needed. The “bond” between dog and handler is paramount to the most successful competitors. So many other dog sports and their trainers, are mired in tradition or “science”. Many, (certainly not all), practitioners of Protection sports and the like, look longingly to the past for training methods. Aggressively punitive methods, and poor use of wonderful tools that are available. Many such dogs spend more time in kennels and crates because they are unable to socialize out of fear that they will harm someone. But it’s being proven time and time again that such dogs can be perfectly capable not only of “Family” life, but being walked in public. Such dogs are competitively successful, and well-liked and trusted out in the community. Because the trainers/owners/handlers are using “relationship” as part of their program. Building a “Bond” with the dog, not treating them as a tool to be used and put away.


Butler, OH


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