Family Dog Obedience

Family Dog Obedience Puppy & Dog Obedience Training Classes Complete Puppy/AKC STAR puppy classes. Adult dog Basic Manners,Training for the Family dog.

Also offering Agility for fun, CGC & Therapy Dog Training. Versatility classes offer activities from many different dog sports. Building Rentals, and Private lessons offered. Treadmill Training now available. The focus of Family Dog Obedience is to make training fun-as well as help people enjoy their beloved family dog.

August 11, 2015. 9 years and 1 day ago. Wow, we've come a LONG way! Most of the stuffed dogs are still working at FDO, s...

August 11, 2015. 9 years and 1 day ago. Wow, we've come a LONG way! Most of the stuffed dogs are still working at FDO, sadly, Cedar, Spice and Rumble are waiting at the bridge for me to join them someday. But, they had their time in the spotlight and were a very important part of the building up the business, process. I miss them terribly, but the new crew is doing a great job, Demo, Brava, & Cricket. (Captain gets honorable mention)
For those of you that don't realize, this is the area where all the crates are now, up front, with the storage area above.

What a great experience it has been, to build FDO from the 'ground floor" up. I am thankful and grateful for all that have stepped through our doors, some have traveled on, and some have stayed. You ALL have been FAMILY to me.

From purchase date of May 2015, to this picture in August of 2015, I had the pleasure of meeting so many awesome people that helped get this rolling. Many of them/you are still active at FDO.

Super cool
I am blessed!

Next puppy class "CORTADO"Cortado GroupPuppies need to be 12 weeks old by August 10. Because of this hybrid format, you ...

Next puppy class "CORTADO"
Cortado Group
Puppies need to be 12 weeks old by August 10. Because of this hybrid format, you can start homeschooling with them even as early as 9 weeks of age!
Registration is due by 3:00 pm on Monday July 15, 2024.
More information and your first lessons will be emailed once registration closes.
The first email includes a shopping reference guide, your first “puppy management” homework, and the first lesson teaching focus & attention – an IMPORTANT BASIC SKILL.
The three scheduled IN-PERSON classes will be held on SATURDAYS on the following days: August 10, September 7, & September 28.
TWO class times will be offered on those dates – 10:00 am or 1:15 pm. Please specify if you have a preference when you register, or if you are able to do either time. If not enough students select one time or the other, students will be offered ONE class time at instructors discretion.
Email lessons will be sent before and during/in between those dates to keep students moving forward with lessons.
This puppy class format runs for approximately 10 weeks.
Class sizes are limited to 10 maximum to allow for personal attention.
After each in-person class, a personalized recap of what was accomplished is sent to students, with notes about what needs more work depending on your particular class activities.
This hybrid style of the class has been very successful so far for the previous classes that have enrolled. It IS a lot of work, but the results are AMAZING. We are trying to keep dogs in training, increase social skills for the puppies, and keep in mind the safety of all.
Please use the form from the website to sign up. All payments will be held until the first lessons are sent. Class fee is $165 for the complete series of lessons and classes.

Happy Independence day everyone!  Remember to keep your pups safe in the upcoming days, and keep ID on them.  Also a pot...

Happy Independence day everyone! Remember to keep your pups safe in the upcoming days, and keep ID on them. Also a potty break BEFORE the fireworks start can prevent them from being startled! I see a lot of puppies that don't want to go out in the dark after July 4th, and I believe that is why!

Sneak Preview next puppy class "CORTADO"Cortado GroupPuppies need to be 12 weeks old by August 10. Because of this hybri...

Sneak Preview next puppy class "CORTADO"
Cortado Group
Puppies need to be 12 weeks old by August 10. Because of this hybrid format, you can start homeschooling with them even as early as 9 weeks of age!
Registration is due by 3:00 pm on Monday July 15, 2024.
More information and your first lessons will be emailed once registration closes.
The first email includes a shopping reference guide, your first “puppy management” homework, and the first lesson teaching focus & attention – an IMPORTANT BASIC SKILL.
The three scheduled IN-PERSON classes will be held on SATURDAYS on the following days: August 10, September 7, & September 28.
TWO class times will be offered on those dates – 10:00 am or 1:15 pm. Please specify if you have a preference when you register, or if you are able to do either time. If not enough students select one time or the other, students will be offered ONE class time at instructors discretion.
Email lessons will be sent before and during/in between those dates to keep students moving forward with lessons.
This puppy class format runs for approximately 10 weeks.
Class sizes are limited to 10 maximum to allow for personal attention.
After each in-person class, a personalized recap of what was accomplished is sent to students, with notes about what needs more work depending on your particular class activities.
This hybrid style of the class has been very successful so far for the previous classes that have enrolled. It IS a lot of work, but the results are AMAZING. We are trying to keep dogs in training, increase social skills for the puppies, and keep in mind the safety of all.
Please use the form from the website to sign up. All payments will be held until the first lessons are sent. Class fee is $165 for the complete series of lessons and classes.

Just a friendly reminder that even the most simple things, like having a bone to chew on, can become much more serious q...

Just a friendly reminder that even the most simple things, like having a bone to chew on, can become much more serious quickly. Thankfully the dog is okay!

Jake’s mom was kind enough to let us use this picture as a PSA.
Jake managed to get this bone around his lower jaw and for a little while his tongue was trapped under it also. He was pretty uncomfortable and was pawing at his mouth causing some bleeding of his mouth and tongue.
We sedated him and fortunately were able to remove it relatively easily.

Please be careful what you give your dogs to chew!

Just a PSA and awareness that even the most simple thing, like chewing a bone, can become much more complicated. Thankfu...

Just a PSA and awareness that even the most simple thing, like chewing a bone, can become much more complicated. Thankfully the dog is okay!

Jake’s mom was kind enough to let us use this picture as a PSA.
Jake managed to get this bone around his lower jaw and for a little while his tongue was trapped under it also. He was pretty uncomfortable and was pawing at his mouth causing some bleeding of his mouth and tongue.
We sedated him and fortunately were able to remove it relatively easily.

Please be careful what you give your dogs to chew!

Please be sure to keep your dogs safe in all this heat!  Leave them home unless it is absolutely necessary for them to g...

Please be sure to keep your dogs safe in all this heat! Leave them home unless it is absolutely necessary for them to go to the vet, etc.

I actually had a 'confrontation' last week, with a guy in Lowes parking lot, that had his dog in the car. Poor thing was barking and scratching at the windows, which were down about 3 inches each, but that is not enough. Sadly, Lowe's is a dog friendly place, he could have easily just taken his dog in! I was on the phone with authorities when he returned to his car. I was timing his absence, it was over 14 minutes. And he had the nerve to yell at Me!

Anyways, heat stroke can happen very quickly, and even while swimming if the water is too warm. Its also that time of year that you have to watch for Algae blooms in lakes/ponds.

There is lots of info out there if you want to learn more, but the AKC has a nice bit of info for you, I have copied the link below.

Have a Great day!

Dogs are notoriously bad at dissipating body heat. Watch for early signs of heatstroke, also known as hyperthermia, in your dog to avoid serious outcomes.

I am not sure EXACTLY what went wrong today, but Brava was running and running, for only  about 20 minutes, she was chas...

I am not sure EXACTLY what went wrong today, but Brava was running and running, for only about 20 minutes, she was chasing barn swallows, but I noticed she didn't look "right" Called her back, she was staggering, heavily panting, and refused to drink water. Air temperature was just 67 degrees, The" support" team went to action slowly pouring cool water on her, added fans and fanned with junk mail I found in my van. I forced some honey into her mouth. It took about 15 minutes for her to stand on her own, Her gums remained pink ( a good thing), and then she was much more like her sassy self. But it was scary!

Had I not been aware, this could have had a much more tragic ending, I believe she was in early stages of heat stroke. In only 66 degrees temperature!

Folks be aware of your dog especially this summer, watch them for signs of unusual behavior, and be proactive! The cool water and fans most likely stopped any further damage to her body.

Yes, heat stroke in semi cool weather is a thing. Brava just proved it today. Pic from another day, just because..............

Sneak Preview upcoming puppy class-Decaf GroupPuppies need to be 12 weeks old by June 8, 2024. Because of this hybrid fo...

Sneak Preview upcoming puppy class-Decaf Group
Puppies need to be 12 weeks old by June 8, 2024. Because of this hybrid format, you can start homeschooling with them even as early as 9 weeks of age!
Registration is due by 3:00 pm on May 13, 2024.
More information and your first lessons will be emailed once registration closes.
The first email includes a shopping reference guide, your first “puppy management” homework, and the first lesson teaching focus & attention – an IMPORTANT BASIC SKILL.
The three scheduled IN-PERSON classes will be held on SATURDAYS on the following days: June 8, June 29, & July 20.
TWO class times will be offered on those dates – 10:00 am or 1:15 pm. Please specify if you have a preference when you register, or if you are able to do either time. If not enough students select one time or the other, students will be offered ONE class time at instructor’s discretion.
Email lessons will be sent before and during/in between those dates to keep students moving forward with lessons.
This puppy class format runs for approximately 10 weeks.
Class sizes are limited to 10 maximum to allow for personal attention.
After each in-person class, a personalized recap of what was accomplished is sent to students, with notes about what needs more work depending on your particular class activities.
This hybrid style of the class has been very successful so far for the previous classes that have enrolled. It IS a lot of work, but the results are AMAZING. We are trying to keep dogs in training, increase social skills for the puppies, and keep in mind the safety of all.
Please use the form from the website to sign up. All payments will be held until the first lessons are sent.

SAVE the Puppy Gym dates(Because of the short notice, this probably won't get published  to website....)Thursday nights ...

SAVE the Puppy Gym dates
(Because of the short notice, this probably won't get published to website....)
Thursday nights 7:00 pm
May 2, 16, 30
$20 Pay as you go.
Different stations/skills will be set up.
If you have questions about this activity, please get in touch with Val.

Sneak Preview upcoming puppy class "DECAF" Puppy.Puppies need to be 12 weeks old by June 8. Because of this hybrid forma...

Sneak Preview upcoming puppy class
"DECAF" Puppy.

Puppies need to be 12 weeks old by June 8. Because of this hybrid format, you can start homeschooling with them even as early as 9 weeks of age!
Registration is due by 3:00 pm on May 13, 2024.
More information and your first lessons will be emailed once registration closes.
The first email includes a shopping reference guide, your first “puppy management” homework, and the first lesson teaching focus & attention – an IMPORTANT BASIC SKILL.
The three scheduled IN-PERSON classes will be held on SATURDAYS on the following days: June 8, June 29, & July 20.
TWO class times will be offered on those dates – 10:00 am or 1:15 pm. Please specify if you have a preference when you register, or if you are able to do either time. If not enough students sign up for one time or the other, they will be merged into one time slot at instructors discretion.
Email lessons will be sent before and during/in between those dates to keep students moving forward with lessons.
This puppy class format runs for approximately 10 weeks.
Class sizes are limited to 10 maximum to allow for personal attention.
After each in-person class, a personalized recap of what was accomplished is sent to students, with notes about what needs more work depending on your particular class activities.
This hybrid style of the class has been very successful so far for the previous classes that have enrolled. It IS a lot of work, but the results are AMAZING. We are trying to keep dogs in training, increase social skills for the puppies, and keep in mind the safety of all.
Please use the form from the website to sign up. All payments will be held until the first lessons are sent.


Yes, there IS Versatility class
Sat April 13.
Sorry for the confusion!


Grad puppy class, I have Beskar, Ace, Hank, Sage and Dozer. Am I missing anyone?


Rally run thrus have been canceled this evening, Thursday 3/21/2024.
Stay tuned for more dates to come.

WEBSITE IS NOT UPDATED YET, BUT HERE IS NEXT PUPPY CLASS"Latte"Latte GroupPuppies need to be 12 weeks old by April 13. B...


Latte Group
Puppies need to be 12 weeks old by April 13. Because of this hybrid format, you can start homeschooling with them even as early as 9 weeks of age!
Registration is due by 3:00 pm on Monday March 18.
More information and your first lessons will be emailed once registration closes.
The first email includes a shopping reference guide, your first “puppy management” homework, and the first lesson teaching focus & attention – an IMPORTANT BASIC SKILL.
The three scheduled IN-PERSON classes will be held on SATURDAYS on the following days: April 13, May 4, June 1.
TWO class times will be offered on those dates – 10:00 am or 1:15 pm. Please specify if you have a preference when you register, or if you are able to do either time. If not enough students sign up for both times, the class time will be 10:00 am
Email lessons will be sent before and during/in between those dates to keep students moving forward with lessons.
This puppy class format runs for approximately 10 weeks.
Class sizes are limited to 10 maximum to allow for personal attention.
After each in-person class, a personalized recap of what was accomplished is sent to students, with notes about what needs more work depending on your particular class activities.
This hybrid style of the class has been very successful so far for the previous classes that have enrolled. It IS a lot of work, but the results are AMAZING. We are trying to keep dogs in training, increase social skills for the puppies, and keep in mind the safety of all.
Please use the form from the website to sign up. All payments will be held until the first lessons are sent

I'm still working on Puppy Gym options/dates....stay tuned.

I'm still working on Puppy Gym options/dates....stay tuned.

Sneak Preview, next Puppy class"Latte"Latte GroupPuppies need to be 12 weeks old by April 13. Because of this hybrid for...

Sneak Preview, next Puppy class
Latte Group
Puppies need to be 12 weeks old by April 13. Because of this hybrid format, you can start homeschooling with them even as early as 9 weeks of age!
Registration is due by 3:00 pm on Monday March 18.
More information and your first lessons will be emailed once registration closes.
The first email includes a shopping reference guide, your first “puppy management” homework, and the first lesson teaching focus & attention – an IMPORTANT BASIC SKILL.
The three scheduled IN-PERSON classes will be held on SATURDAYS on the following days: April 13, May 4, June 1.
TWO class times will be offered on those dates – 10:00 am or 1:15 pm. Please specify if you have a preference when you register, or if you are able to do either time. If not enough students sign up for both times, the class time will be 10:00 am
Email lessons will be sent before and during/in between those dates to keep students moving forward with lessons.
This puppy class format runs for approximately 10 weeks.
Class sizes are limited to 10 maximum to allow for personal attention.
After each in-person class, a personalized recap of what was accomplished is sent to students, with notes about what needs more work depending on your particular class activities.
This hybrid style of the class has been very successful so far for the previous classes that have enrolled. It IS a lot of work, but the results are AMAZING. We are trying to keep dogs in training, increase social skills for the puppies, and keep in mind the safety of all.
Please use the form from the website to sign up. All payments will be held until the first lessons are sent


Working on the schedule for the next Puppy Class, it should be announced this week.


Cappuccino Puppy registration due by 3:00 on Monday, Feb 19....

Snapped some great pictures from Versatility class today, during the STAYS part.  Great job everyone!  Sorry some of the...

Snapped some great pictures from Versatility class today, during the STAYS part. Great job everyone! Sorry some of them the dogs look like it was nap time! What a wonderful day at FDO. It was great to be back in person!

All are welcome this evening for AKC Rally run thrus. If you are thinking it’s something you might want to try stop over...

All are welcome this evening for AKC Rally run thrus. If you are thinking it’s something you might want to try stop over and learn.

Update: March 21 Run thrus are cancelled. Please check back for future dates.

WHAT: Rally Run Throughs
WHEN: Friday February 9 & Thursday March 21
TIME: 6:00-9:00? Pm
WHERE: Family Dog Obedience,
1698 North Main St Ext, Butler 16001

Offerings for Masters/Advanced/Excellent nested courses. Rally Run Throughs are $6 the first run, and $4 each addition run per person/dog. These dates work PERFECTLY to offer practice for the upcoming Rally trials.

Run Throughs-it is advisable to email either Misty [email protected], or Pam at [email protected] so activities can be planned.
Instructors/Ring advisors will be Pam R**e, and Misty Black, both handlers have trained their dogs through RACH level.

I especially like the first suggestion, PLAN AHEAD, as in don’t just go blindly into a situation and “see what happens”....

I especially like the first suggestion, PLAN AHEAD, as in don’t just go blindly into a situation and “see what happens”. That is almost always a recipe for failure.

✨🙅‍♂️ 100% force-free, reward-based training philosophy
🌟🤝 Lifetime access to course materials and trainer support


✨🙅‍♂️ 100% force-free, reward-based training philosophy
🌟🤝 Lifetime access to course materials and trainer support

Sneak Preview Watermelon Puppy class-WATERMELON puppyPuppies need to be 12 weeks old by September 9, and can be up to 10...

Sneak Preview Watermelon Puppy class-WATERMELON puppy
Puppies need to be 12 weeks old by September 9, and can be up to 10 months old by that date. Because of the design of this hybrid format, you can start homeschooling with them even as early as 9 weeks of age!
Registration is due by 3:00 pm on August 14.
More information and your first lessons will be emailed once registration closes.
The first email includes a shopping reference guide, your first “puppy management” homework, and the first lesson teaching focus & attention – an IMPORTANT BASIC SKILL.
The three scheduled IN-PERSON classes will be held on SATURDAYS on the following days: September 9, September 30, & October 21. If registrations reach 10+ people, TWO class times will be offered on those dates-10:00 am or 1:15 pm. Please specify if you have a preference when you register, or else we will just have the 10:00 time.
Email lessons will be sent before and during/in between those dates to keep students moving forward with lessons.
This puppy class format runs for approximately 10 weeks.
Class sizes are limited to 10 maximum to allow for personal attention.
After each in-person class, a personalized recap of what was accomplished is sent to students, with notes about what needs more work depending on your particular class activities.
This hybrid style of the class has been very successful so far for the previous classes that have enrolled. It IS a lot of work, but the results are AMAZING. We are trying to keep dogs in training, increase social skills for the puppies, and keep in mind the safety of all.
Registrations are now being accepted and will be confirmed after the deadline. Please use the form from the website to sign up. All payments will be held until the first lessons are sent.
This class will fill quickly, PLEASE get registration forms in early to secure a spot.
Facebook-Family Dog Obedience


Events Flyer for the Butler shows.

Congratulations to team Charlotte, Roxy, and Denali for passing their Pet Partners evaluations tonight at FDO.  Special ...

Congratulations to team Charlotte, Roxy, and Denali for passing their Pet Partners evaluations tonight at FDO. Special thanks to Janet our evaluator, and the 'crowd" of Janet, Amy, Mary, Tara, Sandy, and our neutral dog/owner Clancy/Randy for being a part of it all. It takes a village, and you folks certainly do provide the village. It was a very pleasant evening spent with great people.

Image is a 'stock photo" but one of the teams that passed the test tonight is a Brown Newfie. Oh the lucky people she will get to visit!

Sneak Preview Watermelon Puppy class-WATERMELON puppyPuppies need to be 12 weeks old by September 9, and can be up to 10...

Sneak Preview Watermelon Puppy class-WATERMELON puppy

Puppies need to be 12 weeks old by September 9, and can be up to 10 months old by that date. Because of the design of this hybrid format, you can start homeschooling with them even as early as 9 weeks of age!
Registration is due by 3:00 pm on August 14.
More information and your first lessons will be emailed once registration closes.
The first email includes a shopping reference guide, your first “puppy management” homework, and the first lesson teaching focus & attention – an IMPORTANT BASIC SKILL.

The three scheduled IN-PERSON classes will be held on SATURDAYS on the following days: September 9, September 30, & October 21. If registrations reach 10+ people, TWO class times will be offered on those dates-10:00 am or 1:15 pm. Please specify if you have a preference when you register, or else we will just have the 10:00 time.

Email lessons will be sent before and during/in between those dates to keep students moving forward with lessons.
This puppy class format runs for approximately 10 weeks.
Class sizes are limited to 10 maximum to allow for personal attention.

After each in-person class, a personalized recap of what was accomplished is sent to students, with notes about what needs more work depending on your particular class activities.
This hybrid style of the class has been very successful so far for the previous classes that have enrolled. It IS a lot of work, but the results are AMAZING. We are trying to keep dogs in training, increase social skills for the puppies, and keep in mind the safety of all.
Registrations are now being accepted and will be confirmed after the deadline. Please use the form from the website to sign up. All payments will be held until the first lessons are sent.
This class will fill quickly, PLEASE get registration forms in early to secure a spot.

Facebook-Family Dog Obedience



1698 N Main Street Ext
Butler, PA


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Our Story

Complete Puppy/AKC STAR puppy classes. Adult dog Basic Manners,Training for the Family dog. Also offering Agility for fun, CGC & Therapy Dog Training. Versatility classes offer activities from many different dog sports. Building Rentals, and Private lessons offered. Treadmill Training now available. The focus of Family Dog Obedience is to make training fun-as well as help people enjoy their beloved family dog.