This Pet Post is all about Jinx!
Jinx is one of the girls belonging to Rachel Falls, and is such a sweetheart!
Out of the three of them, Jinx can be the most reserved sometimes. She's not too big on cuddles, but does enjoy the occasional pet. She always greeted me in the kitchen, and would happily accept a few head scratches.
Jinx loves to watch her siblings, especially her sister Ruby. Throughout the visits, it seemed that Jinx enjoyed watching Ruby play more than playing herself, though sometimes she would get involved too.
During my visits she could be found lounging around the living room. More often than not she would be either under something, or beside the wall, getting a good view of everything.
Rachel, thank you again for letting me care for your sweet cats and for allowing me to share each of them here! I absolutely adore them and cannot wait to visit again!