Update on all the available babies.
These are the ones that will be available at the Jacksonville expo on Dec. 7 and 8, and will also be available by contacting me through private message.
*Edit: T4 is pastel banana super black pastel het pied.
I accidentally say she is super banana in the video. 🤷♂️
Cutting the sole survivor of Clutch 24-K. Final egg of the season and I'll be transparent with you, I'm worried about this little guy..... 🤞🙏
Cutting our biggest clutch of the year, and the final full clutch of the season, Clutch 24-I (Ifrit x Quarry).
If you like highway ball pythons, you're sure to like this clutch :)
Update on the babies of Clutch 24-A, before any more of them leave us.
Cutting Clutch 24-T (Twilight X Stain'd).
Twilight never disappoints, and adding banana black pewter pied definitely didn't hurt. These will be some beauties. 😁
One last update on the babies of Clutch 24-Q, as Q1 will be leaving us today.
Pulling the last clutch of the year, Clutch 24-K (Kali X Tyrian).
Clutch 24-G babies update.
Should have posted this yesterday but better late than never. :)
Pulling Clutch 24-I (Ifrit X Quarry) this morning.
Cutting Clutch 24-A (Amber X Bryan IV) 7-17-24
It looks like we finally have an answer on the granite line I've been working with.
Cutting Clutch 24-Q (Queso X Stain'd) and a post-cutting update the following day.
These will be spectacular when they hatch out......