What a fantastic idea! A summer camp sharing Wisdom and Innocence!
World First Month Long Children's since 2013 at our Assisted Living Elder Care Home ! Bringing generations Together!
Our for children was held from 2nd May 2017 to 27th May 2017... Its part of a brilliant movement to bring the young and old together! Around 75 Kids participated with great support from Intern students of SVT College of Home Science (SNDT), Mamta Mishra , Mr. Felix, Dr. Madhavi, Jenet Faras Jennifer D'mello Mi Mona Renu Jain and Ramaa Subramaniam for social media and all staff and management of A1snehanjali
Combining Elder Care Home and Children’s Summer Camp has unbelievable benefit, there’s never a dull moment at this. For kids, spending time with the elderly can improve anxiety level, self esteem . For it slows mental and physical decline and also helps prevent with activity.
If you think Old Age Homes / Elder Home, Care Homes, where elderly people are alone, face health problems, depression and loneliness, this will take you to a new world of Inter Generation.
Today 27th May 2017, as we proceed to the last day of summer camp 2017... the sweet echoes which lingers deep down in the heart...
Camp is where I learned about me, facing fears, trying new things, pushing my boundaries and accepting MYSELF.. This summer camp..... I have got new lease of life...
A 360 degree change in concept of Elder Care home.... It happens only at elder care home... A project of
Summer camp 2017 .... A step towards Generation United
Our step towards Society For All Ages... Our philosophy a way forward for Age and Dementia Friendly Society
All pictures copyright of Silver innings