K9 Molly’s unofficial 50 round challenge! Her unofficial time (because I broke the rules and stepped into the box) was 19:45. Here are the rules, pace out and mark a 10 yard x 10 yd.² square. Have somebody go into the middle of the Square with a fresh box of 50 rounds and throw them straight up into the air letting them fall wherever they might. Send the dog from outside the square, the handler is not allowed to go into the Square and start the timer. The 50 round challenge is to time how quickly the dog can identify all 50 rounds. With each alert, the helper needs to go in and pick up the round that was identified.
Let me know if you have any questions. To participate, you need to record the video on a Instagram live and tag me. Winner gets bragging rights, the competition is ongoing so you can participate as many times as you’d like.
#50RoundChallenge #FirearmsDetectionDog #DetectionDogTraining #50reps #TrainTheTrainer #TrainYourDog #HuffmanK9Obedience
Jax: The GOAT 🐐
Jax has produced an incredible legacy—his puppies have gone on to become patrol dogs, FEMA disaster dogs, narcotics detection dogs, explosive and firearms detection dogs, personal protection dogs, and amazing family companions.
But Jax isn’t just a top producer—his own career speaks for itself. He holds certifications in explosive and firearms detection, tracking and trailing, and patrol work, and he also serves as a therapy and protection dog for survivors of human trafficking.
At 9 ½ years old, he’s still going strong, and we’re heading in for another explosives detection recertification on the 24th alongside our teammates. Strangely enough, he doesn’t look a day over six.
I’m beyond grateful for this dog. He’s my ride or die, a cornerstone of my businesses, and he’s pulled me out of tough spots more than once. Most importantly he protects my family… my daughter. Jax is my GOAT.
#workingdog #belgianmalinois #detectiondog #k9unit #explosivedetection #patroldog #searchandrescue #protector #jax #trainyourdog #trainthetrainer #huffmank9obedience
Super fast video, cold day battery died. Just wanted to get it posted. Thanks for watching! #DetectionDog #TrainTheTrainer #TrainYourDog #huffmank9obedience
E collar fundamentals, first day that Lester is on an E collar. He did exceptionally well, figuring it out and only one or two tries. We will continue to use E collar with him to build obedience and control and also apply pressure to increase drive and motivation for other More advanced behaviors like detection. Because he is aggressive, control, and obedience is going to be critical to his rehab rehabilitation.
Hopefully everyone enjoyed this, if you want to find the complete description on E color use please log onto my website at huffmank9.com and purchase the webinar out of the shop section.
#ECollarTraining #BlackLab #Obedience #Control #ReactiveDogRehabilitation #LabsOfInstagram #DetectionDog #ExplosiveOrdinanceDetectionDog #DetectionDogTraining #TrainYourDog #TrainTheTrainer #HuffmanK9Obedience.
Just some play based and toy reward detection today. Up until this point we have been doing food base reward, and even though we will continue doing food reward, I also want him to be capable of being rewarded with toys as we move towards operationally ready deployment.
#DetectionDog #ReactiveDogRehabRehabilitation #BombDog #DetectionDogTraining #TrainTheTrainer #TrainYourDog #huffmank9obedience
Turns out, duck just needed a sharp, accurate, poignant, and concise correction. This one honestly is still a difficult one because the behavior that he was exhibiting was licking the hide right before he alerted on it. I was really hesitant to correct the licking because he would also be corrected off of the odor itself. Accuracy was everything and I feel like I was off in my timing by about a 10th of a second, and that was pretty significant. That said, he seemed to begin to figure it out in terms of what I wanted and what I didn’t.
#DetectionDog #FirearmsDetectionDog #TrainYourDog #TrainTheTrainer #huffmank9obedience
K-9 and Molly on MDMA, marijuana, methamphetamines, and fentanyl. Quite the party. Overall, she did really well, learned that odor exists and seems she did really well once she hit odor and gave good strong walk ups with good obedience to odor. Overall, very happy
#DetectionDog #NarcoticsDetectionDog #TrainYourDog #TrainTheTrainer #huffmank9obedience
Old man, Jax, consistent and predictable. Sorry you guys had to see me torment my wife. Welcome to my world.
Hopefully you guys enjoy seeing all these dogs get worked. This is what my day off look like. All dogs gotta eat, and when you have them eating an odor, this is what dinner time is all about. Find odor get to eat.
#DetectionDog #BombDog #TrainTheTrainer #TrainYourDog #huffmank9obedience
Lester did really well today, for unique novel problems. Some more elevated than he has been given before. Two vehicles and interior room and a lawnmower.
Working on dynamite, PETN, HMTD and potassium chlorate.
I was very happy with his TFR, still have some work to do on discipline odor, but for a dog that has been training for only six weeks, I couldn’t be happier.
#DetectionDog #BombDog #TrainTheTrainer #TrainYourDog #HuffmanK9Obedience
Here comes the rooster…. Yeah yeah!
#notdogstuff #thesongfits #trainyourchicken #trainthetrainer #huffmank9obedience
Molly did OK today, not great. Wish I saw some better odor recognition but we all have off days. Keep training even through the ups and downs.
#Molly #DetectionDogTraining #NarcoticsDetectionDog #TrainTheTrainer #TrainYourDog #HuffmanK9Obedience