In back field to bring in the horses and notice this Coyote just checking me out. We stared at each other a bit. My phone couldn't really focus on it and then I feel a breathe on my back - Athena had come up behind me and Ali was on my other side ❤🐎
Some pics as the rain passed 🐎❤
What a beautiful day 🌞🐎 Hope you all got out and enjoyed it ❤
Such a peaceful morning, before the rain started - Happy to see the rain tho too 🐴❤
If ever in Bahamas, checkout Blue Lagoon island and their dolphin encounters ❤ Swim, hug and kiss one of these sea babes
Loving this sunny day like...
When you gotta be like the big boys - Ride'em cowboy!
Welcome to Twos A Team beautiful mustang mare!
Beautiful night for some pics ❤