Owyn's ultrasound was negative for puppies. đź’”We'll have to wait until next year but meanwhile; let me brag a little on her OFA testing!
Golden Retrievers are prone to certain diseases, and Owyn has been cleared of all of them (plus over 200 diseases common to all dogs). She's not only a beautiful girl, but she is also very healthy. While genetics don't always promise long life for a dog, you can be sure that a puppy from Tux Goldens will start with every advantage available to us.
OFA is the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals www.ofa.org. They maintain a database of genetically proven dogs and is highly regarded by breeders and knowledgeable puppy buyers. You can search BEX Red Girl Owyn to see the results yourself. Before you buy a Golden, please ask to see the parent's OFA certificates!