Without these people the track would not exist. The track is a 1-mile long course with a wide range of obstacles that are safe but challenging for all ages and skill levels. There is a 30 man backward falling starting gate that sends the riders into a 90 degree left hand turn, followed by numerous doubles, triples, tabletops, and whoops. The track provides a nice mix of rhythm sections and several
fast outdoor style sections. The track is 100% viewable from the many sets of bleachers along the fence. The location of the track provides many amenities within 1/2 mile of the track. Fill up with gas, wash your bike, get something to eat at a nice restaraunt, and get a motel within a 1/2 mile of the track. There is also a full concession stand open at each race that provides excellent food at reasonable prices. The staff at Playground Motocross is well known for exceptional track prep and striving to provide the best possible track conditons every time the gates are opened. We invite you see for yourself what all the hype is about. Please be sure to stop and introduce yourself as we enjoy meeting all newcomers. (Track Rules)
No Alcohol or Drugs allowed on premises
Helmets required at all times
All bikes must have a practice sticker before entering the track
First gear at an idle in the pits at all times. "NO EXCEPTIONS"
No spectators allowed on the track during events with the exception of the 50cc class. One parent per 50cc rider allowed on the track during their moto. All pets must be on a leash at all times
Anyone under age 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian
(Track ScheduleTrack Schedule)
Practice Dates -- Gates open 9:00 a.m. Sept 11th 10:00-2:00
**Please watch site for added practice dates**
Practice Fees:
Spectators- $3
Riders- $15
(Race Dates)
-Gates open 7:00 a.m./ Sign-ins 8:30, prac. 9:30
**Four-States Showdown** Year long Series
-All races count toward total points
-Must race 5 out of 6 to qualify
Race Day Fees:
Gate fee - $8 Series races $10
Entry fee per class- $30 first class, $20 second class, $10 third class "Same rider"
Driving Directions
From Kansas City
•Take 71 hwy to Carthage
•Take HH hwy / Fir Rd exit
•Turn left and head east 1-mile to stop light
•Go straight thru light track is 1/2 mile on right hand side
•Minors Must have signed release! From I-44
•North on 71 hwy to Carthage
•Take HH hwy/Fir Rd exit
•Turn right and head east 1-mile to stop light
•Go straight thru light track is 1/2 mile on right hand side
•Minors Must have signed release! (Class List)
•50 4-6
•50 7-8
•50 open
•65 6-8
•65 9-11
•65 open
•85 8-11
•85 12-16
•85 open
•125 beg
•125 nov
•250 beg
•250 nov
• +25
•open Intermediate (125/250)
•125/250 Pro-Am ( Expert & Intermediate combined)
•**** Pro-Am pays 100%*****
Intermediates will receive winnings in form of gift certificates to the track.