Red Dog Lawn care & Ext. Remodeling
call today we make sure to arrive in the same week we offer great pricing and removal of branches or fallen trees. Dont hesitate and have those fallen
branches or treez in your property let
Red dog lawm care & Ext. Remodeling handle the hard work.
CALL TODAY. 217-766-8157
Spent some time with the wife working on this gutter cleaning for this Fall
Starting Price: $119
Family Owned Business
Red Dog Community
Red Dog Mowing & Landscaping Seasonal Clean up
Raking, bagging, and hauling? We’ve got it covered. Let Red Dog Mowing & Landscaping keep your yard spotless this fall and you get ready for Christmas.
Happy Holidays from your favorite dog
Tobi the Red Dog🐶🐶
Beautiful railroad retaining wall. Thanks to our employees for getting the job done.