Top dog training books on Amazon. Jean Donaldson, founder of The Academy for Dog Trainers, and 2 fellow graduates from The Academy for Dog Trainers. I am proud of my education.
I'm very happy to report that right on Amazon Canada, Bark! is the number 1 hot new release in dog training (and at no 2 in dog training in general). But there's more to this! Look at my fellow Academy grad Emily Priestley of Wild at Heart Dog Training & Behaviour Consulting 's new book, Reactivity in Herding Breed Dogs, at no 2 in the new releases. And who do we have at no 5? None other than Jean Donaldson of The Academy for Dog Trainers . So we have the director and two graduates of the Academy in this top 5. Just amazing. And great news for dogs because it's so, so important for dog guardians to read books that recommend modern, kind, humane dog training methods. Thanks to everyone for your support of Bark!
Get Bark! from:
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3BKVUaM
Bookshop (US): https://bookshop.org/lists/books-by-zazie-todd-phd
Black Bond Books (Canada): https://blackbondbooks.com/item/AS48k97jmWMuhAct2aY-2A
UK Bookshop: https://uk.bookshop.org/lists/books-by-zazie-todd-phd..or wherever you like to buy books.