Tucker K-9 Search & Rescue

Tucker K-9 Search & Rescue Tucker K-9 Search & Rescue reserves the right to decide on the care and placement of all strays.

THIS is an understatement of the meaning behind “a picture is worth a thousand words”.

THIS is an understatement of the meaning behind “a picture is worth a thousand words”.

Wishing everyone a very HAPPY NEW YEAR but PLEASE keep your pets inside and SAFE! Fireworks have already started and bel...

Wishing everyone a very HAPPY NEW YEAR but PLEASE keep your pets inside and SAFE!
Fireworks have already started and believe us when we say you don’t want to have to call us and go thru such a stressful ordeal of having a lost and frightened beloved pet on the streets or in the woods. Some pets don’t make it back and that always guts us to our core and seeing owners who are completely devastated 💔
Keep them indoors tonight it’s just not worth the risk!

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas! We’re still working around the clock trying to get some wayward furkids home safe… ho...

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas!
We’re still working around the clock trying to get some wayward furkids home safe… hoping & praying for a good outcome tonight!

OTIS the Poodle is SAFE! Poor Otis didn’t realize he was in good hands when he je**ed himself free from his leash and co...

OTIS the Poodle is SAFE!
Poor Otis didn’t realize he was in good hands when he je**ed himself free from his leash and collar upon arrival to his rescuer’s home.
Otis’s owner had sadly fallen ill and had to surrender him as he could no longer care for him. Otis didn’t understand this and he didn’t know that help had arrived and he was going to be taken care of and a new family would be found that would be great for him and honor the wishes of his previous owner.
He was so terrified, not knowing where he was or any of the people that were trying to coax him to them. These poor animals if only they could talk and know how much they are cared for and realize during these situations that intentions are good 😞
Otis thankfully didn’t go far and had formed a pattern that he seemed to be sticking with. This was good but also unfortunately part of his loop included running up and down and crossing a heavily traveled road. Otis at one point came back to the start, jumped into the fenced yard he had fled from but once he saw humans he was gone again.
Lots of calls were coming in with sightings of Otis and this was crucial Information that gave us the insight on where to place traps accordingly. We kept hearing horns blowing, tires screeching and we even heard a yelp at one point so we knew we were on borrowed time and if we didn’t catch this fellow quickly it wasn’t going to end well.
Crazy things happen sometimes when we’re trapping but you know you’ve chosen the right spot for a trap when in the pitch black darkness you hear something running straight towards you and then suddenly 10 ft away it stops and freezes! We dropped to our knees and froze also… it was indeed Otis! He paused for a few seconds then turned and ran, stopped again, paused, then ran straight for the busy road. We saw headlights coming and there wasn’t anything we could do but hope and pray… thankfully Otis appeared to have ran along side of the road and didn’t try to cross! This was an earth shaking moment for us but we carried on and baited the trap and area with grilled steak that his rescuer had prepared for the trap.
So of course this steak smelled so good we had to test it ourselves to be sure it tasted good 😋 and I ain’t gonna lie this was around 10 pm and we had not even had lunch or dinner yet so Otis you’re double lucky because your delicious steak was hard to resist!
AND apparently he thought so as well because it wasn’t long before Otis was in the trap!
HAPPY TAILS for Otis! 🐾❤️🐾
NOTE: His rescuers spent the whole next day earning his trust and teaching him to be comfortable on a leash. He was trembling with fear in the beginning but with a lot of TLC by the end of the day he was doing much better. ❤️

Wishing the other half of Tucker K-9 Search & Rescue Kelly Chatman a very Happy  Birthday! Thank you for being my ride o...

Wishing the other half of Tucker K-9 Search & Rescue Kelly Chatman a very Happy Birthday!
Thank you for being my ride or die partner! 🐾❤️🐾

ICE in NORTH LAKE area of Charlotte NC is SAFE! This sweet boy, named Ice, bolted from his pet sitter 5 weeks ago after ...

ICE in NORTH LAKE area of Charlotte NC is SAFE!

This sweet boy, named Ice, bolted from his pet sitter 5 weeks ago after being startled by a dump truck.
Ice being skittish already, unknowingly retreated to a nearby wooded area. He had vanished and his owners had no clue where he had gone or where to look for him.

Lost dogs are scared dogs, very confused, and it doesn’t take long for survival mode to set in and that’s when they become masters of elusive behaviors, reverting back to their basic survival instincts which puts them into a feral state of mind.
Nobody’s going to catch a feral dog or even get too close as many of you have already experienced this… and it’s very hard for an owner to see their beloved pet running away from them and totally not recognizing them. So once a dog hits this mode it’s usually best to try and contain by trapping, otherwise you’ll risk putting them on the run again. When a dog has found an area and somewhat settled in that particular area that’s when trapping is needed and almost always successful.
When we got the call about Ice it was from a homeowner reaching out for help… she explained “there has been a poodle looking dog coming out of the woods for over two weeks into my backyard”
She didn’t know who’s dog it was but she knew it needed help so she began leaving food and water out and Ice visited multiple times day and night but would run at the sight of anything, humans and even deer, everything scared him. We immediately agreed to help this dog and on our way there we searched lost & found sites and found a PawBoost post of a dog in this same area, fitting this description. We got in contact with the owner right away and she was very excited about the news. We explained what was going on and what needed to be done to get Ice safely contained. She wanted to come out but we knew this would be detrimental because Ice was so deep in survival mode.
Jordan, Ice’s mom trusted us, blind faith with two people she had never met but she put her complete trust in us. What we expected to be a one and done became pretty grueling and it took us 4 nights to capture Ice. He was too big for our traps so we had to set up a kennel and of course he was very afraid of this big cage. We literally had to lay out a smorgasbord to get him to cave and go into the kennel 😋
Ice finally worked up his nerve and went in and is now safe and has been reunited with his family. Huge thank you to the folks who kept him fed and reached out for help and let us have full access to their property to make this a successful mission!
Kindness is everything so thank you! You saved his life by keeping him settled and not out running the roads having to search for food!
Happy tails for the handsome Ice man ❤️
Tucker K-9 Search & Rescue
~ Teresa & Kelly 🐾🇺🇸🐾

To say this girl had us all on the verge of losing our minds wound be an understatement! What a whirlwind of a Rescue!! ...

To say this girl had us all on the verge of losing our minds wound be an understatement! What a whirlwind of a Rescue!!
Blondie pulled out of her collar while on a potty break a week ago today. We got the call right away and immediately set a trap in the foster’s yard. Blondie stayed near the foster home all afternoon and visited the trap a few times but the stars were just not aligned and every time something would spook her away. We had high hopes of catching her during the night when all went quiet, but that didn’t happen and then Blondie seemed to have just vanished.
We left the trap set all week in hopes she would come back and when she didn’t we had those thoughts the normal fears of all the things that could have gone gravely wrong. Blondie was injured already, the coyotes were highly active in the woods that she kept going into that day, the busy roads right outside of the neighborhood… anytime a pet goes missing these are some of our biggest worries but we never give up hope or stop looking.
HSUC folks hung posters and searched tirelessly for Blondie. Nikkie, Gretchen, Laura thank you so much for all of your help!
The signage paid off yesterday afternoon when we got the first call of a confirmed sighting. We were eating a late lunch 30 minutes away so we jumped up from the table, paid our bill and was on the road to try and save Blondie. She was in a very dangerous, high traffic area (Lawyers Rd & Stevens Mill Rd intersection) in the middle of rush hour traffic. More calls were coming in all from same area. We got eyes on Blondie and when we saw where she was our hearts sank! We knew instantly that this was going to be an extremely delicate mission to not only capture her but keep her safe while doing it. She was only 10 ft from busy Lawyers Rd, sitting against the privacy fence at the top of the embankment and contemplating crossing. She had already done this at least once, our first caller saw her run across and saw how lucky she got!
So we decided to set a trap at the end of the fence that lead into someone’s yard as we knew this was the safest choice because the other end of the fence lead to the intersection. The fence curved just enough so she couldn’t see or hear us and this gave us a good opportunity to sneak a trap into hopefully the right spot. We then drove past her slowly and tossed a few pieces of chicken. She was hungry and went for it right away. We kept looping around as Laura was parked across the street watching from a distance and being our spotter. I think we made this loop at least 7 times tossing chicken to her and trying to get her to follow the food trail. She just about gave us a heart attack a few times as she came down the embankment and we were trying to get back to her thru all the traffic to toss more chicken to keep her up by the fence and going in the right direction. This went on for more than a gut wrenching hour but she FINALLY made it to the end of the fence and went right into the trap! At this moment we were all elated and able to breathe again ❤️
Sometimes the trapping escapades are so full of adrenaline for us and we definitely got our fix from this one! 😉
Happy Tails Blondie! 🐾❤️🐾

This chunk of love was spotted hanging out in the Tractor Supply parking lot in Waxhaw. She was exhausted and defeated, ...

This chunk of love was spotted hanging out in the Tractor Supply parking lot in Waxhaw. She was exhausted and defeated, one of the saddest looking pups we’ve ever trapped. She had completing given up and could only muster up enough strength to get up and walk away if anyone got too close. We saw her lying under a trailer and her eyes followed our every move without ever lifting her head, unless we approached her which she would then pull herself up and leave. So we decided the best thing was to ignore her and get the trap ready. Once we loaded it with chicken she perked up and quickly became interested. After only a few minutes she entered the trap!
Her foster named her Rosie and it didn’t take long until she knew Rosie was now home. Pawsitive Impact NC Dog Rescue took care of her entropion surgery as her eyes were in pretty rough shape. She had no chip and no owner came forward so she is now UTD on vaccinations, spayed and loving life! Thank you Kayla Sharpe for taking great care of this sweet baby!
Happy Tails 🐾❤️🐾

This little mama and her beautiful babies didn’t know they had a Rescue group anxiously awaiting! We trapped mama and sn...

This little mama and her beautiful babies didn’t know they had a Rescue group anxiously awaiting! We trapped mama and snagged the littles by hand 😊
Mama was running scared, terrified and didn’t know what to do but she safely birthed her babies under a shed in someone’s backyard. She picked the right home because the owner was so nice and wanted help for her and her little family. He reached out and several of us went to work on getting them safe and off to their Rescue. Last update we received mom & pups were all thriving! ❤️
Thank you also to Jill Rutledge Nichols & Katie Ryan for your help!
Happy Tails 🐾❤️🐾

This youngster that we had planned to trap after she was apparently dumped and living in the woods for 3 weeks decided s...

This youngster that we had planned to trap after she was apparently dumped and living in the woods for 3 weeks decided she didn’t need to be trapped!
She wanted it the “easy way” and put her trust into us and is now in Rescue with Greater Charlotte SPCA.
Thank you Alex Gardner Wilson and thank you also to Mary GK for temporarily fostering until the rescue could take over.
Happy Tails 🐾❤️🐾

We’re way behind on posting but here’s one of our recent happy reunions! Zeus was lost for a month after he wandered awa...

We’re way behind on posting but here’s one of our recent happy reunions!

Zeus was lost for a month after he wandered away from the home his family had recently move into. Unfortunately, his microchip info was not registered but luckily we were able to dig into it deeper and track down his family. They had just moved here a couple of months ago from Texas and were elated to get the phone call from us to let them know we had him and he was safe!
He’s was turned into our rescue Pawsitive Impact NC Dog Rescue after being picked up by a Good Samaritan. We had him scanned for a microchip the next morning and by that afternoon we reunited him with one very happy family. ❤️
So word to the wise… get those chips registered and updated if you have any change of address or phone number… and have your pet scanned at every vet visit to be sure the chip hasn’t migrated or popped out.
Happy Tails 🐾 ❤️ 🐾


Hello Lucy fans! We’ve been super busy but wanted to announce that the Bring Lucy Home page will soon be transformed into a page to hopefully help reunite other lost pets!

This will ALWAYS be Lucy’s page… updates on her and information regarding her story we do absolutely hope to keep that alive on here as well but now that the little “ROCK STAR ❤️ 🐾❤️” is back home and doing well we would love to use this platform to help reunite other pets and their families.

We learn more everyday about lost pets and how to locate and how to retrieve them but we also learn more about people everyday as well. Thankfully, most of what we’ve learned is helpful and good! The main thing we did learn with Lucy’s story is how GOOD most people really are and what can happen when a community comes together and even when folks are too far away to physically do anything they can always help by sharing and sending a few kind words of support. Lucy’s family had a support system like we have never seen before. We wish every lost pet would get more exposure and their family’s would get more support and hopefully this page will be helpful in making this happen because after all pets are part of the family for most of us. So that’s our goal here to get pets back home and safe with their rightful families ❤️
We’ll be setting up some guidelines for this page and we’ll have the transformation completed in the near future. We anticipate there will be some bugs to work out at first so we’ll go ahead and apologize in advance for that but we’ll get it up and running soon in the direction we’re gearing it towards… so stay tuned!

We’re a little behind but wanted to share the good news that Gizmo is home and SAFE! Newly adopted from the UC Animal Sh...

We’re a little behind but wanted to share the good news that Gizmo is home and SAFE!
Newly adopted from the UC Animal Shelter, skittish Gizmo made a run for it the first chance he got! Too bad these poor scared pups do not always realize that their life just got so much better if they would only give their new people or person a chance.
This little guy decided to bolt out of the car the second his new owner pulled into the driveway and opened the car door. Thankfully, at only eight months old, scared and in unfamiliar territory, Gizmo still stayed around the neighborhood and the church grounds nearby… and btw big shout out to the wonderful neighbors of Providence Woods who kept reporting sightings of Gizmo and to All Saints Anglican Church for allowing us to set a trap on their property.
Fortunately, Mr Gizmo found one of our two traps pretty quickly, right in his own new front yard… within two hours of setting everything up he smelled the chicken and made his way right in!
Stay safe Gizmo and give your new Dad a chance because he loves you already! ❤️

SOPHIE is home safe! This little nugget bolted out the door on July 1st while with her owners who were visiting family i...

SOPHIE is home safe!
This little nugget bolted out the door on July 1st while with her owners who were visiting family in Fort Mill SC.
She went on an 11 day excursion, mostly hiding in the woods and venturing out for food at night.
The word was out on social media and thankfully she hadn’t gone too far when she started making regular appearances at one particular house. Sophie had picked the right home, they were such kind folks who called her owners, kept a watchful eye for her on their cameras and left food and water for her every day.
She made random appearances on their surveillance cameras but never while anyone was around. Sophie’s owners were being coached by team member Sarah with BRAVO, MAR Search Dog. Sarah did a phenomenal job of guiding them on how to keep Sophie coming back but little Sophie just wouldn’t come around even as they sat for hours patiently waiting on her. Survival mode is such a monster to deal with especially with pets who are already skittish to begin with 😞

We were also contacted by the owners as Sophie decided to stay elusive and only sneak to get her meal. She was smart and didn’t hang about, eat & run, entertaining no visitors! So we recommended setting a trap and we were expecting it would be a one and done but when we arrived nearby fireworks were blasting away 😡 and then a storm rolled in which took care of the fireworks 😊 but all = to a no show from Sophie for the next 30+ hours. She finally showed up and was safely trapped around 11:30 last night.
Sophie was not too happy in the trap but we were greeted by sweet little whimpers and tail wags when we arrived shortly afterwards.

Sophie was one happy pup to see her paw parents this morning!
Stay safe little one… you are absolutely adorable and so stinkin’ sweet! ❤️

This is as gentle of a reminder as we know how to say it… Save yourself time, worry, the expense of a lost pet recovery ...

This is as gentle of a reminder as we know how to say it…
Save yourself time, worry, the expense of a lost pet recovery service and possibly the worst nightmare and heartbreak you could imagine.
Get those potty breaks done and over way before dark and DO NOT take your pets outside period the night of the 4th of July!
Fireworks start before dark and are random throughout the entire night.
AND you can bank on that neighbor who will have plenty of left over fireworks to continue terrorizing the animals over and over for the next night or two or three as well.
So the the best thing you can do for your pets and yourselves is to be prepared and expect the fireworks even when you think they are long over… because we can promise you it won’t just be for an hour at midnight on the 4th.
In fact some people will not be able to wait and you’ll likely have the early birds starting this weekend.
This is a scary time for pets and for wildlife… we may not be able to stop it but we do have the control to keep our pets safe. Go ahead and put those p*e pads down and remember cleaning up an accident is way easier than losing a pet!
Stay safe, enjoy the holiday but please keep your animals inside, contained and SAFE!

Zena is home SAFE! This little sweetheart was recently adopted from CMPD AnimalCare & Control by a family who has comple...

Zena is home SAFE!

This little sweetheart was recently adopted from CMPD Animal
Care & Control by a family who has completely fallen in love with her. Zena apparently has had a pretty bad start in life based on her level of fear. She’s afraid of everything and everyone… she’s afraid to go outside and potty, she’s afraid in a crate, she’s afraid to eat, she’s afraid of anything that moves. Bless her heart she’s an adorable little hot mess but sweet as can be.
Zena’s dad was distraught over her escaping and dreading telling their kids that Zena was missing. Thank goodness he didn’t have to break that news to them because Zena went into one of our traps right as the kids were returning home from a beach trip 😊
We were able to figure out what we thought was Zena’s pattern after several sightings and place traps accordingly. She was trapped within 3 hours after setting the second trap! Zena appeared to be frequenting the grassy area between the Target parking lot and a treeline that had an exit ramp and also an on-ramp on the other side. This area by the parking lot is full of trash as people obviously take their lunch breaks there and then throw their leftovers and trash into the grassy area 🙄. Zena was hiding in the wooded circle next to the ramps by day and then making dangerous crossings at night over to the “luncher’s dumping ground”. The last sighting of her was around 10
pm when she was carrying a white bag, imagine that she had found herself something to eat 🤔 and was seen running over the ramps and back into the wooded circle right where the second trap was loaded with chicken, waiting and ready for her! She didn’t miss a beat going straight into that trap within minutes and her Dad didn’t either he was there at the trap in a flash keeping his girl calm until we could get there and load her up and take her home safely. We never release scared pets from the trap until we get them in a safe and secure location.
Zena was happy to be home with her family and wasted no time finding her favorite spot on the sofa! ❤️

So we want to start off firstly by clarifying that this dog is NOT LUCY! However, in our search for Lucy we were made aw...

So we want to start off firstly by clarifying that this dog is NOT LUCY!

However, in our search for Lucy we were made aware of a Golden Retriever that had jumped from the back of a pick up truck near Hickory NC. We were hopeful that it might be Lucy but soon learned that it was not. This sweet girl still needed help so we were not going to let her down. She spent more than two months living in the woods, frightened and on her own. Thankfully, the kindhearted couple, Brad & Jenny, who lived right where this all happened witnessed everything unfold and tried their best to help her. She kept showing up in their backyard but would run when they came outside. So they called animal control and asked them to set a trap but after a week went by of trying she just would not enter it. They made sure to keep her fed and continued to try and gain her trust but she would run off at the sight of any human.
So to give a little info on her backstory in a nutshell… She was first owned by a man who bred her and after she had a litter of puppies he no longer wanted her and gave her to an elderly lady who could not care for her properly. This lady then gave her to another family who had her for a couple of months and while on the way to the groomer, along with their two other dogs all in the back of the truck, she jumped ship when the opportunity was right during a slow down around a curve. They searched for her but she was terrified and had bolted into the woods where she lived frightened and alone for the next two months.

This pup with everything she’s been through is still so incredibly sweet, but rightly so she is timid and lacks any confidence and according to previous owner she has zero recall so they knew there was no chance of her coming to them or anyone else which led them to their decision to surrender her once she was finally captured.
You can imagine before we got the full back story with all of the dates lining up with Lucy’s disappearance we were all so hopeful that this was Lucy but once involved we started gathering info and connecting the dots and we knew this wasn’t Lucy. We still wanted to help her and she made it an exhausting challenge for us but after about 60 hours including 2 all nighters and 5 trips to Hickory and back we finally sealed the deal capturing her on Sunday night around midnight.
She has been surrendered to Pawsitive Impact NC Dog Rescue and will need vetting and some TLC before she’s adoption ready. She’s two years old and seems very happy and grateful to be safe with humans and has made some doggie friends already as well. Her name is Lacey but we’re going to give her a new name along with a new start!
Just want to share this sweet little tid bit as well… immediately after catching her in the large kennel she instantly made friends with me (Teresa) she had not yet met Kelly and was frightened as Kelly approached but she did the sweetest thing she leaned in to me for protection and my heart melted right then and there ❤️ and within seconds Kelly had easily won her over as well. This dog is beyond sweet and so precious! We’re going to make sure she gets everything she needs and a home that is perfect for her! (Kelly and I run Pawsitive Impact as well for those who didn’t know that)
So stay tuned for more on this beautiful girl ❤️ AND PLEASE keep the momentum going in our search for LUCY! She’s still out there we just know it!

SAFE! We’ve been so crazy busy that we’re a bit late on sharing the good news about this very smart little 20 week old p...

We’ve been so crazy busy that we’re a bit late on sharing the good news about this very smart little 20 week old pup that made his way back home safely!
Jet was sitting happily on his Dad’s lap and enjoying the evening with both of his paw parents, in their fenced in backyard, when out of nowhere nearby fireworks began.
This scared Jet so badly that he bolted thru the backyard and went right thru the railings of the fence. He was quickly gone and out of sight running as fast as his little legs would carry him.
Jet’s owners searched frantically until 4 a.m. but no sign of him. The next day they resumed with searching on foot again, posting him on social media sights including Next Door app, speaking with folks in their neighborhood but still no calls, absolutely nothing!
So that’s when they contacted us and we came out to help. We felt confident that Jet was hunkered down in the woods not too far away and would most likely try to find his way back home soon. Jet’s owners were amazing they did everything we instructed, including a scent trail from the woods all the way back home and multiple trips of walking from the woods back to home. The scent trail was heavily laid and that’s just what was needed!
We set a trap at the home and did a night search. We were pretty sure we may have seen him in the woods that night, a little set of eyes were glowing from a distance and watching us intensely. Jet’s owners finally gave in again as we did too around 4 a.m. and decided to leave their gate open, garage door open AND their back door open, which had a mosquito net attached that Jet already was accustomed to coming thru, in hopes that he may find his way home and let himself in… AND that is exactly what he did! During the wee hours of the early morning when things were quiet Jet followed their scent trail and got himself back home safely!
Not only is he an adorable little fellow but a very smart one too!
SCENT TRAILS WORK! Good job mom & dad and Jet! ❤️


Charlotte, NC





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