Fighting Chance Ranch & Rescue NC

Fighting Chance Ranch & Rescue NC FCRR is a 501(c)3 non-profit animal rescue located in the Charlotte, NC area.

Dandelion šŸ’› This pretty little lady is officially available for adoption! At ~4 months old sheā€™s pretty petite at 14lbs....

Dandelion šŸ’›
This pretty little lady is officially available for adoption! At ~4 months old sheā€™s pretty petite at 14lbs. We have absolutely no idea what sheā€™s mixed with but her coloring is gorgeous and super unique!
ā€¢super sweet and smart
ā€¢doing great with house/crate training
ā€¢loves other dogs
ā€¢pretty low key - enjoys snuggling and lounging in the sun
ā€¢timid with new people/places - needs an understanding adopter that will help her continue to gain confidence
ā€¢fenced yard required - another dog in the home highly preferred

Tomorrow is surgery day!Weā€™ve raised about $2,000 toward Parkerā€™s procedure. She will *not* be getting spayed tomorrow, ...

Tomorrow is surgery day!
Weā€™ve raised about $2,000 toward Parkerā€™s procedure. She will *not* be getting spayed tomorrow, so our total estimate remains at $4,000. Weā€™d be super appreciative of any additional support, including shares!
Iā€™m nervous, of course, but I know sheā€™ll be in very capable hands. Please keep her in your thoughts. Sheā€™s a tough little girl but sheā€™s been through so much already šŸ¤

If you know Sprout, you know she loves to be the center of attention. She heard we were raising funds for Parkerā€™s upcom...

If you know Sprout, you know she loves to be the center of attention. She heard we were raising funds for Parkerā€™s upcoming surgery and decided there was no way sheā€™d be outshined, so we spent the better part of the day at a last minute vet appointment. Several tests and a pretty penny later, it was determined she has a severe kidney infection šŸ˜£
Sprout suffers from chronic UTIs, which are unfortunately common in dogs with paralysis, and this is likely how we got here. Kidney infections can be really scary. Thankfully, our vet is confident we caught it soon enough that it can be treated, but itā€™s not a quick fix. Sproutā€™s had a lot of struggles and sheā€™s usually ready to take on the world no matter what, but sheā€™s pretty down and out right now which is tough to see.
Your prayers and support are much appreciated šŸ¤ We hope to see our sweet girl bouncing around again very soon.

[Adoptable] Buzz had a rough start. He and his littermates were dumped in a box in the middle of July, one of the hottes...

[Adoptable] Buzz had a rough start. He and his littermates were dumped in a box in the middle of July, one of the hottest days of the year. They were stained yellow from living in filth and Buzz was so dehydrated he had to go to the vet for supportive care - see last photo.

Fast forward a month and this adorable little guy is full of s***k and feeling great! At ~12 weeks old, heā€™s on the small side at just 6lbs. Although if you ask him, heā€™s the biggest (and fastest) dog in the house šŸ˜‰ He holds his own, zooming around the yard with the big dogs, and when heā€™s not busy with them heā€™s snuggling in his foster mamaā€™s lap. He loves to be loved and will stop dead in his tracks for a belly rub. Heā€™s great with kids, too!

If youā€™re looking for a little pup with a lot of confidence, Buzz is your guy! Visit our website to review our adoption requirements and submit an application if youā€™re interested in adopting.

Itā€™s been 3.5 months since Parkerā€™s procedure for her liver shunt. Her levels have improved enough that we finally got a...

Itā€™s been 3.5 months since Parkerā€™s procedure for her liver shunt. Her levels have improved enough that we finally got approval to move forward with her eye surgery šŸ™ŒšŸ¼ I wish it was something we could avoid but sheā€™s had several eye infections over the last few months, despite being on multiple medications and her eyes unfortunately cause her a lot of discomfort.

Surgery is scheduled for August 29th and the estimate is close to $4,000. Because she really struggles with anesthesia, weā€™re hoping to do her spay at the same time to avoid avoid putting her under again. We should have a definitive answer on this soon. It would be best case scenario for her, but of course that means weā€™d be looking at a higher cost as well.

We plan to do $5 Friday for Parker the next several weeks to help raise funds for her surgery. $5 donations add up and we truly appreciate your support! If you arenā€™t in a position to donate, please share.

New hair, who dis? - Adoptable Yoshi

New hair, who dis? - Adoptable Yoshi

Come meet adoptables from Fighting Chance and several other amazing rescues, tonight at !

Come meet adoptables from Fighting Chance and several other amazing rescues, tonight at !

ā€¢Yoshiā€¢This handsome fella was awfully shy when he came to us from the shelter a few weeks ago. Since then, heā€™s come ou...

This handsome fella was awfully shy when he came to us from the shelter a few weeks ago. Since then, heā€™s come out of his shell and turned into a full blown, happy-go-lucky puppy. Yoshi is ~10 months old and 40lbs and we donā€™t think he will get a whole lot bigger. Heā€™s sweet, silly and adventurous. He loves hiking, swimming, snuggling and wrestling with his foster bothers. Weā€™ve affectionately dubbed them The Three Stooges and they certainly live up to the name with their goofy antics.
Itā€™s clear Yoshi was never given the time of day before coming to FCRR. His coat was in awful condition, he had no concept of training and was terrified of the leash. Heā€™s come a loooong way already but needs an adopter that will continue to show him the ropes as he figures out this ā€œgood lifeā€ thing. Itā€™s not a requirement, but he would absolutely love a home with another playful dog.
If youā€™re interested in adopting Yoshi, visit our website to review our adoption requirements and submit an application.

Just a handful of the good bois and girls looking for forever homes!

Just a handful of the good bois and girls looking for forever homes!

Adopted!Oh my TODD šŸ–¤How handsome is this boy?! Todd is ~5 months old, medium in size and very independent. Heā€™s shy when...


Oh my TODD šŸ–¤
How handsome is this boy?! Todd is ~5 months old, medium in size and very independent. Heā€™s shy when it comes to new people but he really enjoys other dogs. Heā€™s crate trained and doing great with potty training. Todd is moderately energetic, but overall very easy going. Hanging outside is his jam, and he especially loves to chase butterflies. His ideal home will have a fenced yard and a fur sibling to help show him the ropes.
If youā€™re interested in adopting, visit our website to review our adoption requirements and submit an application.

Big Mac here to remind you1. Heā€™s STILL available for adoption. 2. Please keep your pets safe and secure tonight! More p...

Big Mac here to remind you
1. Heā€™s STILL available for adoption.
2. Please keep your pets safe and secure tonight! More pets go missing on the 4th of July than any other day of the year.
Have a safe and Happy 4th of July!

D E X T E R is ~6 years old, 10lbs, deaf, vision impaired..and quite possibly one of the coolest dogs to ever exist!!! W...

D E X T E R is ~6 years old, 10lbs, deaf, vision impaired..and quite possibly one of the coolest dogs to ever exist!!! We anticipated heā€™d be a shy, nervous, nippy little guy and we couldnā€™t have been more wrong.

Dex is pretty darn confident and not to mention, absolutely adorable! That smirk šŸ˜­ He loves people, including kids. He enjoys being held/carried around/doted on but heā€™s also perfectly content doing his own thing. Give him a soft blanket (or two) and heā€™s in heaven. Heā€™s done well with dogs of all sizes and heā€™s totally unbothered by cats. Heā€™s quiet in his crate and has a very impressive routine of spinning around approximately 283 times (okay, maybe not that many) before he poops which is *always* outside. House trained āœ…
Dexter would make an amazing companion for someone looking for an easy, low-key, affectionate little dog. If youā€™re interested in adopting, visit our website to review our adoption requirements and submit an application!

Adopted šŸŽ‰ Sweet Bia is still looking for her forever family! Independent and outgoing, sheā€™s always ready for an adventu...

Adopted šŸŽ‰

Sweet Bia is still looking for her forever family! Independent and outgoing, sheā€™s always ready for an adventure; whether itā€™s exploring the backyard, going for a walk, or swimming in the creek. Bia likes to go-go-go, but sheā€™s also super affectionate and you can often find her snuggled up with her foster siblings.

Ideal for an active household, she would thrive with an adopter who can keep up with her zest for life and of course, provide plenty of love and attention.

If youā€™re interested in adopting Bia, visit our website to review our adoption requirements and submit an application!

Winnie was incredibly emaciated and sickly when she came to us from the shelter. With proper care and lots of love and a...

Winnie was incredibly emaciated and sickly when she came to us from the shelter. With proper care and lots of love and attention, sheā€™s blossomed into a happy, healthy, playful pup and now sheā€™s ready for her forever home!

From her foster: Winnie absolutely loves playing with her sister Darla, as well as all three of her foster siblings. Tennis balls and chew toys are few of her favorite things and she really enjoys climbing into my lap to snuggle. This itty bitty gal is extremely affectionate and loves to be held. Sheā€™s very well behaved in public, even at the vet! Sheā€™s a smart pup, very fond of her crate and has quickly picked up on potty training.

If youā€™re interested in adopting Winnie, visit our website to review our adoption requirements and submit an application.

šŸŒ» Goldie Update Our sweet senior girl has settled in well with her foster. The mass on her bladder is large enough that ...

šŸŒ» Goldie Update
Our sweet senior girl has settled in well with her foster. The mass on her bladder is large enough that you can actually feel it and unfortunately she continues to have urinary issues. She has a follow up visit next week to help determine if this is due to the mass itself, or if she has a recurring UTI and needs a longer or different course of meds. Despite everything, she seems to be feeling much better. Her appetite has increased significantly, sheā€™s really warmed up to her foster (and the other dogsā€¦as long as they donā€™t test the old, grumpy gals patience too much šŸ˜…) and she spends her days sunbathing and napping in cozy, plush dog beds šŸ’›

Adopted! Sparrow šŸ§” An itty bitty pitty mix with a whole lot of personality! This adorable little gal is ~5 months old an...


Sparrow šŸ§” An itty bitty pitty mix with a whole lot of personality! This adorable little gal is ~5 months old and super petite at 19lbs. She loves romping around with her foster siblings and quickly befriends every dog and human she meets. Sparrow is fantastic in her crate and quickly catching on to house training. Sheā€™s equal parts snuggle bug and busy body and would love a home with another playful dog and/or an active family.
Visit our website to review our adoption requirements and submit an application!

Weā€™re super excited to partner with .hungry.hound and ! These local businesses are big supporters of the rescue communit...

Weā€™re super excited to partner with .hungry.hound and ! These local businesses are big supporters of the rescue community and offer a variety of pet supplies and accessories, and awesome stuff for humans too šŸ˜ Check out their site(s) and be sure to use code FCRR20 at checkout - for every purchase made with our code, 20% will be donated to FCRR!

Adopted!BOOP! Adoptable George couldnā€™t possibly be any cuter! This handsome fella is sweet, well mannered and such a lo...


BOOP! Adoptable George couldnā€™t possibly be any cuter! This handsome fella is sweet, well mannered and such a looker. Heā€™s 5-6 months old and a big ole snuggle bug. If youā€™re looking for an easy going pup, this is your guy!


Update: adopted! [Adoptable Kratos]ā€¢fantastic forehead wrinklesā€¢super sweet and snugglyā€¢moderate energyā€¢very socialā€¢appr...

Update: adopted!
[Adoptable Kratos]
ā€¢fantastic forehead wrinkles
ā€¢super sweet and snuggly
ā€¢moderate energy
ā€¢very social
ā€¢approx 3.5 months old and 21lbs

Itā€™s been a challenging couple of weeks and we could really use your support. Weā€™ve taken in quite a few dogs that we ha...

Itā€™s been a challenging couple of weeks and we could really use your support. Weā€™ve taken in quite a few dogs that we havenā€™t even had the opportunity to introduce yet and in addition to typical vetting and expenses, weā€™ve had several unexpected medical emergencies.

Winnie and her sister Darla came from a pretty awful situation, very underweight and loaded with parasites. At intake, the animal control officer noticed Winnie having seizure-like symptoms, likely due to being hypoglycemic. The girls were doing great their first few days in foster but yesterday evening Winnie crashed hard. She was incredibly lethargic, unable to walk more than a few steps at a time, and had no interest in eating or drinking. Her amazing foster sat with her at the emergency vet until nearly 3am. She was given IV fluids and electrolytes and treated for parasites, giardia, anemia and low sodium. Thank goodness she seems to be feeling better today šŸ™šŸ¼ and weā€™re hoping she continues in the right direction.

Goldie is a sweet senior gal who wound up at the shelter after being found as a stray. We knew she had arthritis and typical old dog issues but her foster pretty quickly realized there was more going on when Goldie was refusing food and having trouble urinating. A vet visit turned into an overnight stay for IV antibiotics and fluids when it was discovered that Goldie has a terrible UTI, as well as a large mass on her bladder šŸ˜”. Thankfully sheā€™s improved quite a bit already but unfortunately thereā€™s no way to safely biopsy the mass. We arenā€™t sure what to expect long term, so weā€™re doing all we can to help her kick this infection keep her happy and comfortable for as long as possible.

The way our fosters go above and beyond for the dogs never ceases to amaze me. Itā€™s rare that things ever go as planned, but there are times like these where things are especially challenging and unpredictable and our fosters never hesitate to do whatā€™s best for the dogs. Theyā€™re truly the best!

Our recent unexpected costs have totaled ~$1,400 and weā€™d be incredibly grateful for your support. Please show our fosters some love too, and help us remind them how much theyā€™re appreciated ā™„ļø

Join us next Monday to advocate for animals in our community! Signs will be provided to hold up while our speakers take ...

Join us next Monday to advocate for animals in our community!

Signs will be provided to hold up while our speakers take the podium.

We are asking Charlotte City Council to:
- Make Animal Services an independent city department
- Build an appropriately designed & staffed shelter

Canā€™t attend the meeting?
Make a quick call or send an email!

Contact the Charlotte City Clerkā€™s office and tell them you support making Animal Services an independent city department and funding for a new shelter.

(704) 336-2248

[email protected]

Adopted! The most beautiful mama to ever exist is officially available for adoption! Latte, mama to our coffee litter, i...


The most beautiful mama to ever exist is officially available for adoption! Latte, mama to our coffee litter, is absolute perfection. Sheā€™s really easy going and while she enjoys walks and outings, she certainly doesnā€™t require a ton of exercise. Sheā€™s super social with dogs and people and is happy to play but even happier to lounge. Latte is a huge snuggle bug with a lot of love to give. Sheā€™s been through a lot and despite it all, sheā€™s one of the sweetest and most adaptable dogs youā€™ll ever meet. We truly canā€™t say enough good things about her and we canā€™t wait for her to find her forever šŸ’›

Update: 10 & 11 am classes are sold out! Weā€™ve added a 9am class to the schedule! Join us for Puppy Yoga at  on May 19th...

Update: 10 & 11 am classes are sold out! Weā€™ve added a 9am class to the schedule!

Join us for Puppy Yoga at on May 19th! Classes are from 10:00-10:45 and 11:00-11:45. Get your ticket before they sell out!

It's National Specially-abled Pets Day! This day was coined in an effort to shed light on pets with disabilities and edu...

It's National Specially-abled Pets Day! This day was coined in an effort to shed light on pets with disabilities and educate the public on the many specially-abled animals in need.
Animals with special needs are very near and dear to our hearts. We make an effort to help those who need us most and sadly, theyā€™re often overlooked. Weā€™re incredibly appreciative of our fosters and adopters who have opened their homes and hearts to specially-abled animals and we hope that sharing their stories will raise awareness and inspire others to do the same.

Come see us at  on May 11th!

Come see us at on May 11th!

Adopted!Are you ready to fall in love? Say hello to Kratos and Bia! These cuties are full of s***k. Theyā€™re curious, out...


Are you ready to fall in love? Say hello to Kratos and Bia! These cuties are full of s***k. Theyā€™re curious, outgoing and energetic, and their goofy puppy antics will provide you with endless entertainment. After a day of play they love nothing more than to snuggle up in your lap.
Kratos and Bia are about 9 weeks old. Their breed(s) are unknown but we expect them to be medium-large when fully grown. Theyā€™re both very social and affectionate and would fit in well just about anywhere.
If youā€™re interesting in adopting, visit our website for more information and to submit an application!

Update: adopted!Happy Tongue out Tuesday, from adoptable Cypress! ā€¢13 weeks oldā€¢currently 25lbs and expected to be a big...

Update: adopted!
Happy Tongue out Tuesday, from adoptable Cypress!
ā€¢13 weeks old
ā€¢currently 25lbs and expected to be a big boy when fully grown
ā€¢doing well with crate and house training
ā€¢walks nicely on leash
ā€¢loves to be close to his people

If youā€™re interested in adopting Cypress, visit our website to review our requirements and submit an application. Not in the market to adopt? Please share to help him find his forever home!

Sheā€™s home šŸ’•Thank you all so much for your thoughts, prayers and support. Naturally, surgery didnā€™t go exactly as planne...

Sheā€™s home šŸ’•
Thank you all so much for your thoughts, prayers and support. Naturally, surgery didnā€™t go exactly as planned but overall everything went well. Sheā€™s a little restless and uncomfortable, which is to be expected, but seems to be in good spirits. Itā€™s a huge relief to finally put this behind us and weā€™re praying for a smooth recovery for our sweet little Peej.

$5 Friday for Parker šŸ–¤ Today is surgery day. Parker has been with us over ten months now. We received her official diagn...

$5 Friday for Parker šŸ–¤
Today is surgery day. Parker has been with us over ten months now. We received her official diagnosis (intrahepatic portosystemic shunt) in November, following months of medical issues that resulted in us seeing four vets and two specialists. It seems like weā€™ve been waiting for this day forever but simultaneously, time has flown by. The estimated cost for todayā€™s procedure, called a coil embolization, is $6,000-$8,000. Weā€™re incredibly grateful for any contribution, no matter the amount.

Parker is in the very capable hands of the surgeons at CARE. Another specialist, with lots of experience with these types of cases, has come all the way from Florida to stand in as part of her surgical team. These are the best folks for the job and this is her best chance at living a normal life, but my mama heart is still so incredibly worried. Parker is beyond special. Sheā€™s silly, happy and so dang sweet. She has this innocence about her that just melts your heart. Sheā€™s easy to love.

Your thoughts and prayers today, and throughout Parkerā€™s recovery, would be very much appreciated. Sheā€™s been through so much already and still has a very long road ahead of her.

Update: adopted! Sequoia is an 11 week old, sweet, s***ky gal who instantly befriends everyone she meets. Sheā€™s playful ...

Update: adopted!
Sequoia is an 11 week old, sweet, s***ky gal who instantly befriends everyone she meets. Sheā€™s playful and curious, with just the right amount of calm, making her the perfect pup for both adventures and snuggles. Sheā€™s quick to learn, adores other dogs and would make a wonder addition to just about any home.

If youā€™re interested in adopting Sequoia, visit our website to review our adoption requirements and submit an application.


Charlotte, NC


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