Sam's Train, Play and Stay

Sam's Train, Play and Stay Sam's Train, Play and Stay is currently offering in home training, boarding, and board/train

Everyone please welcome Keno to our 30 day board and train program!Keno is a 7 month old German Shepherd here to work on...

Everyone please welcome Keno to our 30 day board and train program!

Keno is a 7 month old German Shepherd here to work on his basic obedience skills. We are very excited to have him!


Yes you can poison your recall☠️ and it is very common
Recall (having your dog come to you when called) is one of those cues in training that depends heavily on your relationship together. 🤝🙂
However, there are other things we can inadvertently do which damage a good recall and we often don't even realise we do this.
One of the advantages of having an In Home Trainer is we see all those little things that make SUCH a big difference.
Calling your dog to you when you are about to do something unpleasant to them (or they view as could be a negative experience)....even for the best of intentions, can poison recalls.
Calling them to their dreaded bath.
You know they dislike having their nails cut, but they are called to you.....usually ignoring your calls and then finally skulking slowly forward... with their head down low.
Calling them to you when you have the ear drops in your hand.
They will start to make associations with recall and what you actually want them for.
The opposite (calling away from fun and positive experiences) is also true.
Constantly calling your dog away from fun and positive experiences is a recall destroyer.
One of the biggest destroyers of a recall is calling them to you and clipping their lead straight on and leaving the fun area.....have a play with them first, clip on the lead and continue to have fun for a few minutes. This is a little thing that turns that negative association into a really positive one..
So DON"T call them when they may view what you are wanting (or importantly needing to do)....go and get them.
If you need to groom, please take the time and look into cooperative care, it makes SUCH a difference.
Recently I worked with a Pitbull that was in a desperate situation with their claws.
No-one would do them, not their veterinary clinic, no with a muzzle. He is classified by our council as a menacing dog.
It took 2 half hour sessions with some very easy steps that the motivated guardians did a few times a day for a minute or two.......The result.
Nails done....with no muzzle......and NO stress.
A pleasant experience for everyone.
One of the other issues we picked up on was he was called to them for everything , including being called away from positive/fun experiences and for what he may view as negative.....and it certainly affected their recall too. The recall was about 30 %.
So if your recall is more miss than hit....look at when you actually call them too you and why.
If you change little habits you can make some very big differences.

Unmarked graphics are available for $ 1.20 USD or $ 2 NZD each (approx), these are then able to be used off Facebook for client handouts, posters etc. Please visit ABC Dogs Patreon Shop for our collection of graphics.
Everyone is free to share these posts on social media, however off social media use is protected.
Screen shots are a violation of copyright.
Please respect that these graphics take time and effort to make . All graphics belong to ABC Dogs NZ and are under copyright.


Fear is the easiest things to condition in dogs and the hardest to resolve. Fear can come from many places, many of which we don't control. This infographic is my most downloaded and shared resource. In fact, many vets and Veterinary Behaviorists use this handout with their own clients! Link in first comment to grab your own copy.

I’ve been holding off this news with the hopes that a change would come but it cannot be delayed any longer. Effective O...

I’ve been holding off this news with the hopes that a change would come but it cannot be delayed any longer.

Effective October 1st, Sam’s Train, Play, and Stay is going to be slowing down drastically. I don’t want to say the business will be closing, but we will only be taking on boarding dogs Fridays-Sundays and very limited in home training lessons.

When I started this business it was with the intention of being able to provide an income at home (and doing what I love), so I could also be a stay at home mom with my daughter. I’ve had an absolute blast with all of my clients this past year and a half, but unfortunately we had a major slow down last fall/winter, and just never quite picked up to where we were at. Part of that was due to my struggles navigating being a SAHM and running a business (responding to emails, calls, doing in home consultations).

Unfortunately we’ve come to a point where it’s not feasible to go into the holidays without working another job. I’ll be working part time, and doing in home training sessions on my days off, and boarding on the weekends when I’m home.

I want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for their support of my business. I’ve made several friends from my clients, who drive out of their way to board their dog with me, those who value me and what I do. Without you all, I wouldn’t have been able to stay home with my baby the first year of her life.

To my clients who have training lessons remaining, and boarding scheduled, that will not change. Every lesson will be completed, and I will be available for your dogs to be boarded.

Thank you all, with love,



Changing a dogs emotions takes time. ⏰✅
It isn't as "simple" as teaching a sit or stay, as this is ALL about emotions. Just as we humans need time and understanding to process our own emotions, dogs are absolutely no different.
However.... there are lots of steps (easy steps) you can do to help things go smoother and faster.
If you have a reactive dog, I know just how much effort you are putting in.
I am one of those trainers that LOVES reactive dogs (I think you all know that by now🙂). One of the reasons I love working with them is there can be such a transformation in everyone's lives !

Don't underestimate the power of stopping and taking a few deep breaths....all of our clients are encouraged to relax and breath when working with their dogs.
Often they take a few quick "shoulder breaths"....but when encouraged to stop and take some deeper belly breaths, their dog senses that too.
They know your stress has dropped.
They sense your heart rate has lowered.
They are aware your BP has lowered too.
Many dogs will respond amazingly well to just adding this in alone.
It certainly isn't a cure...but it helps lower everyone's stress.

Please respect that these graphics take time and effort to make. Everyone is free to share on social media🙂, however off social media use of these marked graphics is prohibited.
Unmarked graphics are available for $ 1.20 USD or $ 2 NZD each (approx), these are then able to be used off Facebook for client handouts, posters or for personal use.
Screen shots are a violation of the copyright.
Please visit ABC Dogs Patreon Shop for unmarked graphics. All graphics belong to ABC Dogs NZ and are under copyright.


Mantra time..."What is rewarded is repeated"✅
This is a simple and powerful message. 🏋️‍♀️
A few things to remember with this though and your timing needs to be clear too.
If you can be more precise when you reward behaviour you want to be repeated, you are making things SO much easier for your dog to understand.
Sometimes people see something they really like from their dog and they stand up, go to the cupboard to get their favourite reward, open the cupboard, get the packet out and the time to reward has long gone.
Have a few rewards on you at all times.✅
It isn't hard to do.
Pop them in a pocket (yes you will curse me on laundry day🙂), but you can make a real difference in your dogs behaviour just by rewarding exactly what you like when they show you.
I am not talking about a sit or a down but all the other times you notice your dog has done well.
They didn't bark at the cat as it ran over the grass YES! Rewardable✅
They chose just to relax on their bed or mat YES! Rewardable✅
They kept all four paws on the ground when your guest arrived YES! Rewardable✅

If you haven't tried rewarding exactly what you want....take up the challenge and try it for 2 weeks.
I promise you, you will see results...but you will probably still curse me on laundry day🙂

Please respect that these graphics take time and effort to make. Everyone is free to share on social media🙂, however off social media use of these marked graphics is prohibited.
Unmarked graphics are available for $ 1.20 USD or $ 2 NZD each (approx), these are then able to be used off Facebook for client handouts, posters or for personal use.
Screen shots are a violation of the copyright.
Please visit ABC Dogs Patreon Shop for unmarked graphics. All graphics belong to ABC Dogs NZ and are under copyright.

Miss Lovey is back for the weekend 🐾❤️

Miss Lovey is back for the weekend 🐾❤️


Socialisation. Yes, there really is such a thing as "over socialised".
Play is NOT socialisation.❌
Play is a separate and important skill.✅....but it isn't socialisation.
What is socialisation ?..... Calmness and acceptance of the world.
What it isn't......over excited, scared, hyper, wary behaviour or PLAY.
I know that seems like a big statement to make for some people but society has some strange ideas of what socialisation is.

That doesn't mean dogs and puppies shouldn't play, it simply means one of the FIRST things they need to learn in life is not go to that place of extreme overarousal at the sight of a puppy. Puppies need to learn how to be accepting of dogs in general....then play can be added as a separate skill.

Calmness and acceptance IS socialisation.
Play is play.
Two completely separate things.

Dogs and puppies are a very small part of having a socialised dog. An important small part... but a very small part in a much bigger picture.
The word socialisation seems to be associated with play and that is a big issue with new puppy guardians/owners.

How you let other dogs meet yours and how your dog meets other dogs forms patterns of behaviour.
The more these dogs have over excited, over aroused and hyper behaviour around other dogs...........the more they understand this IS exactly how to meet dogs....and that is really problematic for many dogs.

True socialisation is acceptance and calmness in ALL the world has to offer.
Everything you encounter in everyday exactly what you need to expose your dogs to.

Little and often
Positively and calmly......and you are well on your way to a well socialised puppy or dog.

They don't need to go to that hyper excited behaviour when other dogs are near.

They can be calm, assess the situation and choose to play and interact if they wish.....

That is true socialisation.

Please respect that these graphics take time and effort to make. Everyone is free to share on social media🙂, however off social media use of these marked graphics is prohibited.
Unmarked graphics are available for $ 1.20 USD or $ 2 NZD each (approx), these are then able to be used off Facebook for client handouts, posters or for personal use.
Screen shots are a violation of the copyright.
Please visit ABC Dogs Patreon Shop for unmarked graphics. All graphics belong to ABC Dogs NZ and are under copyright.

We are officially opening our schedule for pet nutrition services!If you’re interested in:🐾helping your pet(s) lose/gain...

We are officially opening our schedule for pet nutrition services!

If you’re interested in:

🐾helping your pet(s) lose/gain/maintain their weight
🐾learning more about raw feeding diets
🐾need help selecting a dog/cat food

We can help you! We are certified in Pet Nutrition Coaching through the NAVC and are offering consultations at $50/per animal.

Please email us at samstrainplayandstay @ gmail to request a nutrition coaching consultation.

We currently have one board and train spot remaining for mid July-August and two remaining for the month of August. Don’...

We currently have one board and train spot remaining for mid July-August and two remaining for the month of August.

Don’t forget while we take cash, debit/card, check and Venmo we offer a 10% discount for cash payments made in full on board and train programs.


Stress signs, they can be very subtle or are slap in the face obvious.💥. Not all stress is bad either.
I know some people do struggle to see signs of stress in their own dogs, so I made this to help show some of the more common ones.
There are plenty of others.✅
Attempting to disengage from a situation by being suddenly very "interested" in a scent.
Tail position.
Wags can mean the opposite to happy and stiff tails, high stiff "flagging" tails.
It can bristle completely or only in parts, tail, rear rump or along the whole spine.
Hesitancy. Suddenly stopping, changing pace, lowering the head and maybe stretching it out.
Stressed or uncomfortable dogs tend to have closed mouths and tighter faces, but those closed mouths open when drooling, panting or lifting the lips to give a front mouth grin. They can even open up just enough for a tongue to flick out.
Ear positions should also be looked at, they are often a sign of being uncomfortable in many dogs...but not all.
Not all are listed and you may know your own dogs stress signals.
It is important to note that some of these signs are also shown when a dog is in a state of excitement, context and situations all need to be taken into account.
It is ok if your dog shows some signs of stress. It is communication and is very valuable information for you to quickly address what is happening, or about to happen.

I often get asked why I called our business ABC Dogs.
Behaviour is
Communication (ABC 😊)
and stress behaviours are certainly communication. 🙂

🙂Unmarked graphics are available for $ 1.20 USD or $ 2 NZD each (approx), these are then able to be used off Facebook for client handouts, posters etc. Please visit ABC Dogs Patreon Shop for our collection of graphics.
Everyone is free to share these posts on social media, however off social media use is protected.
Screen shots are a violation of copyright.
Please respect that these graphics take time and effort to make . All graphics belong to ABC Dogs NZ and are under copyright.

We just received an amazing review from Axels mom! We are so so thankful to get reviews like this and when our clients t...

We just received an amazing review from Axels mom! We are so so thankful to get reviews like this and when our clients take the time to leave reviews❤️

Today was Axels last day with us and he is officially reunited with his family. He has graduated our board and train pro...

Today was Axels last day with us and he is officially reunited with his family. He has graduated our board and train program with new knowledge, work on his reactivity, better obedience foundation, and has been e collar trained. Axel has been such a joy to have a round he will be missed, however we hope to see him again for boarding.


This is a longer, more boring video, but honestly what I like to see in my training videos. I took Axel to TSC for some obedience and engagement training. He is at the end of his board and train program for his fearfulness, and reactivity. Axel encountered lots of people, and a couple dogs today, and he previously would’ve barked and growled but the progress he’s made really shows. Let’s give it up for Axel 🐾

We love our vet! Eastwood Veterinary Hospital

We love our vet!

Eastwood Veterinary Hospital


We are now accepting new clients!!
We’d love to be your Veterinary Clinic! ♥️
Visit our website, meet our team and give us a call!


Crates. Either you love them💓 or hate them❌ .
This can be a very divisive issue and I am aware that they are banned in many countries.
This is not a step by step guide on crate training (because it is also SO individual), however it is a reminder that YOU are the main reason why your dog will love or despise their crate.
If you want them to love them, make them fun, comfortable, safe and that happens with time, food, fun and positive associations.

If you want them to have a negative association with them there are things people do which may or not be obvious.

❌Don't drag your dog/puppy into the crate.
❌Never use the crate as a place of "time out" as a punishment.
❌Don't put them in areas where they cannot rest easily (a busy lounge with young children may not be the best place).
✅Check the crate isn't noisy whenever they move, some rattle with every movement.
❌Frantic crying shouldn't be ignored and "cried out".
❌In times of excitement in the lounge is the puppy or dog always crated? This can cause frustration.

If you do want to crate train or are having difficulty look at HOW you use the crate.
What do you do with the crate and the associations your dog or puppy may have with it are key to how they will feel about it.

Love them or hate them, crating is a very good option for many puppies or dogs.
It can be a sanctuary or it can be a place of distress.

🙂Unmarked graphics are available for $ 1.20 USD or $ 2 NZD each (approx), these are then able to be used off Facebook for client handouts, posters etc. Please visit ABC Dogs Patreon Shop for our collection of graphics.
Everyone is free to share these posts on social media, however off social media use is protected.
Screen shots are a violation of copyright.
Please respect that these graphics take time and effort to make . All graphics belong to ABC Dogs NZ and are under copyright.

I can officially, and proudly, announce that I am now Certified as a Pet Nutrition Coach for both Dogs AND Cats. I will ...

I can officially, and proudly, announce that I am now Certified as a Pet Nutrition Coach for both Dogs AND Cats. I will be opening up my services for both soon, and I am looking forward to helping all the furry four-legged pets in your life!


3212 McConnell Highway
Charlotte, MI

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 9pm
Tuesday 9am - 9pm
Wednesday 9am - 9pm
Thursday 9am - 9pm
Friday 9pm - 9pm
Saturday 9am - 9pm
Sunday 10am - 6pm


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