My name is Conner! I am almost 21 lbs and 3.5 months old. I am one of five in this beautiful litter. I am one of two boys and the last one waiting for my forever home! Our mama was a pretty black lab mix. Who knows who dad was but we suspect he had some Australian Shepherd in there somewhere. I am a goofy boy who loves all the attention I can get. I am crate-trained and getting the hang of this housebreaking thing. I am only a baby after all! I am very cuddly and good with other dogs and kids. I live with young children now and I get really excited to see them. I am full of fun and love to play with my toys. I am already learning some basic commands and I am very food motivated! I am in a foster home in CT!
My name is Conner! I am almost 21 lbs and 3.5 months old. I am one of five in this beautiful litter. I am one of two boys and the last one waiting for my forever home! Our mama was a pretty black lab mix. Who knows who dad was but we suspect he had some Australian Shepherd in there somewhere. I am a goofy boy who loves all the attention I can get. I am crate-trained and getting the hang of this housebreaking thing. I am only a baby after all! I am very cuddly and good with other dogs and kids. I live with young children now and I get really excited to see them. I am full of fun and love to play with my toys. I am already learning some basic commands and I am very food motivated! I am in a foster home in CT!
This is Gucci, Chanel and Macy! These girls are almost 70 lbs and 1 year old; Akbash/hound mixes. They are sisters. They love each other but they are not bonded and would thrive in separate homes. They were found dumped, starving and underweight. They still have a few pounds to go to get to their optimum! We expect them to be around 80 all said and done. These girls each bring a little bit of a different personality. They all however are great and playful with other dogs, affectionate with people and smart. They are in the midst of being housebroken. Single family homes and fence required.
Meet Vivian She is an 8-month-old, 50 lb terrier/cur mix. She is mild-mannered, playful, and great with other dogs. If you’d like to learn more or adopt, send us an email! Adoption Coordinator [email protected]
Connor is waiting for his forever family.
While he waits, he would love a foster home in New Jersey or Connecticut!
This adorable puppy is about three months old and is a bundle of fun.
He is goofy, cuddly, and always wants to be the center of attention.
While he is crate trained, he will need help with all things puppy in this new home.
Want to see more photos?
Visit our website!
#chathamnj #connecticut #fosteringsaveslives #adoptdontshop #puppyforadoption
Giving Tuesday is only a few days away!The funny thing with the rescue is that you never know what type of crisis you may run into. We have had several dogs this year who have needed urgent medical care. And while we never say no to our dogs who are in need, sometimes the funds going out can be overwhelming versus the funds coming in. So we hope this Giving Tuesday you will be so kind as to help us by donating.
My name is Belle! I am about 13 lbs and almost 3 months old. I am one of five in this beautiful litter. I am the smallest one of my litter and one of three girls! Our mama was a pretty black lab mix. Who knows who dad was but we suspect he had some Australian Shepherd in there somewhere. I am a sweet and cuddly girl who wants to be held and hugged. I am crate-trained but I will need some tips in my new home about routine and schedule and housebreaking. I am only 3 months! I am good with other dogs. I have not been around tiny humans but I don’t think I would mind a smaller human in general. I am a gentle little being. Full grown, we suspect I could be about 35 to 40 lbs but don’t hold it against me if I am a bit bigger or even smaller!
My name is Leon. I am finding myself in need of a new home. It's sad because my person loved me so much but sometimes life takes us in a different direction. Right now, unfortunately (but hey sometimes it's fun - I have a lot of friends there), I am in boarding in NJ. I am really reeling to get out to a real home again where I can devote all my love to a new owner. I am a 75 lb, almost 4 year old Dane/Border Collie/something tall mix :). I am so so loyal to my people and I am a great listener, respectful and overall a catch. I am good with dogs and go to daycare twice a week so I can play and just have fun. That being said, I lived as an only dog for most of my life so the people who are trying to find me a new home think that would make me the most happy! I am trustworthy while my human went to work and I just chilled out! I am a little nervous when visitors come over. I haven't had a lot of visitors in my life but I will slink away a bit when they first come over. After a few minutes, I will settle in but I am not an overly socialized guy. A quiet home would likely be best. I might not be GREAT in a home if it's party time all the time, that might make me nervous! I have not been exposed to cats and younger children. I would love for you to consider me... I am beautiful and overall a great great companion. I just need a little understanding and someone who can be satisfied with me being me.
This little guy is Junior (although he responds well to Buddy too)We think Junior is a Chihuahua/Italian Greyhound mix and he’s about 1 year old.He weighs 12 pounds and we don’t think he’ll get much bigger than that!Junior is the most lovable little guy EVER! He takes a hot minute to warm up to you, but likes to bond quickly with his person.He is housebroken and crate trained, but trustworthy in the house if you have to leave. He is working on his leash manners and seems to do better with a harness. He loves outside and would love a fenced yard to run around in. This boy can jump as high as 5’ if he wants! He gets along great with other dogs (he’d love another dog to boost his confidence) and is ok with the resident cat (just a little sniffing).Although Junior has a lot of love to give his people he is super scared of kids their sometimes fast movements, he also gets a little jealous of littles when he is sitting with his person. We’d ideally like to place Junior in a quiet household where he can be someone’s lap warmer and enjoy the days lounging around and getting loved on! Or with someone who will give him a little patience and time to realize he is in his forever and help him overcome his little quirks. This boy does great in the car and would be a great travel companion too!Think you are this boy’s forever?#smalldog #adoptabledogsofinstagram #newjersey #connecticut #fosteringsaveslives
My name is Nicky! I am one of 7 pups in the Blue Bloods Litter! We are tiny. I just weighed in at 3.5 lbs and I am almost 3.5 months. You are thinking... how big will I get? ASCZ cannot see me getting over 10 lbs. I mean, things can happen and I could get to 12 but, the gist of it - I am SMALL. I am also fun, smart, affectionate, learning to play with tiny toys, romp with my siblings and spend some time around a 110 lb Pyrenees! I love to be held and picked up. I am so young, I am good with everything and just starting my exposure. I am crate-trained and yes, I will need some housebreaking work upon my transition to my forever home. Want to adopt me?
Have you ever thought of being part of a story?
A short blip in your life can save the entire life of one animal.
Consider being part of a rescue dog’s story.
Even if it’s just once, a foster makes all the difference in the life of a rescue dog and in the life of the special family who adopts.
All we need from you is a little time, space, and lots of love.
Email [email protected] or message us to find out more.
These two cuties are part of the “shoe” litter!Meet Hoka and Danner. The “shoe” litter puppies are adorable bloodhound/anatolian mix pups who are three months old.Two of the four “shoes” have been adopted, and now it’s Hoka and Danner’s turn!As with all puppies, they will need coaching on how to be the best grown dog they can be. They are friendly, wiggly, and love attention.Want to learn more and adopt one of these adorable pups?Email [email protected]#bloodhoundpuppies #anatolianpuppies #adoptdontshop #adoptablepuppy #fosteringsaveslives