What a whirlwind of a weekend! We made the best of the temps and showed in Auburn NY at the Cayuga Lakes R&CC.
Rhinelanders did very well, we were Best of Breed all 6 shows and Best Opposite S*x 5 shows. We finished a few of our srs and got a good start on our jrs.
GCH GrapeView Enizio, GrapeView Fiat, GCH BT's Salt-N-Pepa, GCH BT's Three Day's Grace,
GrapeView Neuspeed, GrapeView Quattroporte, GrapeView Lamborghini all earned legs. I forgot to record show B so I'm unsure official counts but I know that every rabbit I entered got at least one leg.
Polish had a crazy weekend with flip flopping placings across all the shows, we were Best of Breed today with GrapeView Cordelia a black Jr doe, GCH GrapeView Gertrude our broken chocolate Sr doe was BOV and BOSV (large broken entries) today to finish (I think!), we had BOV Chocolate with our jr doe GrapeView Gracie, GrapeView Frank got great comments his first weekend out and we are excited to watch him grow.
I think that's it! It was great seeing everyone from our rabbit family and meeting new people. Lots and lots of laughs also. You're welcome, I do expect a crown next time.