At 90 days out, you don't have time to waste with a cattle project. The last few months are crunch time for cattle exhibitors!
๐ฃ Temperature Control: At this point it's critical to have your cattle into the barn and either under fans or in a cooler, minimizing their time in the direct sunlight and exposure to heat.
๐ฃ It's important to really start working on hair and hide to make sure it is healthy, hydrated and free of any external parasites. Refer back to our previous post regarding a daily routine if you need help understanding this process.
๐ฃ Evaluate their hoof shape and size, do they need to be worked on? Now is a good time to make corrections and then hoof care is easy maintenance after corrections are made.
๐ฃ Make sure cattle are current on all of their de-worming, both internal and external parasites!
๐ฃ Nutritional changes typically take 45-60 days to see a change in cattle. So now is a good time to identify which supplements your calf could benefit from and begin adding them to their diet. Here are a couple to consider that all cattle could benefit from:
- Total Care: this is a great time to start Total Care in order to promote skin and hair quality, improve appetite and help with their feet and tendon health.
- Struttin': Long days in the barn tend to cut down on exercise and movement for these cattle, so it's a great time to add Struttin' as a preventative to any joint and movement issues.
๐ฃ Tying your calves up for longer periods of time over the next 90 days will help them develop the stamina needed to be a show calf. And you should be trying to perfect your showmanship skills over the next 90 days!
If 90 days seems like a long time until show day to you, you're not thinking in the right mindset. Set yourself up for success by doing the work NOW, and reap the benefits LATER.