Hello Everyone,
I did not want to have to address this publicly, I value professionalism and I don’t believe that a business page is the place to air out a dispute with others. Unfortunately, it has come to a point where allegations are being spread about me and my business that are completely untrue and could ultimately hurt my business.
I did not break into anyone’s property. I paid rent for a place to raise my rats. I was continuously and purposefully locked out, and was not able to gain access to my belongings being stored at said property. This clearly affected my ability to fulfill orders. I ultimately decided that it was clearly not a place I could continue running my business out of and made other arrangements.
Other events transpired such as dishonesty, deceit, business practices I didn’t agree with, and exploiting me for free product with the consequence of stealing back customers if I didn’t comply, among other information that came to light that led me to the decision that discontinuing affiliation with another company was in the best interest of my business. As I stated at the beginning of this post, I do not believe that a business page is the place to air out what should be a private dispute but I feel that I wasn’t left much of a choice.
Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns.
Thank you.