Big Dog Energy Company

Big Dog Energy Company “The Small Business for Big Pups” - Shop for products that meet the needs of your large & giant dogs.

We're used to it...our big pup struts around the house like you should just be grateful that they let you live there and...

We're used to it...our big pup struts around the house like you should just be grateful that they let you live there and pay the rent/mortgage, their collar jingling with authority. 🐕‍🦺👨‍⚖️

But how does your big pooch react when you take their collar off?! Do they transform from a regal, confident ruler of the roost to 'Did I leave the oven on?' in seconds flat? 🙈 Or does your pup just go back to their royal duties of guilt-tripping you for a pepperoni off your pizza and claiming the good spot on the couch? 👑

Either way, the fact that we comment on how 'nakey' our pup is after taking their collar off just makes me cringe at the thought of what they think when they see us hop in the shower! 🛁

Cartoon credit:

It was just too good not to share.


As a big dog owner, keeping your home clean 🧹🏡 on a consistent basis (for longer than 30 minutes at a time) can feel lik...

As a big dog owner, keeping your home clean 🧹🏡 on a consistent basis (for longer than 30 minutes at a time) can feel like a daunting task...

I mean, what do you tackle first? The hair clumps the size of Texas tumbleweeds? The drool art that has been meticulously "painted" on your walls? 💦 The size 12 paw prints enshrined in dirt on the hardwood you just mopped yesterday? 🐾

While cleaning up after your gentle giant can sometimes feel like the most futile of tasks, especially after wiping your baseboards down for the 4th time this week, we still choose to do it. Because even though our big pooches have stolen our free time, they've also stolen our heart ❤️ I guess that makes them worth it!

But just for good measure, you can still drop your "Big Dog Cleaning Tips I Wish I Would've Known About Years Ago" in the comments below...Help some big dog owner somewhere save some sanity 😅


🐾🍔 BIG dogs = Big Appetites! 🍗🐶When you live your life with a big dog, the term "dinner for one" is guaranteed to cease ...

🐾🍔 BIG dogs = Big Appetites! 🍗🐶

When you live your life with a big dog, the term "dinner for one" is guaranteed to cease to exist 🍽️ Big dogs have the magical ability to smell the tiniest crumbs from miles away...They're basically land sharks 🏝️🦈

Try as you might, It doesn't matter if you're ninja stealthy or have the speed of a puma, the moment that bag opens or that Tupperware top is lifted, you're guaranteed to have a fuzzy stalker, pleading for just one little tiny taste. And don't kid yourself, saying "no" to a drooling giant is like trying to resist the gravitational pull of a black hole - it's virtually impossible! 🌀

What's the "forbidden human dish" that your big pup is guaranteed to come running for?!


A full work week can be hard to come back to after you had a shortened work week thanks to the holiday... The work days ...

A full work week can be hard to come back to after you had a shortened work week thanks to the holiday...

The work days seem a little longer 📆

The hands on the clock move a little slower 🕣

The 4th cup of coffee doesn't hit like it normally does ☕️ ☕️ ☕️ ☕️

And don't get me started on what the meetings feel like... ☠️

So this week, we're encouraging you to think like your big dog would. No, we're not asking you to sniff your coworkers (That sounds like an HR nightmare), but take a few minutes every now and then to stop and appreciate the little things.

The view from your office window? Watch those birds for a few minutes. The praise your boss gives you? Relish in it for a few seconds. That leftover piece of pizza that you brought for lunch? Soak in every ounce of flavor like it's your last meal.

And most important of all...When you finally get home from work after your long day and you walk through the front door, don't forget to wag your proverbially tail uncontrollably when your big dog is there to greet you!

So to nurse that holiday hangover 🇺🇸 all you need to do is think like your big dog 🐶

WEDNESDAY! We're halfway there, fam. 👊


As you're making your fun plans to celebrate this 🇺🇸 4th of July 🇺🇸 , make sure to paws for a moment to ensure that your...

As you're making your fun plans to celebrate this 🇺🇸 4th of July 🇺🇸 , make sure to paws for a moment to ensure that your big dog's Independence Day isn't a dud!

For a lot of dogs, fireworks can be their worst nightmare, so make sure you're keeping them safe by taking a few extra precautions:

1️⃣ Make sure that your big dog is microchipped or has an ID tag: Your dog should always have identification with up-to-date information, but this is especially true for dogs around the 4th, as loud noises can lead them to panic and wander.

2️⃣ Provide a quiet place: Prepare a quiet, comfortable, safe space for your pooch. You can do this in their crate or a centrally located room to help muffle the sound of fireworks.

3️⃣ Walk them earlier: Some big pups might be too frightened to go out once the fireworks start. Tiring them out early lets you avoid the noise and help them rest more peacefully later!

4️⃣ Keep them indoors: This one is common sense. Being away from the noise means they're away from the stress! If they do become frantic from the noise, this can keep them from wandering off!

5️⃣ Stay close by: Your dog trusts you more than anyone or anything in the world. They look to you for protection! Having their people around is the biggest stress reliever.

6️⃣ Provide some distractions: Can't keep the noise from coming in? Try presenting their favorite toy, treats, or some soothing music (maybe some Lee Greenwood?). This can keep their mind busy and off of all of the ruckus!

Research shows at least 40% of dogs have noise-related phobias, so you're not in this alone. Let's let freedom ring (safely) 🙌


Big pups can sometimes have BIG reactions to stimuli when you're out on your daily walk. Squirrels 🐿 rabbits 🐇 other dog...

Big pups can sometimes have BIG reactions to stimuli when you're out on your daily walk. Squirrels 🐿 rabbits 🐇 other dogs 🐩 tiny humans 👼 They're fun. We don't judge.

But for the safety of you, your pup, and others, it's best to have control in those moments of weakness!

Here are a few tips for keeping those excitable moments under control:

1️⃣ Understand Body Language: Learning to read your big floof's body helps you identify signs of stress or excitement. Recognizing cues will help you proactively manage potential triggers during walks.

2️⃣ Positive Reinforcement: Use positive reinforcement techniques to reward calm behavior. Treats, praise, and gentle encouragement create positive associations with pretty much anything.

3️⃣ Maintain Distance: When encountering triggers, maintain a comfortable distance to reduce your pooch's reactivity. Gradually decrease the distance over time as their confidence builds. Try this with mother-in-laws, too.

4️⃣ Redirect Focus: Distract your big dog with their favorite toy or engage them in obedience commands to shift their attention away from potential triggers. Who doesn't love a good distraction?

5️⃣ Create Predictable Routines: Establish consistent walking routines and stick to familiar routes whenever possible. This reduces anxiety and provides a sense of security.

6️⃣ Use Calming Tools: Consider using calming aids like a snug-fitting harness or a pheromone collar that emits calming scents. These tools can help ease anxiety and provide a sense of security during walks.

7️⃣ Professional Guidance: If your big dog's reactivity persists or worsens, consult with a professional dog trainer or behaviorist. They can offer guidance tailored to your dog's specific needs.

You've got this! 🙌


Our big dogs do so much to make our houses feel like home. Have you thought about how you make their house-within-their-...

Our big dogs do so much to make our houses feel like home. Have you thought about how you make their house-within-their-home (their crate) feel more...home-y? 🐾

Here are a few secrets for finding the ideal crate size and ensuring that your big pooch feels like there's no place like home 🏠

Tip 1️⃣: Measure Up! 📐 Start by measuring your big dog from the tip of their nose to the base of their tail and from the floor to the top of their head. This will help you determine the appropriate length, height, and width for their house.

Tip 2️⃣: Room to Roam! 🐾 Ensure your pup has enough space to stand up, turn around, and stretch out comfortably inside the crate. Remember, a crate should feel like a cozy den, not a dungeon.

Tip 3️⃣: Consider Growth 📈 Pups grow fast, and it's essential to account for their future size. Opt for a crate with an adjustable divider to accommodate growth stages (and to save your wallet).

Tip 4️⃣: Safety First! 🔒 Choose a crate made of sturdy materials and secure latches to keep your big floof safe. A strong, well-built crate will give you peace of mind.

Tip 5️⃣: Test the Waters! 💦 Introduce your dog to their new crate gradually, making it a positive experience with treats, toys, and praise. Patience and consistency are key 🔑

Tip 6️⃣: Personalize their Space! 🎨 Add cozy bedding, a favorite blanket, or a toy to make the crate inviting and familiar. Familiar is calming!

Tip 7️⃣: Monitor and Adjust! 📝 Keep an eye on your dog's behavior inside the crate. If they seem uncomfortable or restless, it might be a sign that you need to reassess the size or make adjustments.

Remember, homes are important. Following these tips will ensure that your big pooch feels safe and "at home" in theirs!


We've all done it...Your big pooch that normally zooms through your house like an Amtrak train managed to sneak up behin...

We've all done it...Your big pooch that normally zooms through your house like an Amtrak train managed to sneak up behind you and lay down without you noticing (or they're just taking up 3/4 of the kitchen), and you take a step back and accidentally land on their little (🤔) paw.

That tiny yelp coming out of your gentle giant is always enough to make a grown man cry. The guilt is inescapable, but don't fret! We're about to hit you with a little insight about your not so little dog that might help your recovery process.

Here's what they go through:

Surprise: 😮 They're as startled as you are! There's a good chance they were enjoying the nice, cold hardwood, and then WHAM...A New Balance comes out of nowhere and shakes them from their daydream (probably about food).

Ouch: 😢 No surprise here. Step on the person closest to you's foot. They're going to grimace...and maybe do it back to you. This is normal, but always be sure to check them out just in case!

Forgiveness: 🙏 Dogs are capable of understanding that accidents happen. They most likely know that you didn't mean to step on them...and they're probably way more forgiving than the person in the previous paragraph.

So how do you make sure they know you didn't mean it?

Extra Love: ❤️ There's nothing that a few ear scratches, a tasty treat, or a gentle "I'm sorry, sweet boy/girl" won't fix. Show them some extra love and I'm sure they'll be putty in your hands!

Remember, accidents happen, but your dog's love for you is stronger than any accidental foot stomp could ever be! 🐾❤️🐶


As the temperature rises, we need to talk about a burning issue... literally! 🌞🔥 It's important to take extra care of yo...

As the temperature rises, we need to talk about a burning issue... literally! 🌞🔥 It's important to take extra care of your pooches' paws on scorching hot asphalt.

Before you decide to walk your pooch in the heat of summer, here are a few precautions you can consider:

1️⃣ Time It Right: Plan your walks during the cooler parts of the day, such as early morning or late evening. This way, the asphalt won't be as hot, reducing the risk of paw pad burns. Your fuzzy giant will appreciate it.

2️⃣ Seek Out Shade: When strolling on sidewalks or streets, encourage your pup to walk on grassy areas or seek out shady spots whenever possible. This helps them avoid direct contact with the scorching pavement. And who doesn't like offroadin'?

3️⃣ Paw Balm to the Rescue: Apply a dog-friendly paw balm or wax to your furry friend's paws before heading out. This forms a protective barrier and helps prevent burns and cracking. You can suck at using sunscreen, but don't let your dog.

4️⃣ Test the Surface: Before stepping onto the asphalt, gently touch it with the back of your hand. If it feels too hot for you, it's definitely too hot for your pup! It's common courtesy. Don't be a jerk.

5️⃣ Stylish Booties: Invest in a pair of dog booties designed to protect your pup's paws from extreme temperatures. Not only do they shield against hot surfaces, but they can also provide extra traction and prevent slipping. We know it's a pain to put them on, but it's worth the extra few minutes!

Remember, our furry friends rely on us to keep them safe and comfortable...and you're not like most dog parents. You're a cool dog parent. So keep your dog's paws just as chill 🐶🌞🚶‍♂


Ever wonder what your big dog would wish for if all of their digging finally paid off and they found the elusive "genie ...

Ever wonder what your big dog would wish for if all of their digging finally paid off and they found the elusive "genie in a bottle"?🧞‍♂️✨ Let's speculate together, shall we?!

Wish 1: That their humans could communicate better! 📢 They're tired of you taking forever to figure out what they REALLY want...and to them, most of the words coming out of your mouth probably sound like malarkey. So they're definitely choosing to make you "speak dog."

Wish 2: Unlimited treat access! 🍖🥓 We're talking the GOOD stuff. Not those discount treats you found at TJ Maxx. This is the equivalent to humans wishing for the customary Hawaiian Punch fountain in their house. BRING. IT. ON.

Wish 3: Every day is Saturday! 💙🐶 (I might be projecting here.) Let's face it. There's a zero percent chance that your big pooch wouldn't wish every day was the day that they, theoretically, could spend every single second with you. Making every day "Adventure Day" would be a must on every pup's list.

Wish 4 (Little known fact: 3 human wishes are actually 4 in dog wishes): Glass house!🥛🏡 Stick with me on this one. Your whole house is now a window. Squirrels in the yard? Can't miss 'em. Passing cars? Now in their full field of view. You? Never out of your pooch's sight again (or your neighbors'...but that's your problem to figure out). With a glass house, your big fuzzy friend's world just multiplied (just like your insurance premium probably would).

What do you think your big pooch's wildest wishes would be? 🎉🌈✨


Do you let your big pup on your furniture? 🤔 Let's weigh the pros and cons together! 🤗👍 Potential PROS of allowing your ...

Do you let your big pup on your furniture? 🤔 Let's weigh the pros and cons together! 🤗

👍 Potential PROS of allowing your big woofer on your furniture:

1️⃣ Extreme Bonding Time: Is having your mega pooch curled up at your feet not enough? Let 'em up. Find out what the Spice Girls really meant when they sang "When 2 Become 1."
2️⃣ Next Level Comfort: That quilt that your grandmother took 6 months to make you just became irrelevant. There's a new blanket in town, but you have to feed this one.
3️⃣ Elevated Luxury Views: Waiting on your dog hand and foot every minute of every day might not be enough. Give them that Bradley Cooper penthouse view of your living room from your couch. I promise they'll appreciate it.

👎 Potential CONS of allowing your house cow on your furniture:

1️⃣ (More) Fur and Dirt: As if your chinos being covered in enough dog hair that you look like you're wearing the bottom half of your Chewbacca Halloween costume weren't enough...Throw in that loveseat!
2️⃣ Furniture Wear and Tear: New couch? Fuhgeddaboudit. Your furniture's going to age like Robin Williams in Jack.
3️⃣ Kiss Boundaries Goodbye: Give an inch, they take an ultra-marathon. Where does it end? I'll tell you where. They're in your lap. You can't move. You live on the couch now. Forever.

Ok...maybe we're exaggerating a few things 🐶💬 But we'd love to hear your thoughts! Comment below and share your experiences: Do you let your big dogs on your furniture? Why or why not? 🤔❤️


Yesterday we celebrated this floofy snoring machine’s 7th consecutive year of bringing more love and light into the worl...

Yesterday we celebrated this floofy snoring machine’s 7th consecutive year of bringing more love and light into the world!

This is Auggie. He’s the pooch that inspired me to take a step away from the corporate world and pursue something that I’m passionate about…Serving the giant breed community! I consider him my co-founder of Big Dog Energy Company.

Auggie’s officially a ”senior” now (I tear up just typing that), and while our walks might be a little shorter, our hairs might be a little grayer, and it takes us both a little longer to get up off the couch, this guy continues to give me nothing but great memories and unconditional love. He’s been right by my side for 7 moves across 5 different states, and I’m lucky to have spent roughly 20% of my life with him.

As we close the book on another year of trips, treats, and belly rubs, I’m already looking forward to the next revolution around the sun with my soulpup. Love ya, big bud!

(A huge shoutout to Pup Grub Pastries for the amazing cake…It didn’t last long!)


Dogs, like us, learn at their own pace! 🐶💨 Some are quick learners, mastering new tricks in a flash, while others (to pu...

Dogs, like us, learn at their own pace! 🐶💨 Some are quick learners, mastering new tricks in a flash, while others (to put it nicely) take their time to absorb each lesson.

Like humans, they have unique personalities and learning styles. That's what makes them YOUR pup!

📍 Here are some tips for understanding and supporting your dog's individual learning journey:

1️⃣ Patience is key: Your big dog is unique. Be patient and provide them with the time they need to grasp new concepts. Celebrate small steps forward, no matter how long it takes!

2️⃣ Tailor your approach: Some floofs may respond better to visual cues, while others might thrive with hands-on training. Observe your pup closely to understand what works best for them, and adapt your training techniques accordingly.

3️⃣ Break it down: Complex tasks can be overwhelming for dogs with slower learning speeds. Break down the training process into smaller, more manageable steps. Focus on one aspect at a time. Think about a new command like it's your first day at a new job!

4️⃣ Consistency and repetition: Consistency is key. Repetition helps reinforce lessons and solidify their understanding. Establish a consistent routine and practice regularly to help reinforce their learning.

5️⃣ Positive reinforcement: Use treats, praise, and rewards to motivate and encourage your pup during the learning process. This not only helps build their confidence but also makes training sessions enjoyable and memorable!

6️⃣ Adapt to their needs: Some dogs have unique challenges or learning disabilities that require extra understanding. Consult with a professional trainer or behaviorist to develop tailored strategies to meet your dog's specific needs and provide them with the best learning environment.


🐾🔥 Grilling Safely with Our Furry Giants! 🔥🐾It's grilling season, which means hot dogs aren't just on your patio...they'...

🐾🔥 Grilling Safely with Our Furry Giants! 🔥🐾

It's grilling season, which means hot dogs aren't just on your patio...they're on your plate, too 🌭🐶 Yes, we all want to make sure that we're serving up the best, but more importantly, we want to make sure we're doing it safely. Adding a dog that's larger than the typical foot-long to the mix can bring about a new set of challenges, so here are a few tips to make sure you're "keeping it grill":

1️⃣ Keep a Watchful Eye: Always supervise your big pup around the grill to prevent any accidental mishaps. Their curiosity (and appetites) can get them into some unsavory places!

2️⃣ Designate a Pet-Free Zone: Create a designated area away from the grill where your pooch can relax and play safely. Provide them with shade, water, and their distraction of choice to keep them entertained.

3️⃣ Beware of Hot Surfaces: Remember, dogs' sensitive paws can be vulnerable to hot surfaces. Place the grill on a stable, elevated surface, and keep them away from hot coals or grates to avoid unnecessary injuries.

4️⃣ Keep the Food Out of Reach: While we love to share delicious treats with our furry friends, some BBQ goodies can be harmful to them, and certain bones can pose some REALLY big problems. Keep the table scraps out of their reach, just to be safe.

5️⃣ Secure the Grill: Dogs are natural explorers, so make sure your grill is stable and won't tip over if they accidentally bump into it (see: the lamp on your side table). This will ensure their safety and prevent any fire hazards.

Remember, safety is the key ingredient to a fantastic grilling experience with our big buds! 🌭🐾 And as always, make sure you enjoy your side of dog hair!

Apron available for purchase here:


One thing that we really love about serving the big dog community is the sense of camaraderie you instantly feel when yo...

One thing that we really love about serving the big dog community is the sense of camaraderie you instantly feel when you meet a fellow big dog parent. When you're walking around with a furry behemoth, it's kind of like showing off your membership card to the Mega Floof Club. It's like being part of a not-so-secret society, where the secret handshakes are most likely covered in dry drool and maybe just a tiny bit of fur. 🐶🤝

But seriously! It's always great to meet other people that understand the amount of love, patience, and acceptance that it takes to love a house cow. It's also great to exchange "war stories" with them, commiserating about those moments where your big buddies might make you want to pull your hair out...but there's also an unspoken understanding that you both would never wish for it to be any other way.

There just isn't another love quite like the love of a big dog. ❤️❤️❤️


Spring is out here sprangin’, which means we humans start to get the itch for bringing more green things into our lives…...

Spring is out here sprangin’, which means we humans start to get the itch for bringing more green things into our lives…So listen up, you big dog parents that somehow still have the energy to keep another thing alive! 🐶🌿 Did you know that some common houseplants can be harmful to our furry friends? While plants can add a beautiful touch of nature to our homes, it's important to make sure that the ones we bring into or around our homes are safe for our four-legged family members to be around.

Some plants contain chemicals that can cause mild to severe reactions in dogs, ranging from digestive upset to respiratory distress. Symptoms of plant poisoning in dogs may include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, difficulty breathing, and even seizures in extreme cases. As you start to spend more time outside, make sure to familiarize yourself with the symptoms of “bad plant” ingestion. This can be life-saving!

Also, before bringing any new plant into your home, make sure to do your research and check if it's safe for your furry friend…and then, after doing your research, make sure you still ask the experts at your nursery of choice for their pet-safe recommendations! Some pet-friendly plants include spider plants, Boston ferns, and even some types of palms. On the other hand, common plants to avoid include lilies, azaleas, and philodendrons. These are toxic to dogs and should be avoided as much as possible.

Remember, your pup's safety should always be top-of-mind! 🐾💚 By taking a few extra moments to check the safety of your plants, you can help ensure that your home is a safe and happy environment for both you and your giant fuzz monster.
For a more comprehensive list of plants you should help your pets avoid and plants that are pet-approved, check out this tool from ASPCA:


If you own a giant breed dog, you should understand how important it is to give them the proper nutrition and supplement...

If you own a giant breed dog, you should understand how important it is to give them the proper nutrition and supplements they need to support their overall health and well-being (human hair is not one of those supplements...please don't call health services). There are a few standard supplements that can, generally, work wonders on your furry giant!

First on the list is glucosamine and chondroitin, which are essential for maintaining healthy joints and preventing arthritis in larger breeds. Since giant breed dogs are more prone to joint issues, adding these supplements to their diet can help alleviate any discomfort and promote if only getting my dog to eat them could make MY knees better, too...

Next up, it's generally recommended to add a probiotic supplement to your giant pup's diet. Probiotics can help promote a healthy gut microbiome (yum!), which is essential for proper digestion and nutrient absorption. This is especially important for larger breeds who may struggle with size-related digestive issues.

Last but not least, are omega-3 fatty acids (commonly found in salmon oil), which can improve your dog's skin and coat health, as well as boost their immune system. These healthy fats are especially beneficial for our giant buddies that have drier skin and more sensitive stomachs. They'll have your pup looking like Fabio in no time!

So there you have it, folks! The top supplements to support your giant breed dog's health and happiness. Don't forget to consult with your veterinarian before adding any new supplements to your dog's diet...and please...PLEASE...don't put your hair in your dog's food. Besides, that's THEIR trick.

To purchase salmon oil, check out this link:



Chicago, IL


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