Rock Dog Shelter of chicago

Rock Dog Shelter of chicago My Dream Animal Shelter and you're all going to help me!

This is Olivia and I hope she's going to be mine

This is Olivia and I hope she's going to be mine


Contact the Ellen DeGeneres show and get us started


I'm sorry I haven't updated this for a while and I really appreciate the likes I don't really want to advertise from Petfinder although I'm going to have to do it for now but Facebook is trying to charge me a crap load of money to run ads and I never work. So I can't boost my website so any health that you can give me with the likes or having a friend likes would really help me out. I did contact a lawyer about starting a nonprofit to see how difficult it was and I'm waiting for them to get back to me but it's got to happen this is the only thing I want to do so I really appreciate your support thank you oh and by the way I'm picking up my rescue Pitbull today and she is going to be an emotional support animal as I suffer from chronic pain so if you need help or you suffer from a disease and you don't want to get a service dog because the training is very difficult. it costs about 10 to $20,000 to get them trained to detect diseases so if you have that problem I'm warning you it's very expensive. If you get an esa or EAS a service I'm sorry and emotional support dog they cannot deny you entrance regardless of the breed to an apartment building however you really don't want to live in an apartment where the residents are going to resent you for having a dog because who needs that hassle right? So I wouldn't recommend even though it's illegal for them to deny you moving into a non dog friendly apartment because it's just going to be more of a hassle for you and I have problems with my neighbors right now because they beat their dogs and so I'm moving out and I did report them to the ASPCA and the local shelter and they haven't done anything about it so I feel like if I can get into their apartment or if they took them outside or left them outside I will completely take them take them away. And I told them that so I'd like to see what happens. They only let their dogs outside to go to the bathroom they don't exercise them they don't take them to the park they don't take them in the car and I think that's complete cruelty and I want those animals taken away and I will have it happen so if you know anybody that is cruel to their dogs or keep them chained up do not go on their property because it'll be trespassing and I've had to reveal that for jobs and I don't think they have a problem with it because I've taken dogs before that have been chained up in the rain and stuff like that and usually the owners are willing to give it up but you can totally get charged with trespassing so be very careful about that if you need to do a rescue please call your local shelter or hope for pause or something like that and they can come out and take care of it for you and try to get the owner to give it up. Sometimes they won't do it but with a complaint they usually will take care of it you cannot let an animal suffer like that you just can't so please report any of you so you see thank you very much.

Listen I wish I could share with you a lot of these rescues that I'm getting messages from but it won't let me share it'...

Listen I wish I could share with you a lot of these rescues that I'm getting messages from but it won't let me share it's horrible and you guys can't click on notifications to see it but I wish I could share it with you because there's a lot of really great rescues out there and if I could I would put the animals on my website but I can't are on my page but I can't because I can't share it so it sucks but look up if you're in Chicago look up shelters around here there's a heck of a lot of them. Thanks

This is Garth I meet him on Tuesday I'm so excited

This is Garth I meet him on Tuesday I'm so excited

Mission StatementHello! Thanks for stopping by. If I didn't this has been a dream of mine for quite some time after I le...

Mission Statement

Hello! Thanks for stopping by. If I didn't this has been a dream of mine for quite some time after I left the music industry I had to have spinal surgery which took me out of the workforce for a long time and then there wasn't any more music industry. So now at the age of 51 after being on disability for a while career.
The only other thing I've ever wanted to do is to open an animal rescue and animal shelter and the ones that are in the suburbs of Chicago really aren't that great.
What I want to do is put together everybody that I know to get on this page and start writing reasons why they think this animal shelter could open and I want you to copy the Ellen DeGeneres show on it.
If you check out my page Polli Foerster, you'll see my proposal letter to Ellen although it does need to be edited and you'll see it's on the right on my front page you'll see why I want to do this and I've already kind of explained that but there's nothing more important to me than to help animals.
The goal here is to get Ellen DeGeneres to bring in her friends from one of those construction shows get about 2 acres of land outside of Chicago work with Ace hardware Shutterfly the Veterans Administration as I am a veteran and get grants from those to open this animal shelter
Kathy Bissell from the Bissell corporation you know the vacuums they have a huge Grant proposal that they do every year for animal shelters and animal welfare and they give the money to the most deserving. Proposal and I'm going to have to bring a lot of people in to help me on this kind of stuff but I do know animals and I do know how to run a business and I do know people.
The idea is to build a 15 or 16 room farmhouse type place with one bedroom a living room and a bathroom for myself live on the property and have the other 14 rooms before older dogs that have been in the shelter for a very long time and need a better end of life plan and we get out of the rooms full of toys and pillows and anything they're little hearts desire.
Then what I would like to do is have a barn with about 20 kennels on it for dogs that need to be rehabilitated like pit bulls that are aggressive or intimidated dog they want to go out and do animal rescues in the middle of the night bringing dogs that are injured have veterinarians that I work with and I can get some vets to sponsor me too I want to work with Bondi vet in Australia.
So all of my 182 friends or however many I have an acquaintances on Facebook I really need you to come in here make a comment tell me how great you think this idea this is and that I'm the person to run it tag Ellen degeneres show on it somehow I'm going to get this proposal to her although it's a little bit too long for her website. Fortunately I know one of her producers but that might be futile.
So please everybody come to this page say something about a great what a great animal shelter this would be I also want to have a little house on the property for a veterinary tech that can live there full time hopefully somebody on Young and I want to hire a bunch of young people too animal shelters and ma*****na dispensaries are like the record stores of right now. Not so much animal shelters but that's the way I'm going to look at it I'm going to play rock and roll and everybody's welcome we're going to take in cats too.
I realize you guys might think I'm crazy but I'm 51 years old I have to change she's a career after I get my hip replacement because I'm not going to lay in bed and watch movies for the next 40 years and chronic pain I can exercise with these dogs and have a lot of really cool people work there I want to have some veterinary students there to spend some time working in the real world with our vet tech if you think this is a good idea that's fine too all I need you guys to do is start tagging The Ellen degeneres show on here and I will get her to pay attention this is going to happen and anybody that wants to jump aboard please do.
Lastly after I get this set up but I'd like to do is get a fostering network from Chicago to Minneapolis to St Louis to Carbondale to Indianapolis and have it so we have Foster families all around that area and let's say there's a senior dog that's going to be put down at your shelter and they call you they will call you and then you would call me and I would drive wherever and pick up the dog and bring her to my senior facility and then if we need to Foster any dogs out here or if you need dogs rescued out there we could get the spca's to work with us and do that but this is really important to me guys and I've never asked you guys for anything at all just your support and I'm desperately asking for your support now because this is what I want to do the rest of my life and I'm going to accomplish this one way or another. Just click the like button and share with everybody that you know. And please if you would tag at Ellen DeGeneres we got to get it to her.
Thank you


Margo is an adoptable Dog - American Bulldog Mix searching for a forever family near Crystal Lake, IL. Use Petfinder to find adoptable pets in your area.

Available for adoption Anderson animal Shelter North Aurora Illinois

Available for adoption Anderson animal Shelter North Aurora Illinois

Charlie is an adoptable Dog - Great Dane & German Shepherd Dog Mix searching for a forever family near South Elgin, IL. Use Petfinder to find adoptable pets in your area.

Please share this page with all of your friends and please check out the page on my Instagram account. Polli Foerster 4....

Please share this page with all of your friends and please check out the page on my Instagram account.
Polli Foerster 4.

We've got some momentum so let's keep it going we got to get this page noticed thanks so much for all your help I really appreciate it. And please feel free to post pictures of your dogs thanks!

The little girl you see below is available at the Aurora Illinois animal shelter please check her out and check out her stats on

I want to give everybody my reasons and our mission statement meaning what's important to us. we're not an incorporation...

I want to give everybody my reasons and our mission statement meaning what's important to us. we're not an incorporation we are not profit we do accept any kind of donations that you want to give us to help right now the start up costs but ultimately it all goes to the animals. Also mainly after working in the music industry most of my life when it collapsed I had no clue as to why when everything went South a lot of people just got stuck and being only 51.I don't want to get stuck I want to move forward and I don't want to go back into corporate America and sit at some desk.
The only thing I want to do is rescue animals. It is so important to me to build this animal shelter. but this is something I've never even attempted before and I know I can do it. You just have to surround yourself with the right people doing the right jobs.
And of course ;-) the right money. And I am completely totally and utterly counting on Sheryl Crow to throw some money I promoted her records for years while she sat around and drink beer it was completely unfair. Fostering will be a fairly small to medium size network between Minneapolis Chicago Indianapolis Carbondale and St Louis, and the actual shelter I want to build here outside lake Michigan in Chicago. Even though I'm noticing there's a lot of shelters popping up here and a lot of fostering networks popping up here without shelters I want to coordinate with everybody and use our shelter as a stepping stone for those foster families that don't have a shelter and may need to drop those pets off for a couple of days while they go out of town or want to pick up more animals to foster.
I want this to be a stellar network of rescuers, vets, assistants, students, volunteers out there snatching these poor animals from the street and bringing them to a safe place. Then after a long time in some cases or right away they get to go their forever home. This is the goal. Take as many animals and as are going out and find them all stellar homes. I know that if we work on this we can be the Midwest most accomplished small animal shelter that there is once it's up and running and no matter how long it takes I swear to God it will be.

Available for adoption at Aurora animal shelter or look on Petfinder

Available for adoption at Aurora animal shelter or look on Petfinder

Now that the site is up and running I'm curious out there what kind of dog do you have where did you adopt them from and...

Now that the site is up and running I'm curious out there what kind of dog do you have where did you adopt them from and what happened after you adopted them even videos pictures are great too I'd like to get some ideas of what people are doing out there what kind of dogs are being adopted the most I know pitbulls are high on the list and let me know if your dogs are have been able to be rehabilitated things like that. See y'all soon


Please spread the word I really want to build this shelter


How many times have you thought what do I want to do with my life? And how many times have you thought of what you wanted to do and actually done it?
My name is Polly Forster and I'm a 51 year old disabled veteran one not having anything to do with another. After the military I spent most of my career in the entertainment and she working for polygram records I work with such fans as Soundgarden you too The cranberries Sheryl Crow you name them we had them Motown artist Stevie Wonder Ella Cool j everything that was great back in the 90s.
When the music industry collapsed I had no idea what I was going to do but I moved on in the entertainment industry out in Los Angeles working for some entertainment.
One day when I was about 30 years old I want to answer my phone and I couldn't move my neck I was completely stuck. I had a colleague take me to a rheumatologist who told me I had fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis at the age of 30. As well as final stenosis degenerative joint disease herniated disc and splintering out the spine.
I took 3 months off on disability because that's what you can do for work and during that time the company started to close down I had to be let go so I did get a small sentiment out of it but I didn't want to leave California. Eventually I had to realize that if I wasn't going to find a job that was that you are drive away or worth a kind of money living Los Angeles I was going to have to go to my hometown Aurora Illinois which is someplace I never wanted to go back to.
Well I did go back and I moved in with my father as I don't get along with my mother's side of the family. And my father's part is out of the family never said I love you they never gave hugs they never expressed emotion and they never talk to each other they're just a bunch of Southern curmudgeons and my mom said the family was completely obsessed with money and I couldn't relate to either one of them. So all I had was music. I start sneaking in the concerts around 14 years old my best friend and was a music ju**ie ever since and I know I'd work at the music industry but after getting sick and then the music industry collapsing my pain was so extreme that I was completely unable to work it's like having a charlie horse in every muscle on your neck shoulders and back 24 hours a day and imagine if your tendons have turned to that steel rope that you get Ace hardware. It's excruciating.
It's impossible to tell somebody that you can't get comfortable no matter which way that you lay down on your back on your side sitting up standing up no matter what kind of chair it is you're always in some kind of pain somewhere in your body.
The doctors in California 25 years ago had no problem putting people on lots of op**te pain medication and that's exactly what they did to me and gave me no much advice other than physical therapy without doing a lot of examining of other things that they can do. Back then that's just what they did and they gave me way too much medication and without working that just kind of left me in a stupor.
So I moved back out to California first startup company that seem sort of promising they're based out of Seattle the guys were young and wealthy but they really didn't know what they were doing and they were working in the film industry which is a very difficult thing to do in Los Angeles. I had a bad feeling about it from the very beginning and about 6 months into the company started to collapse.
My car of course then died my health insurance will run out so I had no way to get to physical therapy but I did have a magician friend that I work with who was letting me get my medication through his insurance by some means so I wasn't in pain but at that point you know it's too much medication we had to come down off of it and my pain had responded to that amount of medication.
My body was completely addicted but my mind wasn't my father wasn't alcoholic or I was growing up and I know what an attic looks like I don't know what the Bible that act is anything I've ever done I've been able to put down right away with no problem just walk away.
So rather than believe I was going for making $100,000 a year and working with Stevie Wonder then to losing my house I kind of just love having I became homeless in The valley in California. Something I never thought that would happen to me. I lost everything $7,000 albums and CDs autographs Johnny Cash biographies photographs galore things that you'll never ever see again that I'll never see again I just let it go and went to live on the streets for 3 months. I gave my cat away to people that thought I could trust and I found out she ran away the first night and I never knew what happened to her and I still feel guilty about it till this day but I just couldn't take her to the shelter with me.
My mom didn't offer me to come home and stay with her and my stepfather or give me any help to get home to my father my father didn't say hey come home he now claims that he was confused about it but he knows I lost everything in the other situation and I was living on the streets and every older person I meant on the street said you absolutely do not belong here you've got to get out of here just up and go.
It was fun not having a responsibility for about 4 weeks but then having possums crawl on you and having to walk all day and the whole thing was just ridiculous the situation I never thought I would be in and had a doctor's not put me on so much medication I never would have been in and I had no support system because none of my friends could understand what I was going through it's impossible to explain chronic pain to anybody unless you're actually dealing with it
So now here I am 20 years later and I've been dormant and not working because I didn't want to give up my disability and recently moved back to my hometown of Aurora Illinois with my 87 year old father were living together with my 16 year old cat Nico and I'm 51 years old I need to have replacement in the replacement which should help me walk better but will not help with the cry pain in my neck shoulders and back.
I could just get a job and get extra $600 a month to get an apartment and live here in this crappy little town and not do anything ever satisfying I know he ever been passionate about is music and Cinema and I'm not going to be a cinematographer at this age and that's animal rescue.
this is my dream animal rescue page the shelter that I want to build on lake Michigan on the north side of Chicago it's going to be a small one but a significant one and I'll tell you why I have it all planned out.
I want to go to Ellen DeGeneres the Bissell corporation and a few record companies and ask them to buy two acres of property near lake Michigan and get one of those building shows to donate their time and build a 15-room farmhouse with five bedrooms four bedrooms for Senior dogs to live out the rest of their lives with pillows and toys and they never get picked over at the shelter and they'll be able to live inside and have yards to play in outside and then I want a heated large barn with about 20 enclosures with beds and toys for strays that come in that have been badly tied up or beaten or treated badly and have bad reputations like pit bulls that just need love and care and help and have about 20 of those dogs and about 15 Senior dogs and that's all I would want to have on site.
I also want a small one bedroom house for a vice president / veterinary technician because I would want a veterinary assistant technician on the property 24 hours a day I would take one bedroom in the main house that's all I need is one room and all the other rooms could be for physical therapy or acupuncture or whatever the dog needs for the bathing of course and I'm a veteran so I would ask for a grant for the best Administration and have an associated with investment administration of Chicago or we can hire veterans to come and work on the property I think we probably have five to seven at a time considering the elderly dogs and then the other dogs that come in and of course you be willing to take puppies and I really want to go out and do rescues in the middle of the night this is what I'm passionate about a 51 years old I do not want to go back into an office space I want to rescue animals and I want to see how rewarding that is cuz I've never had that kind of unconditional love in my life and this is what I am meant to do and I need your guys help I want you to spread the word about this the kind of shelter that's going to be I want to pair with Rachael Ray and her natural food company I want to have veterinary technician students they're working with animals under a veterinary technician to get the experience and work with animals people that want to work with animal control to work there for a while volunteers trainers and ultimately get these dogs adopted out and then would like to do is start a fostering service between Minneapolis Chicago and Indianapolis St Louis and Carbondale Illinois where we get together or we could Foster dogs out to different areas and get the Bissell foundation Grant hopefully bring a lot of money and let's go to those musicians that I used to work with and have them donate and I'm great at advertising and promotions and sales I've never run a business besides a record store and I need a lot of help but I know I can do it. I've already started looking into veterinary technician schools that are two year schools for me so I can get a degree and have that as well. I honestly don't know how great I'm going to be at school having to go through that again but I'm going to try my damnedest. I think the best part of it will be the first time that we get a call in Illinois and bring it home give it a bath love it make it feel safe and just do what you're supposed to do with animals. So if you like the idea of a farmhouse animal shelter on two acres of property and this whole fostering system please for this say Ellen DeGeneres show I'm looking to get about $500,000 in some building companies to help me build the shelters to get up and running. so come on you guys get behind this idea and help me help me deal with my chronic pain by helping these animals heal they're going to be my physical therapy and they're going to help me live the next 40 years and physical pain and I can feel their pain and they can feel my pain but this will make us all better. I'm not looking for donations just support and momentum so spread the word. and let's do it thanks.


Chicago, IL


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