Got the camera set up for lambing, seeing as we start in about 3 weeks or so.
As you can see, they have one thing on their mind, munching down on some hay.
For sheep who have never had alfalfa before, they are certainly enjoying their first taste of "sheep crack".
Many people have asked me "Aren't your sheep cold outside? ".
Hope this will help explain some of why they're not cold. They come equipped by God with their very own thick wool sweater and internal furnace.
If we as shepherds provide them with proper nutrition and if needed a windbreak or shelter they will be perfectly fine. No I'm not saying for them to lamb outside like that, but for the time leading up to lambing being outside and moving around is healthier for them.
Ours have a shelter they can choose to use and most of the time even during a snowstorm they are on the high spot in their pasture all sleeping together letting the snow pile up on them.
I was asked on another post if we use any minerals with our sheep. Yes, we do, I'm a big believer in the need for a good mineral program for sheep.
There are many mineral options out there, but you want to make sure you're using a loose mineral as opposed to a mineral salt block.
My personal preference is the mineral from Premier 1 Supplies that comes in a 5lb bag that you then mix with 50lbs of salt. I find this to be not only the most economical option but also the one that has the best nutrient analysis and the sheep do great on it.
The key to a good mineral program is to keep it available for them all the time. They'll pick at it pretty much everyday, and consume the proper amounts that way.
As I said on Emenheiser Sheep 's post the other night, Moses has decided to become a destructive little 💩 lately.
I don't know if it's because of the pen change, or being closer to the bigger rams but he's decided water buckets and feed pans are his mortal enemy.
He's so helpful 🤣
I swear this ram needs a pacifier, he will chew on and play with anything he can get in his mouth.
Chanel is thinking "You called me up here just to video me? Goodbye!"
She'd rather go harass her sister over the fence.
Santa Claus 🎅 isn't the only one who gets to drive a deer on Christmas Eve.
American Lamb burgers for supper tonight. Some with just basic salt, garlic, and pepper, & trying some with Ras El Hanout. Can't wait for them to be ready to eat lol.
Yang says "You won't pet me? Fine I'll rub all over your gloves so the house cats wonder what cat you're cheating on them with!"
Wish I could have gotten my phone out quicker because he was going crazy rolling and playing with my gloves on top of the grain freezer.
Going through some pictures and videos from earlier this year and ran across this one that I hadn't posted yet.
This was this lamb's first shearing and I love how gentle our great shearer is with her.
Normally lambs this age aren't shorn because there isn't much wool, but because she was going to be a show lamb I had him do her along with the big sheep. He could do her first haircut a lot quicker than I could and it would be less stressful on her.
A few weeks ago I made a post about making stock from leftover bits and pieces and rotisserie chicken carcasses. I had made that post to show that you didn't need to live on a farm or raise animals to can good chicken stock. You can make it from leftovers from your everyday meals.
But this is that stock, the long simmer extracted all the goodness from the meat and the bones and provided us with this glorious thick stock full of flavor.