This week is International Pooper Scooper Week, and that's no April Fool's Day joke! 💩😵
We thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to remind everyone how important it is to pick up your pet's waste from not only your own yard but from public property!
You may not know what's lurking inside your dog's (or cat's) stool! There are a wide variety of parasites that can be transmitted between dogs and from dogs to people when there is some sort of fecal-oral contamination.
While we were all taught as children to wash our hands regularly, especially after playing with animals, not all small children remember to wash their hands before they put them in their mouth. And, what if we are outside doing yardwork and have unbeknownst to us come into contact with animal f***s and stop to wipe our faces off? 😳 What if your dog stepped in a small amount of f***s on a dog walk, licks his feet, and then gives you a bunch of kisses?
Roundworms and tapeworms can often be seen in f***s with the naked eye, but organisms like hookworms, whipworms, giardia, and coccidia cannot!
Yes . . . humans can contract all of these organisms, too!
One important way that we can reduce the spread of parasites from one pet to another and also to humans is making sure that stool is picked up promptly after a pet has defecated!
😎 This is your Public Service Announcement for today!