Now that the deep freeze is here, I’m so delighted I don’t have to wash paws and sweep/vacuum and mop quite so much, messing around with a little light action. Reishi, Beech and Nickel (the red nosed chocolate Old English Shpringerdoodle who looks nothing like an Old English Sheepdog or poodle) are so tolerant, calm, and fun to socialize to weird things while being chillaxed. ❤️ #servicedogs #dogsofcle #trainyourdog #dogtrainersofinstagram #trainingworks #lifeisgood #January2025
What a week! And Hanukkah is just gaining steam! Ho ho ho! #December2024 #hohoho #chrismakah
Original tattoo done in early 2015. Now, nearly 10 years later, those ❤️representing all my beloved “til death do us part” dogs (1981 - 2022), are gone. Finally, today, after months of fits and starts , got the tat updated. My current 3 — Shamrock, his 1/2 sister Pinto and her son Nickel — finally represented. My hearts for them are 💜, symbolic that they were children and a grandson of Franny, born underfoot and carrying on her remarkable legacy. My ❤️were Teisha and Maeya — before I became a mom of 3 — then Lily, Trip, Bean, Tommy and Franny#lifeisgood #dogsofcle #dogtattoo
Tomorrow it will have been 2 weeks since Reishi returned from his puppy training. His easy going and gentle, sweet personality helped expedite the adjustment and he’s a most secure, integrated pack member. Learning those challenging internalization of self control things with the help of his mother, uncle, brother and littermate/sister Beech. And he’s enjoying posing! Sending intentions these 2 available pups’ destinies will unfold soon. #lifeisgood #servicedogtraining #trainingworks #dogsofig #servicedogs
Reishi flanked by L-R: Beech, Nickel, Pinto, Shamrock, Puffin, Farley and honorary “Old English Springerdoodle” Remi. A grand reunion of the fam in tons of mud. #lifeisgood #servicedogtraining #dogsofcle #trainyourdog #dogtrainersofig #
Snow days fun with pups. When I can watch the awe, wonder and sheer fun the dogs, especially the pups, have in early snows, I too enjoy alongside. That all being said, great empathy for those socked with incomprehensible amounts. Another set of points for my little spot of sanity. #lifeisgood #dogtrainersofinstagram #trainingworks #dogtrainersofig #servicedogtraining #trainyourdog #servicedog #December2024
From 8 weeks to six months, Reishi lived and learned under guidance of puppy raiser Gavin Alcorn. Mostly in Boulder, CO. You can’t have 10 puppies and turn 3 of them into stellar service dog prospects without some help. Gratitude that Gavin did such a great job. Reishi is a sweet, calm, loving, well mannered, super soft and affectionate boy who excels at public access outings, playing nicely, growing and making people smile and laugh. He is available for service dog placement this month. #servicedog #trainyourdog #trainingworks #dogtrainersofinstagram #servicedogtraining #lifeisgood #dogtrainersofig #puppyraiser
Reishi, Pinto’s youngest son, returned from his puppy raising in Boulder, Co with Gavin. Back a full week, he’s assimilated back with his fam — mom Pinto, big brother Nickel, sister Beech and Uncle Shamrock. Today he got to see his sister Truffle who came for a visit and fam reunion, AND go on an outing at which he excelled. Growing growing growing with big paws to fill, this lovely goofball is readying to find his perfect partner. Sweet, calm, gentle, well mannered, excellent social skills, intelligent and loving, with an excellent sense of humor, Reishi is ready to finding his perfect partner. #dogsofcle #lifeisgood #servicedog #servicedogintrainingpuppy
Shamrock, Pinto and Nickel given permission to run on new and still developing lawn (that is kept secure from paws otherwise) in straight lines to demonstrate recall. Pups will get their turn soon! #trainingworks #lifeisgood #servicedogtraining #November2024 #dogsofcle #dogtrainersofinstagram #trainyourdog
Reishi’s back!!! #dogtrainersofinstagram #dogsofcle #November2024 #trainyourdog #servicedogtraining #lifeisgood #dogtrainersofig #psychiatricservicedog #trainingworks
Shamrock, aka Sideswiper, in action. #dogsofig #dogsofcle #lifeisgood #servicedogtraining
I spend a lot of time just observing dogs. Sometimes when left wholly free to make their choices, they remind me of the occasional mysteries of toddlers. #dogtrainersofig #dogsofcle #servicedogtraining #servicedogs #psychiatricservicedog #dogsofig