In case we've never met before, may we introduce ourselves?
Fixing to Help is a small group of volunteers, a 501(c)3, who want to help pets and their people. Pet wellness and safety are our passion. And spay/neuter!
We've advocated for -
* the Syracuse Police Department to maintain full-time animal cruelty investigative services.
* the passage of the "puppy mill" bill (now in effect in NYS!).
* a modest portion of the county's covid relief dollars to help provide more pet wellness services for neighbors with low incomes. No luck so far in that department, though. (Check the comments for a way to voice your opinion today.)
Most of all, we're known for helping caring pet owners get their precious pets spayed or neutered.
We'll never rescue or adopt our way out of the suffering caused by pet overpopulation. We have to "fix" it. We're trying, one pet at a time.
To date, we've helped pay for most or all of nearly 2,900 spays and neuters of pets whose people live in Onondaga County and have a verifiable low income. A huge number of our wonderful pets were once homeless strays or their people rescued them from abuse or neglect.
We humbly ask that you share this post. Most pet owners have never heard of Fixing to Help. When you share, it's a win for everyone - pet, family, neighbors, and taxpayers, too!
We paid $60,000 for surgeries during our last fiscal year. Where does the money come from?
- Incredibly visionary donors send $10 or $25 or $300. 🥰
- Grants. We just finished spending our $25,000 ASPCA grant to help pay a portion of surgery bills for 328 family pets. A $35,000 grant from the Pet Wellness Fund of the Community Foundation of Herkimer and Oneida Counties is giving partial funding for upcoming surgeries.
We can't make it on grants alone. Donations are essential to keep the program going. (https://fixingtohelpcny.com/donate)
But we digress...
You'll find very loved Fixing to Help pets in every corner of Onondaga County and in every county zip code. YAY! 💥 🐶🐱
Please share this little post. Help make a neighbor's pet's life better! Their family will be so thankful.
Thank you so much! 💞