Roc rocks

Roc rocks Find Roc a furever home Approx. 9 mth old male neutered brindle Pit Bull Ter/Mix, weighs approx. 50 lbs, up to date on all shots.

Everyone who sees Roc says what a handsome boy he is. He is friendly, affectionate, playful with high energy. He loves to chase balls & tug on ropes. We take him to the park almost everyday, weather permitting & he is playful & respectful with all types of dogs. He loves to run around a lot so it be best that he has a yard & he does love his daily walks. We are in the process of training this youn

g man to become a ROC star adult!! For further info pls contact this fb page or Pounds Hounds Res-Q, thks!



Euth command given for sweet Mazi !

Handsome young boy Mazi with such sweet beautiful eyes! This pup has not shown any aggression but is very fearful of strangers. Mazi did great on his behavior evaluation. He was social with the assessor, needed coaxing to approach, and he did. He became scared when he was being handled. This boy was surrendered as a stray so not much is known about his past, we can only imagine why this boy gets so fearful with strangers and at being touched. He has not growled or shown teeth. This is a sweet boy who loves people. Mazi is just coming out of his shell and in his video we can see how happy he is to be taken out to the yard, jumping for joy, jumping at the staff. They take it against these dogs who have been cooped up all day, with no or little human interaction. Of course they will be so excited, coupled with anxiety at their situation, not knowing what’s going to happen to them, hoping and wishing for human attention and a place to call home. This will all settle when they know they are in a home. It should not be taken against them. Please help this young boy to make it out alive, the ACC thinks they have a right to kill them, calling it euthanasia, meaning they are being kind when they kill them. Help poor Mazi, he wants to live, he doesn’t want to die! Watch his video, you’ll see how much he wants to love and to live. 😔

His main thread :

URGENT!!! Euth Command for today on Gomer!! If you can foster/adopt please contact me. Please also share!

URGENT!!! Euth Command for today on Gomer!! If you can foster/adopt please contact me. Please also share!


Gorgeous Gomer was dumped into the ACC at the beginning of March. Now in the middle of March, Gomer seeks a home! He is scared and very tense, and needs coaxing. When he is coaxed, he appears soft and approaches. He is also soft and accepts contact. Gomer had a loose body and was easily leashed. He was tense for his medical exam, but he is attention seeking and social towards handlers. But now, his life hangs in the balance. Gomer is only 2 years old, with lots of life left to live! But he needs your help to make that happen! Gomer is fighting the good fight...but will he come out alive? It depends on if anyone saves him! His clock is ticking, so please step up now!

Estimated to be 2 years 1 week old, 53.6 Lbs
INTAKE DATE 03/01/2023

Stray, no known history.

Date of assessment:: 3/2/2023
Summary:: Leash Walking
Strength and pulling: Light
Reactivity to humans: None
Reactivity to dogs: None
Leash walking comments:

Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Fearful
Call over: Approaches with coaxing
Sociability comments: Initially timid, shies away. When coaxed, appears softer and approaches. Later jumps up, seeks attention.
Soft handling: Accepts contact
Exuberant handling: Accepts contact
Comments: Standing, soft

Jog: Follows (loose)
Arousal comments: None

Knock: Approaches (loose)
Knock comments: Approaches, soft. wags

Toy: No response
Toy comments: None

Summary:: 3/2/23: Gomer greets the helper dog with a soft body.

Summary (3):: 3/14/23: Gomer was observed to jump up repeatedly onto handler, mouthing at their arms. A second handler approached and distracted him with treats/ First handler then walked him back to his kennel.

3/12/23: Gomer is at the front of the kennel with a loose body and is easily leashed and taken out to the yard. In the yard, he jumps up on the handler with a soft body and sits for treats. When treats are stopped, he jumps on the handler exuberantly and becomes mouthy, grabbing the handler's hands with hard pressure at times, and then grabbing the leash. He is able to be refocused with treats after a minute of this. Gomer is then brought back to the kennel and returned without issue.

3/11/23: Gomer is at the front and begins to jump up when handler approaches. He is removed from kennel without issue. HE jumps onto handlers with loose body. While walking on the street, he will explore his surroundings. A person walking towards us yells loudly while waving his arms and Gomer puffs his cheeks out while barking low. He is easily called away. He returns to kennel without issue.

3/10/23 Gomer has been observed to throw his body against the kennel bars at times. Additionally, he is often observed to jump up, bark, whine and hyper-salivate.

Summary (4):: 3/10/23: Gomer is jumping and barking at the front of the kennel but is easily leashed. He is taken to the yard and placed on a drag leash. Gomer zoomies across the yard. He jumps on handler repeatedly and bounces off their body using all 4 paws. Gomer becomes even more excited and begins to grab handlers sleeves, yanking their arm as he runs past handler. He continues to jump towards handler with an open mouth, air snapping when he misses handlers hands. Handler quickly grabs the drag leash and tosses treats to redirect him. Gomer vocalizes then grabs the leash, tugging it. Handler is able to place the slip lead on him and keeps him on leash until his kennel is ready. Gomer resumed bouncing off of handlers body and tugging on the leash until he is placed back in his kennel.

3/9/23 Gomer is at the front of his kennel jumping up and barking incessantly, he is easily leashed and walked out to the yard. In the yard, he is placed on a drag leashed and allowed to wander. Gomer immediately begins zooming around the yard, he then begins to jump up and mouth handler, he is easily refocused with treats. Gomer practices some basic cues for some time and then after begins playing with toy items briefly. Gomer is easily re leashed using treats and returned to kennel without issue. As soon as he is replaced in kennel, Gomer begins jumping up high and bouncing off the walls incessantly, barking.

3/7/23: While outside with a staff member, Gomer is jumping up and leash biting. This behavior was also reported the prior day by a volunteer. When handler approaches Gomer's kennel, he comes to the front with a soft body. He is easily leashed and taken for a walk on the street. He pulls hard on the leash and jumps up on the handler with a loose body, being social and allowing handling. He is not reactive to dogs or stimuli walked past and is brought back to his kennel and returned without issue.

3/5/23: Gomer is at the front of the kennel with a loose and wiggly body while barking. He is easily leashed and taken outside to the yard where he jumps on handler excitedly. He allows a drag leash to be attached and he runs around the pen. When called, he approaches softly before jumping on handler and mouthing their hands with moderate pressure. He sees another dog and runs up to the fence with a soft body. When the dog begins to leave, Gomer begins barking while maintaining a soft body. He is leashed and returned to kennel without issue.

ENERGY LEVEL:: Gomer will need daily mental and physical activity to stay engaged and exercised


Recommendations:: No children (under 13)
Recommendations comments:: No children (under 13): Due to Gomer's overall level of exuberance and mouthy behavior, we feel as though he would be best set up to succeed in an adult only home environment.

Potential challenges: :
Basic manners/poor impulse control,
Mouthiness/poor bite inhibition,
Social hyperarousal

Potential challenges comments::

Basic manners: Gomer jumps up in a social manner. See handout on Basic Manners.
Mouthiness/poor bite inhibition + Social Hyperarousal: Gomer has been observed to become very mouthy during playful interaction or when overstimulated. He has been observed to also escalate to jumping up and grabbing handlers clothing at times. Please see handouts on Mouthiness and Arousal.

Fearful: In the care center, Gomer is initially a bit timid. When given time and soft approach, it has been observed that he will quickly warm up.

Leash Biting: Gomer has been observed to jump up and grab at his leash at times during walks, please see handout on Leash Manners.
Gomer is on emergency placement for behavior concerns. While social, Gomer has appeared highly stressed in the kennel, displaying stereotypical behaviors (jumping up, barking, bouncing off walls).

Additionally, he has begun leash biting and mouthing handlers with hard pressure at times during some interactions. Medically, Gomer is underweight.

Here's what my friends at ACC say:
About me: Gomer arrived at the care center as a stray so information in a home environment remains unknown. While in the care center, Gomer has been social and attention-seeking towards handlers. He has been observed to become easily overstimulated during playful interactions and will escalate to mouthing handlers with moderate to hard pressure. Additionally, Gomer has also been observed to leash bite at times when aroused. Gomer has been becoming increasingly stressed in the care center and is at risk for further deterioration. He would benefit from leaving the shelter and being placed into a home.

Potential challenges: Future caretakers should be experienced and comfortable managing mouthiness, leash biting, and the potential for arousal.

My ideal home is: An experienced, adult-only home.

Please check here for updated adoption hours.

DVM Intake Exam
Estimated age: 1 to 2 years
Microchip noted on Intake? Scanned negative
History: Stray

Subjective: BAR
Observed Behavior - Barreled out of cage once door opened, tense body for exam. Resisted restraint and persistently tried to remove muzzle.
Evidence of Cruelty seen - No
Evidence of Trauma seen - No

P = 120
BCS 4/9
EENT: Eyes clear. Ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted
Oral Exam: Clean adult teeth
PLN: No enlargements noted
H/L: NR, NMA, Lungs clear, eupneic
ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated
U/G: Male intact
MSI: Dried blood on top of head. No wounds seen. Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat
CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities
Re**al: WNL externally


Prognosis: Good

Intake tasks

Ok for neuter. HWT at surgery

Trazodone 200mg po bid indefinitely due to increasing FAS.

Gomer threw up three small amounts of mostly clear liquid prior to evening feeding.
Advised ACS to feed dinner as normal and note if dog vomits, etc.
ACR for rounds DVM regarding vomitus

Hx: episode of vomiting; not further vomiting noted
Q-BAR resting comfortably; no vomit in cage
eent- non nasal discharge
h/l- eupneic
msi- amb x 4
episode of GIitis and seems to be stable

TO ADOPT DIRECTLY FROM THE SHELTER - please download the NYC ACC app from the App Store and fill out the adoption application there.

Dogs with NH ONLY rating cannot be adopted directly from the ACC, so please message our page for assistance .

TO ADOPT or FOSTER: If you cannot get to the shelter in person to adopt, or want to foster, please message our page (Must Love Dogs - Saving NYC) Must Love Dogs - Saving NYC Dogs)
OR email [email protected] for guidance and assistance.

PLEASE NOTE: To foster, you have to be within prescribed range of NYC ACC approved New Hope rescues you are applying with,
and to adopt you will have to be in the general NE US area; NY, NJ, CT, PA, DC, MD, DE, NH, RI, MA, VT & ME (some rescues will transport to VA).

Shelter contact information:
Phone number: 212-788-4000 (automated only)
Email: [email protected]

Manhattan Animal Care Center
326 East 110th Street
New York, NY 10029

Brooklyn Animal Care Center
2336 Linden Boulevard
Brooklyn, NY 11208

Staten Island Animal Care Center
3139 Veterans Road West
Staten Island, NY 10309

Adoption hours:
Monday through Friday: 12.00pm to 8.00pm
Saturday and Sunday: 10.00am to 6.00pm
(Closed on all Holidays and Training Days, as listed on their website

Adoption fees depend on dog's age. Please email the ACC for more info. Fees include pre-adoption medical care and vaccines, deworming,
spay/neutering and one free follow-up visit to specific veterinarians.

Level 1
Dogs with Level 1 determinations are suitable for the majority of homes.

Level 2
Dogs with Level 2 determinations will be suitable for adopters with some previous dog experience.

Level 3
Dogs with Level 3 determinations will need to go to homes with experienced adopters.

Level 4
Dogs with Level 4 determinations will need to go to homes with experienced adopters. The behavior challenges seen at Level 4 are seen at a much greater frequency and higher intensity than the other dogs in our care.

URGENT!!! If anyone can foster or adopt please contact me. Please share post. Thanks!

URGENT!!! If anyone can foster or adopt please contact me. Please share post. Thanks!


Fifty is abandoned again by his people, and is now looking at death squarely eye to eye. Now, no one will come for him, no interest no support for this handsome, kooky low rider. IT IS FIFTY’S FINAL HOURS!

Friendly, loves people, loves to cuddle, a bit timid with his own kind, this handsome low rider is Fifty, it is unbelievable that no one has stepped up for him. His owners say he is affectionate and followed them around the house, but they threw him out because of his size and his strength. What were they thinking ??? That Fifty is going to stay small all his life ? Now Fifty’s life hangs by the balance. At the ACC, he is friendly, relatively easy to handle, but has become quite frustrated with his situation, jumping on handlers, leash grabbing for attention and to exhaust all that pent up energy. The ACC would say that he is stressed, and is suffering. Now this beautiful dog will be killed for being unwanted. He is rescue only due to his not liking to be disturbed when he’s eating or chewing his bone. That’s an easy fix for an experienced person who would love the size and strength of this grand boy! Please help Fifty find his miracle, he needs to be seen, or he will be killed for being homeless.

His main thread:

Another dog, PAPA BEAR, the shelter will euthanize by 10am if we do not find a FOSTER or ADOPTER. Can someone please ste...

Another dog, PAPA BEAR, the shelter will euthanize by 10am if we do not find a FOSTER or ADOPTER. Can someone please step up & help us save PAPA BEAR!! Please share.


Friendly, social, eager to please and eager to learn! Papa Bear has only hours to find his angel, to step up and save his life. He has had no support, no interest. This handsome young boy just needs out of this shelter environment as he finds it overwhelming. He is rated rescue only because he was defensive and scared during his intake, and he growled. Growling has always been the pet peeve of the ACC, always assuming the dog is not good because he growled. Dogs growl to communicate, to let humans know he is uncomfortable or afraid. After a day or two, Papa Bear is already his usual affable self and has made many friends. He now is considered overly friendly, and overly excited. Rescue ONLY dogs almost have one paw or two in the garbage bag. He needs us now, please get him seen, and advocate for him. Just when he is learning to trust, and has made progress, his life is about to be snatched from him. Please help Papa Bear, he needs our help. He is a gorgeous, affectionate boy, needing an experienced human.

His main thread:


Friends! Our big beautiful boy Kanan here is in need and we need your help! Kanan came to us from New York and if you can believe it he is just 11 months old! He is a big beautiful boy, but he is struggling. We don’t know about Kanan’s past but if we had to guess based on his extreme fear of the dark, hands and feet we believe he was physically abused. 😞 We want to give him the best quality of life and in order to do that we need to build him a sanctuary house asap! We need about $2500 still to make this happen and we need to do it asap! If you can donate to help this gorgeous boy we would greatly appreciate it! Venmo: laylasheartrandr PayPal: [email protected]. It takes an army and we need you, Kanan needs you! Thank you!

We need a foster or adopter for this boy!! He has a euthanization command. Please step up or share, thanks.

We need a foster or adopter for this boy!! He has a euthanization command. Please step up or share, thanks.


Overly friendly, misunderstood boy with gentle eyes, Crest has only hours to live. He is ALWAYS soft bodied, loose, greets everyone with a wagging tail, Crest is a small dog trapped in a big boy’s body. He gets excited, and gets mouthy, which can be daunting for a dog his size, especially you’re not that familiar with him. We are saddened, this boy has so much love in him, is obedient, but has gotten into situations because understandably, some people don’t know how to handle him. He sits immediately when told to sit even when he’s excited. He’s a mature boy who knows he has to be sweet and loving, but he’s just overdoing it, and has had accidents with his interactions. Now he is at risk, to be forever gone. All that love in him is considered too much for humans. Please read the volunteer note for this sweetheart and know what a love he is. Please help Crest !

A volunteer writes: Each time I go to walk Crest, I find him quietly lounging on his blanket, seeming to tune out all the hectic activity of our large, crowded shelter and the barking dogs around him. He slowly gets up and shyly saunters over...head slightly down, ears back, and looking up at me with those big soulful eyes. Though understandably a little nervous, Crest greatly enjoys cheek and chin rubs - sometimes softly nestling himself into my legs with his tail slowly swishing back and forth; other times gently pressing his big, gorgeous head into my hands as he savors all the attention. Occasionally, right after our interactions, Crest jumps up and grabs the leash, but quickly drops it when I tell him to sit. This big, sweet boy was found wandering loose in a train station, so we only know what his finder told us and what we've observed at the shelter.

His main thread :



No interest no support for this beautiful boy who will be gone soon because the ACC needs his kennel. Handsome, friendly with everyone he meets, allowed all handling, and PASSED HIS BEHAVIOR EVALUATION WITH FLYING COLORS. Paranorman doesn’t care if he knows you or not, he just is friendly, even tempered, easy to manage, seeks contact and leans in for more. Look at the eye contact in this pic, how calmly he looks at his human friend, giving his paw. Beautiful eyes, beautiful gaze, and this boy just is a beautiful dog. Although brought in as a stray, we are sure he was someone’s pet not long ago, his clean coat just emphasizes his good manners. Please, dog lovers, we ask you to help Paranorman, he needs a home. The ACC Is claiming some behavior issue that has cropped up in recent days, but we leave it up to you to decide who to believe. We can see that this dog is not only a handsome dog, but a good dog. Paranorman needs to be seen, and he’s counting on all of us, to help him find his miracle.



Theo David was KILLED BY Manhattan ACC 😢
RIP sweet soul... You mattered...

His parents named him Ghost. But the shelter has named him THEO DAVID. He is confused by that, but not as confused as he is by the behavior or his parents who he loved and adored and who have dumped him at the shelter to die. Shut down, trying to keep anyone from getting near him in case they want to hurt him, he suffers in silence and nurses his broken heart. It was not as if he did anything to deserve this treatment. He was outgoing, playful and affectionate with the 9 year old child he spent time with, he was respectful of other dogs, and he lived with and played gently and affectionately with the family’s 2 cats! Housetrained and with a sterling resume, you’d think he would have been cherished and adored. He sits in his small kennel, trying to imagine why this happened. Was it the time his parent got too playful and rough with him and he grabbed their shoes and pants in his excitement? He was sorry for that. He didn’t mean to play tug with their clothing and scare them. And yes, he knows he was protective of his family on walks, but many dogs are like that when they are out on leash, and he was just trying to show them he would have their back no matter what! Theo really needs an experienced foster or adopter who sees his wonderful credentials and realize there are always two sides to every story. He can’t tell his side, only we can. Hurry and message our page or email us at [email protected] if you can give this precious boy a home.

THEO DAVID aka GHOST, ID 153902, @ 4 Yrs. Old, 70 lbs., Male
Manhattan ACC, Large Mixed Breed, Gray / White
Owner Surrender Reason: Stray
Shelter Assessment Rating: NEW HOPE ONLY
Medical Behavior Rating:

AT RISK NOTE: Theo David is on emergency placement for behavioral reasons. He growls when approached in the kennel and cannot be handled safely. Medically, he has dermatitis.

Theo David (aka GHOST) is a large mixed breed gray and white dog. He previously lived with 2 adults. Theo’s parents stated that Ghost does not do well with strangers and will growl, lunge, and hard bark towards them. Ghost has spent time with a 9 year old child and was reported to be outgoing, playful, and affectionate. Ghost will be respectful around other dogs and will sniff them. Ghost lived with two cats and was respectful and affectionate towards them. Ghost does not guard his resources (toys, food, treats). He is housetrained. His parents stated his energy level is high.

Other Notes:
Ghost is frightened with storms or fireworks. he is not bothered when given a bath or when his coat is brushed. he is not bothered when moved off the furniture or when his sleep is interrupted. he will hard bark when someone unfamiliar approaches the house and will hard bark and lunge when someone approaches the owner.

For a New Family to Know:
Ghost is described as affectionate, playful, and assertive. When someone is home, he will stay in his favorite spot or follow the owner around. He will play with squeaky toys and toy balls. He will also play fetch and tug of war. He has been fed dry food with a mix of boiled chicken and white rice twice a day. He is potty trained and will use the potty on the grass, cement, or training pad. He will pull very hard on the leash and will go on brisk walks on the leash or run in the front yard off leash. he will come back when called when off leash.


Date of intake:: 9/19/2022
Spay/Neuter status:: No
Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Stray (profile obtained during stay in care center)
Previously lived with:: Adults
Behavior toward strangers:: Growls and lunges
Behavior toward children:: Playful with familiar child
Behavior toward dogs:: Sniffs, respectful
Behavior toward cats:: Respectful and affectionate
Resource guarding:: None reported
Housetrained:: Yes
Energy level/descriptors:: High energy level

Bite history: Yes. Theo David has bitten previously. Theo David had a bite incident that involved him biting and grabbing onto a family member's shoe and pants, dragging them into the hallway. The victim had to remove their shoe to get away. It is reported that the incident didn't break skin, though this was not completely certain.

Summary: Theo David arrived as a stray with no known history. Upon intake he was observed to panic, thrashing, growling, and snapping on leash. He now growls and hard barks when approached in kennel. He is not a candidate for a handling assessment due to this behavior.

Summary:: Unable to be conducted due to shelter behavior.


Theo David is at the front of the kennel with his ears flat against his head, whale eyes and a stiff body. He sniffs chicken offered by handler but does not eat it. Theo David is left with more chicken. When a second handler returns, Theo had eaten all the chicken. He is stiff and whale eyed, he then begins to low growl at handler. Interaction is ended.

When first approached, Theo David is low growling while sitting close to the front of the kennel door. He does not eat treats tossed into kennel. Handler sits down next to the other side of his kennel and begins to toss chicken in to get him to move to the other side. He lifts his front paw in front of the kuranda bed but continues to pace back and forth. Handler squeaks a toy and he tilts his head while raising his front paw.

Theo David is barking and growling when his kennel is approached. Handler offers him chicken, which he starts to eat. When chicken is stopped, he sits at the front and waits. He is give more chicken and interaction is ended.

Theo David is at the front of the kennel when approached with whale eyes and a stiff body. Handler kneels beside him and speaks to him in a soft tone. Theo David growls and bares teeth. Handler feeds Theo a treat and he quickly bites it and spits it out. Theo trembles and continues to growl and bare teeth. He is left with an enrichment item.

When approached in kennel, Theo David as at the front - he is tense, whale-eyed, and begins to low growl. AH low growl.

INTAKE BEHAVIOR - Date of intake: 19-Sep-2022
Summary: Thrashing, flailing

MEDICAL BEHAVIOR - Date of initial: 21-Sep-2022
Summary: Sedated

ENERGY LEVEL: We have no history on Theo David so we cannot be certain of his behavior in a home environment. However, he will need daily mental and physical activity to keep him engaged and exercised.


No children (under 13)
Place with New Hope Partner

Recommendations comments:
No children (under 13): .Due to growling and snapping observed in addition to level of fear.a home with no children is recommended.

Place with New Hope Partner Theo David was surrendered to MACC earlier this month and has been fearful and unable to be safely handled. When being brought to his kennel Theo thrashed/flailed to the point of collapsing - he urgently needs a rescue group to find him an experienced foster who can work with him

Potential challenges:
Fearful/potential for defensive aggression

Potential challenges comments: Fearful/potential for defensive aggression: Theo David has been observed to become highly fearful and panicked, and has previously growled, thrashed, and snapped when attempts have been made to handle him in the care center. See handout on Fearful and Defensive Aggression.



DVM Intake Exam

Estimated age: 4 to 6 years

Microchip noted on Intake? Scanned negative

History: Brought in by agency

Subjective: BAR

Observed Behavior - Growling, hard staring.

Evidence of Cruelty seen - No

Evidence of Trauma seen - NO

P = 80 sedated
BCS 6/9
70 # weight is a visual estimate. Dog under quarantine for parvo exposure.

EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted
Oral Exam: Mild tartar
PLN: No enlargements noted
H/L: NR, NMA, Lungs clear, eupneic
ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated
U/G: Male intact
MSI: 3 cm area of erythema and hemorrhagic crusts caudal head. Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted
CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities
Re**al: WNL externally

Focal dermatitis r/o contact reaction vs insect bite hypersensitivity vs other

Prognosis: Good

Sedated with Dexdomitor 0.5mg/ml 0.8ml + ketamine 100mg/ml 0.3 ml + Butorphanol 10mg/ml 0.8 ml IM
Intake tasks
Convenia 80mg/ml 3.1 ml sq
Antisedan 0.8 ml IM
Trazodone 200mg 1 tab po bid indefinitely

OK for surgery


Report on 9/25 - Parvo titer indicate protection


Hx: Previously diagnosed with dermatitis. No concerns reported on symptoms board

BAR, jumps up when kennel approached, stares and growls
eyes clear, heavy mucoid nasal dc apparent
eupneic, coughing throughout observation
ambulatory x4
mentation alert and appropriate


doxycycline 300mg 1 tablet PO SID
cerenia 60mg 3/4 tablet PO SID x4d
recheck in 7d
continue to monitor appetite


If you would like to adopt a NYC ACC dog, and can get to the shelter in person to complete the adoption process, you can contact the shelter directly. We have provided the Brooklyn, Staten Island and Manhattan information below. Adoption hours at these facilities is Noon – 5:00 p.m.

If you CANNOT get to the shelter in person and you want to FOSTER OR ADOPT a NYC ACC Dog, you can PRIVATE MESSAGE our page for assistance , PLEASE MESSAGE OUR PAGE or EMAIL US at [email protected]

PLEASE NOTE: You MUST live in NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Northern VA. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a NYC ACC dog. Transport is available if you live within the prescribed range of states.

Shelter contact information:
Phone number (212) 788-4000
Email [email protected]
Shelter Addresses:
Brooklyn Shelter: 2336 Linden Boulevard Brooklyn, NY 11208
Manhattan Shelter: 326 East 110 St. New York, NY 10029
Staten Island Shelter: 3139 Veterans Road West Staten Island, NY 10309


Level 1
Dogs with Level 1 determinations are suitable for the majority of homes.

Level 2
Dogs with Level 2 determinations will be suitable for adopters with some previous dog experience.

Level 3
Dogs with Level 3 determinations will need to go to homes with experienced adopters

Level 4
Dogs with Level 4 determinations will need to go to homes with experienced adopters. It is suggested adopters have prior experience with the behaviors described.

New Hope Rescue Only
Dogs with this rating need to be pulled by a New Hope Partner Rescue. Contact our page or email us for assistance.


Clifton, NJ


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