Although puppies can get parvovirus anytime, parvo season is fast approaching! Remember to vaccinate those puppies and keep them away from areas where other unvaccinated dogs, foxes, coyotes, and raccoons may have been, including your own yard! Most vets recommend taking these precautions until they are two weeks out from their third parvovirus shot.
PARVO ALERT! MADACC has already had several intakes of puppies and young dogs with parvovirus this month, and in the past 24 hours we have seen two additional cases. If your puppy has not completed its full course of puppy vaccines we strongly suggest keeping them away from dogs with unknown vaccine status and places where dogs congregate and owners might not pick up after them. This is a very easy disease to catch, expensive to treat, but also easy to prevent. Vaccinate your dog for parvo virus and if you do not want to over-vaccinate your dog, you can ask your veterinarian to test the titers to ensure they have immunity each year. Rabies is the only vaccine required for dogs by law, but your dog is far more likely to be exposed to parvo than rabies. Many shelters provide low cost vaccines, including MADACC. Check the website for in-house appointments and watch for Friends of MADACC low cost vaccine clinic held off-site coming soon!