If it's too cold for you, it's too cold for them. Speak up on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves.
It is that time of year again -- the time of year when you really start noticing and worrying about dogs that are chained or penned outside for long periods of time. Every winter dogs die from exposure in this state.
🔹 In addition to exposure related dangers, according to the CDC, dogs left tethered outside are almost THREE times more likely to bite than those who are not.
🔹 Dogs left outside are also at higher risk of being attacked by other animals, or of being stolen.
🔹 Dogs are pack animals and become anxious, bored and scared when left alone outside for long periods of time. Psychologically, dogs are healthier and happier when they are connected to their humans and other dogs. Please don't leave your dog outside and unattended.
1) Please know what the law is in Maine regarding these dogs, what the requirements are for shelter, bedding, etc.: Refer to "6. Dogs confined by tethering for long time periods" via the link below
Print it out and keep a copy with you.
Not that we believe any dog should live outside (period), but under Maine law, just having a doghouse is NOT enough - there are very specific standards for dogs tethered for 12 hours or more and not every animal control officer is aware of these standards...so it helps to be educated about the law when making the call for help.
2) If you see a dog outside in distress due to extreme cold – please take pictures, if possible, document the dog’s condition, and contact your local animal control officer.
Here is the new and improved state list of animal control officers...very helpful link to bookmark!
3) Additionally, if you need further assistance and ideas on how to help a chained dog - please visit: