Cougar Creek Dog Resort

Cougar Creek Dog Resort Dog Daycare & Boarding. 10 acres with a creek for your dog to play. Limited spots 🐾 Welcome to Cougar Creek Dog Resort! We are happy to do business either way.

My name is Amanda, my husband Jason and I operate Cougar Creek Dog Resort. We offer daycare and boarding in our home to dogs of all ages and sizes. We have 10 acres fenced on 3 sides with a slow moving creek as the fourth border for your pup to splash in. We also have multiple fenced areas for your pup to zoomie around. While your pup is in our home, they are family. I will send you pictures and u

pdates daily, and you are always free to contact me as needed. We take our guest paws on multiple walks throughout the day including hikes through the fields and forests, if they are up to it. We have a limit of 5 dogs per day/night to ensure your pup’s comfort. Your pup must get along with other dogs, cannot be rough with little or older dogs, must be potty trained, and must be off leash trained. We do require an meet and greet with your pup prior to boarding or daycare. Daycare and boarding services are available 7 days/week, including holidays. Daycare is care for your pup during the day for a maximum of 9 hours. We tailor the drop off and pick up times to your needs. We accept pup drop offs as early as 7 am and pup pick ups as late as 7 pm. We are willing to accommodate slightly earlier drop offs and later pick ups upon special request. Boarding is overnight care for your pup, up to 24 hours. On the day of pick up we include an additional 2 hours for pick up. If more time is needed outside the 2 hour window it would be the cost of daycare. The latest preferred boarding drop off time is 6pm in the summer, 4 pm in the winter. In our experience, your pup will need some time to get acclimated to their new environment before they settle down for bedtime. Despite my love for cats, I am only accepting dogs, as I am unfortunately allergic to cats. Prices:
For Dogs older than 1 year and under 75 pounds:
Daycare is $40/day, additional dogs from the same household are $35 per pup. Boarding is $60/night, additional dogs from the same household are $50 per pup. For Puppies (dogs younger than 1 year) and dogs heavier than 75 pounds:
Daycare is $50/day, Boarding is $80/night. Holiday Rates:
Holidays rates apply to the following dates: 8/30-9/2, 11/27-12/1, 12/21-1/1. Holiday rates are as follows:
For Dogs older than 1 year and under 75 pounds:
Holiday Daycare is $50/day, additional dogs from the same household are $45 per pup. Holiday Boarding is $70/night, additional dog from the same household are $65 per pup. For Puppies (dogs younger than 1 year) and dogs heavier than 75 pounds:
Holiday Daycare is $60/day, Boarding is $88/night. These prices are available by directly messaging me to schedule daycare or boarding. Booking services available through Rover, however their additional fees apply. A little more about us:
Jason was born and raised in Coeur d’Alene, and attended law school at Gonzaga. He is a US Air Force Veteran and the dog whisperer. Amanda moved from Texas to Idaho in 2007 to attend law school at the U of I. We have both owned dogs a majority of our lives. We were both attorneys for a combined period of 17 years; how & why we left the law is a story for another day. We are both life long dog lovers which is why we’ve opened our home, and dedicate our days to our 4 legged guests. We still have a strong desire to help people, so we combined that with our love for dogs and this is what we've created! Thank you for following!

Mattie Lambert was the Queen of Cougar Creek Dog Resort. Every pup that came into our home was greeted and loved by our ...

Mattie Lambert was the Queen of Cougar Creek Dog Resort. Every pup that came into our home was greeted and loved by our sweet girl. She was everyone’s first friend and always enjoyed meeting new faces. She was my shadow; she followed me everywhere and always waited by the door for us to return. She greeted us with an excited bark & a few hops when we walked in the door. She successfully protected us from the mailman & delivery drivers. She would paw at us & give us her belly when she wanted love, we called it the “Mattie tax” & it was always paid. She helped raise three incredible humans & was the best big sissy to her pup brother and sister.
Mattie was the absolute best girl I’ve ever known. She gave the best kisses, was always happy to give you a low five & shared her fur with anyone she came in contact with. She was our guardian, our protector. Although she started to lose her hearing, those big ears of hers were always up and alert. Her hearing was selective because she ALWAYS heard me open the bag of treats! Dinner time was her favorite part of the day; she would nudge me with her snout & give the occasional woof if I didn’t deliver on time. She was so happy & full of excited hops when her dinner was served. Mattie’s second favorite thing was chin scratches. She loved them so much she would lean her whole body into getting her chin rubbed. Moving out of town into the gulch significantly improved her quality of life. The size of her land increased 50x’s and included a creek, every water dog’s dream. She gained the freedom she deserved and different pup friends to play with daily. Our guest pups added a whole new level of fun for her & we are incredibly grateful for each and every one. 🐾
Story continued in the comments ⬇️⬇️
RIP Mattie 3/11/11-1/9/25 🤍🐾🪽

Over 100 pups brought joy & love into our lives! We are so grateful for each & every one of you!❤️🐾 #2024               ...

Over 100 pups brought joy & love into our lives! We are so grateful for each & every one of you!❤️🐾


Ms Maggie Overholser graced our lives with her presence last summer. We were known to her as “The Ranch” & she was alway...

Ms Maggie Overholser graced our lives with her presence last summer. We were known to her as “The Ranch” & she was always so happy to see us. Every visit she ran faster & faster through our fields. She made new friends every visit & was visibly excited to see old ones. We would only spend time together in the summer because she opted to sun bathe in warmer weather during the winter months.

Maggie loved sticks and she always found the biggest ones! She was great at fetch and loved chasing squirrels. She gave the best low fives and kisses. Her favorite place to sleep was the couch. Maggie had soft, shiny hair and the most beautiful features. She had a heart of gold; she loved everyone she met.

Unfortunately, during Maggie’s visit to Texas she was involved in an accident. We are deeply saddened by her passing. Please keep Maggie’s Paw-Ma in your prayers.

Read Maggie’s Rescue Story, on the last few slides, written in her Paw-Ma’s own words. 🤍
Maggie 7/4/2021 - 11/28/2024🪽🐾

This is an incredible honor, we are so grateful! Thank you to our neighbors for voting us a 2024 Nextdoor Neighborhood F...

This is an incredible honor, we are so grateful! Thank you to our neighbors for voting us a 2024 Nextdoor Neighborhood Fave! This is an award recognizing local businesses loved by their neighbors; there is no greater compliment! Keeping your pup safe while in our care is our main priority, but a close second is making sure they are having fun too. We are happy to provide the environment where your pup gets to be a pup! 10 acres is plenty of space for pups to run, explore and smell all the smells with a small group of other well behaved pup friends. We love making our home their home.
This award means so much for our business and helps us continue to grow in our community! Be sure to visit us on through the link in our bio and leave us a recommendation.
We have met some of our incredible neighbors by hosting their pups. We would love to host your pup’s next staycation!

Ellie is so excited when she arrives! She runs up to the door eager to see which friends she gets to play with today! El...

Ellie is so excited when she arrives! She runs up to the door eager to see which friends she gets to play with today! Ellie was one of our first guest pups & loves every visit!
Ellie’s pawrents get the added benefit of a tired pup, allowing for quiet evenings. 🥰🐾😴

It is with the heaviest of hearts that we say goodbye to our beloved Coco. Today we made one of the hardest decisions of...

It is with the heaviest of hearts that we say goodbye to our beloved Coco. Today we made one of the hardest decisions of our lives, but given the symptoms she was experiencing, we knew it was the only humane thing to do.
I rescued Coco from the humane society in 2016 when she was 7 yrs old. Best decision of my life! Coco helped me endure the passing of my mom, she watched me marry the love of my life, happily became part of a beautiful family & oversaw multiple home moves, the last being her favorite with the biggest backyard (10 acres). Coco was brought here from CA, I helped her weather the snow, taught her to swim in the creek & introduced her to the PNW mountains. A few of her nicknames were Coco Bean, sweet bean & tater bean, which generally turned into Bean. She loved looking out windows & would sit on top of the back part of the couch for the best views. She got to go to work with pawma & pawpa on days we were in the office. She got zoomies after every bath. She did spins at dinner & rubbed her head & face on the carpet after ever meal. We taught her to bark for treats & it was the most rewarding sound. She lived for dinner & snack time. She howled alongside emergency vehicle sirens, snuggled by the heater on cold days, & loved hanging her head out the window during car rides. She was fearless.
She loved sharing her home with Cougar Creek guest paws. It was a great experience to have her meet & play with over 100 guests, thank you all for being a part of her life.
Caring for our senior Bean was nothing short of a blessing. It was an absolute privilege helping her age & experience all the things that come with it. I will likely cry before bed when I don’t see her in her cuddle cup. Every bit of our daily routine will be missing a piece. My lap will be empty & the house a little quieter. I’ll miss seeing her at my feet & constantly tripping over her in the kitchen. She brought us an immeasurable amount of joy & will be missed as long as we live. We prayed as a family & we introduced her to Jesus. She will be a great addition to heaven & we look forward to the day we will meet again. 🪽🐾

This is not an exaggeration! We often write them personalized lyrics to 80’s or 90’s classic hits. 😂🎼🎶🐾

This is not an exaggeration! We often write them personalized lyrics to 80’s or 90’s classic hits. 😂🎼🎶🐾

Enjoy a day at the Silverwood water park guilt free knowing, your pups are also getting sun, water and fun! While you ad...

Enjoy a day at the Silverwood water park guilt free knowing, your pups are also getting sun, water and fun! While you adventure & play, your pups get to adventure & play as well!
📸Tess & Tippy 🐾


The two things Gus loves the most are fetch and swimming. Combine the two together and a you get an ecstatic Gus boy! His cannon balls are world class and the splash creates a monster wave! He naturally became captain of the Cougar Creek Dive Team!

Welcome new friends! These are our current prices effective 5/1/24 for all new customers. In appreciation to our existin...

Welcome new friends! These are our current prices effective 5/1/24 for all new customers. In appreciation to our existing customers, your rates are not affected! We have added a requirement that your pup be off leash trained, as we are only fenced on 3 sides and their safety is our main priority.

We are happy to be able to share our property with your pups! They truly have a great time while they are here. We will ...

We are happy to be able to share our property with your pups! They truly have a great time while they are here. We will send you photos and updates throughout the day and you are free to contact me at any time. Our goal is to provide a fun and safe environment for your pups to exhaust themselves.
Spaces are limited and are filling up fast. Apply to have your pup be a guest in our home today!
📸 Kona

These pawrents love seeing the shift in their pup’s comfort level as the day progresses. Sometimes the pups are nervous ...

These pawrents love seeing the shift in their pup’s comfort level as the day progresses. Sometimes the pups are nervous the first time being dropped off. Within a short amount of time, the pups build their confidence, see how much fun the other pups are having, & join in on the fun! Throughout the day, these pawrents are able to see how happy their pup is from the photos we send. Often they are running around with their new friends or splashing in the creek. Our screening process helps us host sweet, playful & obedient pups. We do not accept aggressive dogs, so you know your pup will be surrounded by other well mannered friends. We prefer the pups be off leash trained as they will undoubtedly have more fun. We are super excited for Slick’s upcoming staycation! 🥳🐾
📸 Slick

It is incredible to see the transformation in some of these pups. Ellie’s first few visits she started her day timid and...

It is incredible to see the transformation in some of these pups. Ellie’s first few visits she started her day timid and would take a bit to warm up to the guest paws. By the end of the day, she was running around with her new friends happy and carefree. Now, she is visibly excited in the car when they pull up the driveway & she doesn’t want to leave at the end of the day! All hesitation is gone! Her weekly visits have been so good for her confidence & a great outlet for her endless energy.
📸Ellie Emily Marie Moses

ATTENTION NEW CUSTOMERS! Effective May 1, 2024 our prices for daycare and boarding will increase. This does not apply to...

Effective May 1, 2024 our prices for daycare and boarding will increase. This does not apply to existing customers or customers who have been in contact with me about upcoming reservations. So if you’re interested in our services, lock in your rate today by sending me a private message to get the ball rolling! 🐾
These rates are available if you book by contacting me directly through messenger. Or you may book through the Rover app, link is in my bio, but they do have an additional service charge that you avoid by booking with me directly. We require a meet & greet prior to the first booking to ensure your pup will be a good fit.
We offer daycare and boarding to dogs of all ages and sizes. We have 10 acres fenced on 3 sides with a slow moving creek as the fourth border. We also have multiple fenced areas for your pup to zoomie around. We have a limit of 5 dogs per day to ensure your pup's comfort. Your pup must get along with other dogs, cannot be rough with little or older dogs, and must be potty trained. While your pup is in my home, they are family. I will send you pictures and updates daily, and you are always free to contact me as needed.
Daycare is for a maximum 9 hour day. Boarding is for 24 hours with an included additional 2 hours for pick up. If more time is needed outside the 2 hour window it would be the cost of daycare.
Daycare and boarding services available 7 days/week, including holidays. Additional dogs must be from the same household to qualify for the multi pup discount.
I am always happy to answer any questions you may have.
Message me to schedule a meet & greet! 🙂🐾


W Cougar Gulch Road
Coeur D'alene, ID

Opening Hours

Monday 7am - 7pm
Tuesday 7am - 7pm
Wednesday 7am - 7pm
Thursday 7am - 7pm
Friday 7am - 7pm
Saturday 7am - 7pm
Sunday 7am - 7pm





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