Mattie Lambert was the Queen of Cougar Creek Dog Resort. Every pup that came into our home was greeted and loved by our sweet girl. She was everyone’s first friend and always enjoyed meeting new faces. She was my shadow; she followed me everywhere and always waited by the door for us to return. She greeted us with an excited bark & a few hops when we walked in the door. She successfully protected us from the mailman & delivery drivers. She would paw at us & give us her belly when she wanted love, we called it the “Mattie tax” & it was always paid. She helped raise three incredible humans & was the best big sissy to her pup brother and sister.
Mattie was the absolute best girl I’ve ever known. She gave the best kisses, was always happy to give you a low five & shared her fur with anyone she came in contact with. She was our guardian, our protector. Although she started to lose her hearing, those big ears of hers were always up and alert. Her hearing was selective because she ALWAYS heard me open the bag of treats! Dinner time was her favorite part of the day; she would nudge me with her snout & give the occasional woof if I didn’t deliver on time. She was so happy & full of excited hops when her dinner was served. Mattie’s second favorite thing was chin scratches. She loved them so much she would lean her whole body into getting her chin rubbed. Moving out of town into the gulch significantly improved her quality of life. The size of her land increased 50x’s and included a creek, every water dog’s dream. She gained the freedom she deserved and different pup friends to play with daily. Our guest pups added a whole new level of fun for her & we are incredibly grateful for each and every one. 🐾
Story continued in the comments ⬇️⬇️
RIP Mattie 3/11/11-1/9/25 🤍🐾🪽