I’ll be spending New Years Eve at home, in my pajamas, cuddled up with my dogs, as I always do.
Fireworks are something I dislike intensely. They are not only terrifying for so many different animals but are also dreaded by caring people, who have to watch, often helplessly as their dog suffers through the deafening bangs.
Shelters become overrun with lost dogs, dogs are knocked over by cars or go missing in their attempt to escape, they jump through glass windows, over high walls, have heart attacks, seizures or worse.
As there’s very little we can do to prevent other people from doing what they do, the best solution is to do all we can to minimize the impact this has on our dogs.
All dogs are different and there’s never a guarantee that these methods will work. Some dogs are just the way they are because of genetics, their experiences, learning history, health conditions, age etc.
Here are some helpful links if you’d like more information on some ideas that may help –
1. Counterconditioning / desensitization
2. Noise of fireworks for desensitization training –
3. Thunder phobia and sound sensitivities - Patricia McConnell
4. Dogs and fireworks (30+ proven techniques to eliminate noise phobia) – Karolina Westlund, PHD
5. Calming dog music – Pet Calming Maestro, Lisa Spector (Lisa’s music helps me relax and fall asleep quicker too!) https://lisaspector.com/dog-gone-calm/
6. Thundershirt / anxiety wraps
Wishing you and your dogs a calm, peaceful, uneventful beginning to 2024