This is an X-ray of a 2 week old puppy, it really shows how far the bones 🦴 have to grow before they become a proper joint! 😮
🐶 Puppy exercise is sooo important as young dogs undergo significant physical changes.
🐶 Most growth takes place between the ages of 4 to 8 months however, in some large/giant dog breeds the growth plates may remain open up to 18-20 months!
🐶 There is no question that puppies LOVE to exercise & we want nothing more than to make them happy BUT puppy exercise limits MUST be applied to prevent damage to the puppy’s developing skeletal 🦴 system.
So here’s a guide to help; ⬇️
🐶 Over-training, such as long-distance running, is unhealthy for young dogs and the benefits are minimal. Some dogs are driven to exercise and, as owners, we feel we are doing them a service by giving them what they want...
So... what is enough?🤔
Appropriate Puppy Exercise 0-6mths
🐾 Walking – slow, short walks up to 30 mins, with plenty of opportunities for your puppy to stop & sniff sniff sniff
🐾Formal skills training – sit, stay, down, touch – no more than 2 mins per session.
🐾Free play – no more than 10 mins; discourage rough play, such as body slamming.
🐾 Chasing objects – roll balls and drag toys along the ground. Avoid repetitive ball throwing & chasing.
🐾Tugging – do not pull against the dog – hold the toy and let the puppy pull against you; keep the toy low, to maintain the puppy’s neck in a straight line with its back.
🐾Avoid – direct running 👎 , jumping, indoor/outdoor stairs, fast turns, sudden stops like chasing a ball! 🎾
🐾Young puppies, up to six months, should not be exercised with the intent to increase strength or endurance. These puppies should be allowed to play naturally, i.e. self-directed play.
🐾 Jumping is often encouraged, with little understanding of the damage it can cause a young pup. Do not allow your puppy up on high objects without good supervision and assist them when getting down.
We hope you share this with all your friends, students & puppy owners - Let’s spread the word and make positive changes 👍🏼👍🏼