More rads for the curious equine enthusiasts! This radiographic series is in honor of navicular awareness week that took place last week (we’re a little late, whoops) Here is an interesting case of a 14 year old WB gelding that has been losing his competitive edge, according to the owner, for about 2-3 months. There is quite a bit to talk about in this imaging series, but we will focus on the most interesting aspects. In the third image there is an osseous fragment distal to the lateral angle of the navicular bone (circled) with minimal reaction in adjacent bone. In the same image some mild enthesiopathic changes are noted on the proximal boarder where the collateral ligaments of the navicular bone attach, as well as some lucent zones along the distal boarder (ie synovial invaginations-shown by black arrows). In the last photo you can see several radiolucent zones or synovial invaginations of various shapes and sizes within the center of the bone or spongiosa (not all of them are highlighted but the black arrows are pointing to a couple) as well as increased endosteal opacity medial and lateral to the sagittal ridge (red arrows). This horse, in summary, has some significant degenerative changes in the podotrochlear apparatus (navicular apparatus). He was managed with intra and extra-articular therapies as well as a new shoeing prescription. He is continuing to perform at a slightly elevated level of performance from when he was first examined, but will inevitably need to be retired from jumping sometime in the near future.