Sometimes you just gotta get out in nature and let a dog be a dog. It’s good for both of you!
Top Dogs enjoying some flexi time and exploring Darree Fields
@columbusdogconnection @topdogdaycareandboarding
It’s been a sick 🤧 January. Making the best of it this week by putting Finn on babysitter duty.
Do you really have off leash control of your dog?
I’m always proofing Finn’s recall. I’m always looking for new ways to test his impulse control around high value targets(people, kids, other dogs…he really wants to say Hi to everybody).
Proofing recall in high arousal situations involving play and toys is a great way to build that impulse control and reliability in a more controlled environment. But these reps will carry over into everyday off leash behaviors and expectations.
If you can’t call your dog off a toy, you probably can’t call them off a squirrel or another dog they really want to meet. Keep practicing.
Have a great weekend! Finn wants you all getting out there and getting after it with your dog.
Showing off on the Finncam
The last minute of our off leash activities this morning.
I’m not an e-collar trainer. I don’t use it to fix aggression, reactivity or any other behavioral problems. I don’t put it in a dog to punish bad behaviors. I rarely even mention it to clients unless they are specifically looking for off leash control. Even then, all the foundational training happens on leash first.
I use the e-collar to take training to the next level, when the dog and owners are ready for it.
You don’t HAVE to use an e-collar to have an off leash reliable dog…but you probably should!
If you want your dog to be a dog, enjoy off leash freedom, while still keeping them safe, under control and maintaining rock solid recall, then let’s talk about e-collar training!
The Queen & The Prince.
Boots makes her presence known and demands respect…but I can tell deep down she likes Finn.
Hank is getting his 5 day Board and Train started today. He’s a 6 month old Bichon who has a pretty good temperament, but needs to work on some leash manners, not being so pushy, and solidifying his potty training.
He’s going to do great!