Liberty Canine - LLC

Liberty Canine - LLC Professional Dog Trainer
SOF Veteran πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
Quality Obedience πŸ•
Upland Gun Dogs 🐾
Columbus, GA

I've been looking forward to this for a long time. First off thank you to the folks that put this system and school toge...

I've been looking forward to this for a long time.

First off thank you to the folks that put this system and school together. You're top tier dog trainers and there is no debate about that.

I originally planned and prepared to attend the in person course but due to tragic life circumstance had to put the dream on hold for a year. Thankfully, these folks created an opportunity for me to pursue my drive and passion for dog training knowledge sooner than I had expected.

I've attended a lot of online courses in my military time and none of them were worth a damn. This course is a shining example of the power of online education when planned, produced, and executed professionally and with passion to actually help people learn.

If you think you want to do this course I highly recommend it.

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These two head home today. The last   for awhile. We will start back up in September for   and cooler weather.Proud of e...

These two head home today. The last for awhile. We will start back up in September for and cooler weather.

Proud of each .

Trace, the , progressed very well in advanced field steadiness and force fetch with only ONE MONTH of training with me! That's a huge achievement for him and a testament to his demeanor and intelligence.

Clyde, the ,stayed for 2 months total and worked on advanced field steadiness. His progress is absolutely off the charts. Two months ago we were barely getting a point out of him if the setup was anything but optimal. Now he's slamming odor, steady to release, and backing. Very proud of him, so much so that I hope to be able to hunt over him this fall!

Then you run them together and they compliment each other so well. Trace is a big runner, strong, and intense. Clyde brings a sense of fun and enjoyment while working only slightly closer than his partner. The birds don't stand a chance with these on the ground.

I'm happy and excited for them both. Well done you two!

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Liberty Canine
Columbus, GA

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As my May Class winds down and trickles home I can't help but be amazed at the progress these dogs have made. From offle...

As my May Class winds down and trickles home I can't help but be amazed at the progress these dogs have made.

From offleash obedience to advanced field work they all made huge strides and have acheived their goals. I'm excited for their lives ahead of them and thankful to have been a part of the journey.

Now time to excited for the next crew of students.

πŸ• If you'd like to have your dog trained DM us quickly as we only have 2 spots remaining for the summer πŸ•

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πŸ—½ πŸ•
Liberty Canine
Columbus, GA

We have one more space available for September and October's Pointer Package. This will be a great opportunity for young...

We have one more space available for September and October's Pointer Package.

This will be a great opportunity for young bird dogs to gain some experience this fall on a couple road trip hunts. We will be in Montana during September and Michigan during October. This is intended for folks who really want to get their dogs on wild birds, jump start their dogs season, and challenge their dogs with some new environments and differnet birds. Species targeted are sharptail grouse, hungarian partridge, sage grouse, ruffed grouse, and woodcock.

Your dog would hunt, train, and travel with a professional trainer with years of experience in dog training as well as upland hunting.

🌟 Kennel spots are very limited so don't hesitate on this opportunity! 🌟

If you're interested in advancing your dogs training as well as getting them some real world experience in multiple environments on multiple game birds let us know!

This is a high quality opportunity because I keep my string of dogs small in order to ensure every dog will get quality time in training and in the field!

🐾 DM to reserve your spot today! 🐾

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Liberty Canine LLC

The May class is present and accounted for!A solid variety of experience levels and training goals. 2 bird dogs, 1 track...

The May class is present and accounted for!

A solid variety of experience levels and training goals. 2 bird dogs, 1 tracking dog, and finishing our puppy program with number 4. This is going to be a fun class.

We do have a couple limited openings left for the summer. If your or someone you know would like a training spot DM us to reserve it quickly.

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My April Class is winding down and start trickling home today. What a group of motivated dogs. The last 2 weeks are alwa...

My April Class is winding down and start trickling home today. What a group of motivated dogs. The last 2 weeks are always my favorite and these 3 didn't disappoint.

Excited for their future and for their owners.

Freedom Through Obedience

A few spots remain throughout the summer for training. If you would like to reserve one for your dog DM us soon!

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We have one more space available for September and October's Pointer Package. This will be a great opportunity for young...

We have one more space available for September and October's Pointer Package.

This will be a great opportunity for young bird dogs to gain some experience this fall on a couple road trip hunts. We will be in Montana during September and Michigan during October. This is intended for folks who really want to get their dogs on wild birds, jump start their dogs season, and challenge their dogs with some new environments and differnet birds. Species targeted are sharptail grouse, hungarian partridge, sage grouse, ruffed grouse, and woodcock.

Your dog would hunt, train, and travel with a professional trainer with years of experience in dog training as well as upland hunting.

🌟 Kennel spots are very limited so don't hesitate on this opportunity! 🌟

If you're interested in advancing your dogs training as well as getting them some real world experience in multiple environments on multiple game birds let us know!

This is a high quality opportunity because I keep my string of dogs small in order to ensure every dog will get quality time in training and in the field!

🐾 DM to reserve your spot today! 🐾

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Liberty Canine LLC

June Bug is crushing it! πŸ”₯ Her owners had a fantastic foundation laid prior to training. You can tell they put the time ...

June Bug is crushing it! πŸ”₯

Her owners had a fantastic foundation laid prior to training. You can tell they put the time in and held June accountable for her actions as well as loved on her every chance they could. All good things.

June simply has a little extra drive and some very mild reactivity things to work thru. No worries, we've simply shown her how to acheive her advantage and we've given her a job.

Having an outlet and an occupation for your dog is important. They need some where to let this energy and focus be put to good use.

🌟 Just want to say well done to her owners 🌟

🐾 If your dog needs to learn to behave DM us and ask about our puppy program opening in June and our Freedom Package availability in July and August! 🐾

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We have one more space available for September and October's Pointer Package. This will be a great opportunity for young...

We have one more space available for September and October's Pointer Package.

This will be a great opportunity for young bird dogs to gain some experience this fall on a couple road trip hunts. We will be in Montana during September and Michigan during October. This is intended for folks who really want to get their dogs on wild birds, jump start their dogs season, and challenge their dogs with some new environments and differnet birds. Species targeted are sharptail grouse, hungarian partridge, sage grouse, ruffed grouse, and woodcock. There are 2 options.

1. Previous Pointer package graduates who can receive a small discounted rate. With the bond we have already established these dogs will be able to hunt in both states. This is a very powerful opportunity for these graduates!

2. People who desire to have their dog complete our Pointer Package. These dogs will need to be dropped off a week early so I can get a head start on recall. For these pups we will be focusing on wild bird contacts in Montana as well as environmental exposure, then actually hunting/shooting birds in Michigan. Your dog would also fully complete our Pointer Package training and be ready to hunt the remainder of the season with you!

Your dog would hunt, train, and travel with a professional trainer with years of experience in dog training as well as upland hunting.

🌟 Kennel spots are very limited so don't hesitate on this opportunity! 🌟

If you're interested in advancing your dogs training as well as getting them some real world experience in multiple environments on multiple game birds let us know!

This is a high quality opportunity because I keep my string of dogs small in order to ensure every dog will get quality time in training and in the field!

🐾 DM to resslerve your spot today! 🐾

πŸ—½ πŸ•
Liberty Canine LLC

Humbled, thankful, and proud. Those are the words in my head right now. After narrowly missing our goal last week I had ...

Humbled, thankful, and proud. Those are the words in my head right now.

After narrowly missing our goal last week I had two great friends encourage me to hop right back on the horse and test again ASAP. and thank you for not letting me get in my own head and pushing me to get right back in the field!

Creek earned a NAVHDA Utility 201 Prize 1. I can only take credit for small split second decision during the test. The rest of the credit goes 100% to the dog!

Thank you again to everyone who's trained with me in the past. Folks like .thedogtrainer and .w.mclintock13 who either taught me somethings, answered questions, or helped us train. Whether it was one time or every weekend I am thankful! And most importantly thank you to for this amazing dog!

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Solid advice!

Solid advice!

A well planned field setup is very productive and enjoyable to work through. A poorly planned setup turns into a soup sandwich and leaves you wanting to pull your hair out! Whats the difference? In a well planned setup everyone knows the plan and their individual jobs which, along with proper ex*****on, allows the dog to focus on just one thing: the bird!

This may seem a bit elementary for many who have been in the training field for a while. However, try and put yourself back in the shoes of the beginner trying to figure things out for the first time. Before throwing a bunch of how-tos at someone or diving into deep discussions on training methods, I have found the best way to help a beginner is to explain the basics and fundamentals of how a field session should ideally work. You might be surprised just how unsure a lot of people are when entering a field.

Having the privilege of sharing the field with a lot of different people, something I often notice is how everyone's focus and attention are all over the place. It can be challenging getting used to handling your dog, flushing/launching the bird, handling a gun safely, and timing everything perfectly throughout. Throw in some inexperience and false expectations and you have the perfect recipe for that previously mentioned soup sandwich! All of this not only causes confusion and frustration (which can and will bleed over into the dog), but most importantly it will cause poor ex*****on which can actually send you backwards in training rather than forward.

With the proper setup, approach, and perhaps a training partner or two, there shouldn't be a lot of uncertainty or confusion. A well setup field is not only more productive, it's simply more enjoyable for everyone involved including the dog. I think most people forget that, as trainers, our job is to make things as black and white for the dog as possible. We are tasked with clearing the way for the dog and creating the ideal situation so they can hopefully learn exactly what we want them to with as little confusion, stress, or anxiety as possible.

Tips for a successful and enjoyable field session:

~Isolate the behavior. Drill down to one specific behavior that you are wanting to see improvement on. Focus on that one individual behavior and leave the rest for another day.

~Plan the field setup according to the targeted behavior. Plant the birds with consideration to wind, cover, and potential distractions or hazards. If the conditions and/or equipment aren't ideal then alter course or even leave the lesson for another day.

~Communicate your plan. Explain and make sure your training partners know exactly what your goal and process will look like. If you cannot explain to your partner what your plan is then you don't actually understand what you are trying to accomplish yourself. Stop and go back to solidify your plan before expecting others to understand. If you have any questions or would like some advice from others now is the time to ask. Don't wait until you're out in the field with other people, birds, and dogs running around. You're plan won't magically come together out there!

~Control the field. This is your dog. This is your plan. This is your time and money invested in the setup. If you have planters then explain very clearly where and how you want the birds. Direct your gunners and gallery throughout. If they're walking ahead of you then ask them to slow down. If they're lagging behind then ask them to keep up. When your dog goes on point, direct your gunners into the correct positions. Some folks are well intentioned and try to help but don't allow them to takeover your session unless you ask them to. Advocate for your dog if needed.

~If you're gunning or observing....shut up! Unless specifically asked for input by the handler then keep your mouth closed. This isn't your dog. There is a time and place for helping and suggesting. Its not in the field. Get through the session and then afterwards, ask why they did a specific thing or if they would like a tip or suggestion. Note: they still may not want your help or advice but at least the conversation didn't add confusion or frustration in the middle of a session. Emotions and frustrations can already be high. Adding more uncertainty to the equation rarely helps.

Try and remember, there are a million ways to skin this cat. Everyone does this differently. Nobody's way is THE way. We all have our preferences. However, one of the common threads amongst all methods and processes is that you have to have an actual plan for success. Without a proper plan and setup then we are unfairly asking A LOT of our dogs to overcome due to our lack of planning or ex*****on!

Photo: Tim Andrews

Liberty Canine - LLC

Dakota Sky's Running Water Delight "Creek" NAVHDA UT Prize 2 Score 195. Not bad considering that it was the first NAVHDA...

Dakota Sky's Running Water Delight "Creek" NAVHDA UT Prize 2 Score 195.

Not bad considering that it was the first NAVHDA test for both Creek and myself. Time to train and tighten up one thing and test again.

Big thanks to for putting on a great test.

Huge thanks to for producing outstanding Pudelpointers.

And a special thanks to .w.mclintock13 and .thedogtrainer for being outstanding friends and training partners, helping Creek and I acheive this. All the advice you offered meant the world to us! It takes a village!

My April class makes their debut! This class looks like a lot of fun and a few challenges. I've had hands on them for a ...

My April class makes their debut!

This class looks like a lot of fun and a few challenges. I've had hands on them for a couple days now and they're all smart animals. Really looking forward to seeing them progress!

🐾 If your dog needs training contact us soon about our upcoming class dates. Limited spots are available. 🐾

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πŸ—½ πŸ•
Columbus, Ga

We have one more space available for September and October's Pointer Package. This package will also include travel to t...

We have one more space available for September and October's Pointer Package.

This package will also include travel to train/hunt your dog in Montana and Michigan on 5 different species of upland birds. As we all all of our normal Pointer Package training goals.

If you're interested in advancing your dogs training as well as getting them some real world experience in multiple environments on multiple game birds let us know!

This is a high quality opportunity because I keep my string of dogs small in order to ensure every dog will get quality time in training and in the field!

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I can usually tell who's dog is who's in the family. Our recent graduate Lily is 100% a Momma' girl and was proud to let...

I can usually tell who's dog is who's in the family. Our recent graduate Lily is 100% a Momma' girl and was proud to let you know it at all times. Sweet, happy, and a bright personality.

One of the perks of this job is being able meet so many different personalities both canine and human. It is remarkable how most of the time, barring any major behavior issues, the dogs reflect their owners like a mirror.

This brings to my point for the post, I can help dogs but what I really do is teach and educate owners. When working with a dog I can see the owner in the dog and literally start making a list of things we need to discuss, good and bad. I also don't fault people for what they don't know, there's so much outdated information and misinformation out there.

But before you book for your training, with me or any trainer, just realize we will help your dog but what we are really after is coaching, teaching, and mentoring you.

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So happy for my recent graduate Bowe. He and I had our struggles in the early days of training but we ended with a bond ...

So happy for my recent graduate Bowe. He and I had our struggles in the early days of training but we ended with a bond of shared understanding and mutual respect. I really enjoyed teaching him and watching his transformation process unfold!

πŸ• If you're dog needs some help with their manners contact us soon about our training opportunities in June and July. πŸ•

πŸ“Έ credit to she is the best in Columbus, GA!

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1 puppy program opening in June is available! Our puppy program is a 2 part program. Phase 1 is all about teaching your ...

1 puppy program opening in June is available!

Our puppy program is a 2 part program. Phase 1 is all about teaching your dog how to learn! This 2 week phase is followed by some time at home for you and your puppy to continue bonding and practicing.

Phase 2 is where the magic happens, seizing on the opportunities laid by our early foundation.

🌟 Spaces are filling up quickly so don't delay contacting us to reserve your opportunity to provide your dog with the lifelong gift of clarity! 🌟

🐾 Message for more info! 🐾

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We're going to start offering this early. There will be a great opportunity for young bird dogs to gain some experience ...

We're going to start offering this early. There will be a great opportunity for young bird dogs to gain some experience this fall on a couple road trip hunts. We will be in Montana during September and Michigan during October. This is intended for folks who really want to get their dogs on wild birds, jump start their dogs season, and challenge their dogs with some new environments and differnet birds. Species targeted are sharptail grouse, hungarian partridge, sage grouse, ruffed grouse, and woodcock. There are 2 options.

1. Previous Pointer package graduates who can receive a small discounted rate. With the bond we have already established these dogs will be able to hunt in both states. This is a very powerful opportunity for these graduates!

2. People who desire to have their dog complete our Pointer Package. These dogs will need to be dropped off a week early so I can get a head start on recall. For these pups we will be focusing on wild bird contacts in Montana as well as environmental exposure, then actually hunting/shooting birds in Michigan. Your dog would also fully complete our Pointer Package training and be ready to hunt the remainder of the season with you!

Your dog would hunt, train, and travel with a professional trainer with years of experience in dog training as well as upland hunting.

🌟 Kennel spots are very limited so don't hesitate on this opportunity! 🌟

Contact us for further details including pricing, amenities, vet care, etc.

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Test day is fast approaching. Without knowing what time of day we will be running its imperative to train in the worst c...

Test day is fast approaching. Without knowing what time of day we will be running its imperative to train in the worst conditions. I look for hot days, overly windy days, rainy days, etc. Those are the days to get out and work through. Obviously be smart about it and keep your dog safe in the heat but you have to know what your dogs performance level is in all conditions.

Follow for more as we approach test day

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This sweet girl is learning a TON on her exposure  trip. We discovered that man hole covers make her nervous to walk acr...

This sweet girl is learning a TON on her exposure trip. We discovered that man hole covers make her nervous to walk across and had to work thru that. She was also very concerned with loud noises. We worked thru all those issues and made some good progress towards neutrality. And she got a little love from some people who couldn't resist her beauty!

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Levi is here for our puppy program! He's a handful but in a good way. This guy is down to work and is a great candidate ...

Levi is here for our puppy program! He's a handful but in a good way. This guy is down to work and is a great candidate for 2 a day sessions! Excited to see his progress!


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Murphy was a crowd favorite on picture day. Well behaved and full of personality.If youre dog needs training please cont...

Murphy was a crowd favorite on picture day. Well behaved and full of personality.

If youre dog needs training please contact us about our June class.

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Ole Scruffy got her pictures taken by  and they turned out amazing! Such a fun and sweet dog.If your dog needs some obed...

Ole Scruffy got her pictures taken by and they turned out amazing! Such a fun and sweet dog.

If your dog needs some obedience and training contact us about our June class soon!

If you're in Columbus, GA give Marina a call for all your photography needs! She's the best!

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With our season over I'm reflecting on just a few of the highlights over the last 5 months. Every trip was fun but there...

With our season over I'm reflecting on just a few of the highlights over the last 5 months. Every trip was fun but there were some truly special walks I won't forget.

We harvested our first grouse, met a lot of great people, trained and hunted with a bunch of nice bird dogs, and set a record for our best season to date as far as harvest numbers. None of this would have been possible without a solid foundation in training.

Now that it's over we're going to focus on some key aspects to training and getting better for next season.

We're excited for some new adventures and new species this year!

How did your season end? What are you looking forward to for next time?

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What a transformation.

You've got to give your dogs a job folks. They need fulfillment, they need a purpose, they need an outlet, they need to be challenged.

Piper showed up very nervous and was a pretty big flight risk honestly. We had to get some obedience knocked out just to start bird work in the field but I knew once that happened it would all click. So I worked quickly to get an offleash recall as fast as I could and we hit the field.

Since starting field work Piper has turned in to a completely different dog. Happy, outgoing, engaging. She can be startled still but wow what a difference it makes when we build drive and give a dog a purpose and meaning.

This elevation in self confidence for her has shown in the rest of her training as well. I really enjoy her.

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Jack is a ton of fun. Full of energy and willing to work. Plus he's super affectionate.Now booking for June. If your dog...

Jack is a ton of fun. Full of energy and willing to work. Plus he's super affectionate.

Now booking for June. If your dog needs some training let us know and we would be happy to help.

Photo credit to check her out for all your πŸ“Έ needs!

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Dang, I will miss this one. I get to see and handle a lot of great dogs but every once in a while a truly special animal...

Dang, I will miss this one. I get to see and handle a lot of great dogs but every once in a while a truly special animal comes in to my life. You'll go far in life Birdie.

If your dog needs some guidance please contact us about our June class!

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Birdie had a great day put on the town learning the fine art of "doing nothing". We walked and observed, sat and observe...

Birdie had a great day put on the town learning the fine art of "doing nothing". We walked and observed, sat and observed, asked for a few behaviors but ultimately just practiced "doing nothing".

If your dog needs help learning to "do nothing" contact us about our upcoming board and train classes in May and June.

πŸ—½ πŸ•
Columbus, Ga

Out of the parks and in to the stores. Birdie did very well. A couple things to tweak and polish. Very excited for his f...

Out of the parks and in to the stores. Birdie did very well. A couple things to tweak and polish. Very excited for his family to see how well behaved he is.

That being said he is still a very active breed that was genetically designed for a certain job. We've been working to find a way to satisfy those drives for Birdie. This will be a key thing for him so that he can live an obedient and fulfilled life.

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My February students are all here and adjusting well. We're excited to work with them!Stay tuned and follow πŸ‘‰  to see th...

My February students are all here and adjusting well. We're excited to work with them!

Stay tuned and follow πŸ‘‰ to see these pups learn and grow!

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Columbus, GA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm




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