Thoughtful Thursday: The Cement of Experience
Have you ever watched a highly experienced trainer work with a dog and think that they literally were telepathic? That some how, they could read what the dog was thinking and could anticipate the actions of the dog to move the dog faster in their learning?
Here's a hint. Most of those people have a lot of knowledge (rocks and pebbles) but also have the cement of experience of seeing and training a lot of dogs.
If you have every watched concrete being poured, you have seen the larger rocks and pebbles in the mix. They are incredibly important for the strength of the concrete. In our world, that is knowing the theory of behavior. Behavior is lawful, just like any other hard science so we, as dog trainers, should know our laws and how they work.
In order to create a strong concrete, you need to have the appropriate mix of cement, sand, and aggregate. It is more than a recipe. If you have stood next to an experienced concrete person and watched them mix the concrete, they will add a little water, or a little more sand, to get the 'feel' just right. This way it spreads, sets, and cures correctly.
This equates to the 'craft' of training dogs. The understanding of the craft comes from years of experience. Dogs you have trained, teams you have watched, hides you have set, operational experiences, knowing where you came up short, dogs you have washed, different breeds you have worked, different people you have worked with, certifications you have passed, or you have failed.
Trainers who combine theory and practice know when to add a little lean to the left, when placement of reinforcement is kicking your butt, a sprinkle of Premack is needed, or a dash of variable schedule of reinforcement is required. Training plans are key for effective and efficient training, but they only get you so far.
Dog training is the combination of science and craft. Make sure you are choosing instructors, mentors, and coaches who have the combination of experience and knowledge to take you where you want to go.
Check out the K9Sensus Coaching Community. The K9Sensus Detection Dog Academy Fall 2025 Cohort will begin in September.