When you’re trying to be an annoying little brother but you’re too tired so you just melt.
Custard and Coco burning off steam in boarding this weekend. Coco has come so far in her reactivity and confidence and spent the weekend with us while her humans were away. Because of the freezing temperatures outside trips were reserved for quick potty breaks and then back inside to play. All our boarders get playtime if they want it but if they don’t they get lots of out time and one on one with us.
Christmas Day walk
Christmas Day walk with the hooligans.
Freezing out but the big kids don’t care!
Off leash walks
8 with me for the second walk today. Cordie, Legend, Aslan, Kettle, Minnow, Custard, Andy and Story.
We have a stream that has been so dry lately and today’s walk it finally was flowing much to the thrill of all the Labradors.
Bone by the fire
If at the end of the day you have a full belly and a bone by the fire, it’s been a good day.
*3 minutes after this video 12 soaking wet dogs stampeded into my living room and now also have bones. Please send towels and a cure for mud*
Woods walk
Story, Aslan, Andy and Minnow came on a walk with us today. Story absolutely loves the other dogs and I can tell she is really starting to feel good with all the activity here. She has some weight to lose but that’s okay.
Our dogs get daily walks in the woods but we often rotate who goes. The most we take at one time is usually 7-8 and the least is 3. Sometimes we’ll do the walk twice and rotate the dogs. We also rotate trails and paths on our land and the trails around us, but I can honestly say that the best thing I’ve ever done for my dogs is off leash walks. They dog, so then I can human.
Story and doors
Doorways are hard. So is learning about all this space. This was 2 days after she arrived. See the updated video in comments!
Andy and Custard
We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to show you the cutest kids. Andy and Custard 💛💛
First real swim!!
Under the bed
Having a rough morning? Hide under the bed and shred something!