Cindy Saves All The Cats

Cindy Saves All The Cats Hi! My name is Cindy and I rescue feral cats and get them adopted out to families!


******I am on a long term break from rescuing and no longer live in the state of Georgia- I get messages weekly from people asking for help taking in cats/kittens- I cannot help.

Please do not message me during this time asking to take in a kitten for you.*********

A sweet pair of brothers available!

A sweet pair of brothers available!

Found this great photo online detailing why you should always charge adopters and they should always pay for a kitten! “...

Found this great photo online detailing why you should always charge adopters and they should always pay for a kitten! “Free” does not mean “free,” and all pets cost a lot to care for over their lifetime!

One of my most favorite adopters Lisa Clark (who adopted Grub, Flicker, Juniper, Tazzy, AND Sir Tode!) has started a res...

One of my most favorite adopters Lisa Clark (who adopted Grub, Flicker, Juniper, Tazzy, AND Sir Tode!) has started a rescue of her own!

She has nurtured some of my grumpiest, hissiest scaredy cats into total love bugs (you know which ones I’m talking about, Lisa! 😂)

Rescuing is extremely expensive- in Georgia I spent about $15,000 at a minimum rescuing cats each year. Lisa has a house full of cats, kids, AND foster kitties, with a TNRd colony out back to feed as well, so any donation greatly helps her ability to help more kitties!!

If you can’t donate food via her Amazon wishlist, she also takes virtual cash donations on her website of any amount (no matter how small.) Her Amazon wishlist is organized by what she needs most (for example, one kitty only eats ONE specific food, so she is in constant need of that wet food to feed the kitty!)

And if you can’t afford at the current time to make a donation, that’s okay too, you can still help by giving her page a follow Justice Cats and sharing this post- the more shares= the more potential donations!!

Hi everyone, I know it’s been quite a long time, and I will get back to rescuing in the future, but for now I am reachin...

Hi everyone, I know it’s been quite a long time, and I will get back to rescuing in the future, but for now I am reaching on behalf of a fellow rescuer.

Another rescuer I met made a tough decision today to put down one of her rescue kittens. She, like I, is against euthanasia, but the kitten’s condition got to the point where she felt she had to make that choice.

She is absolutely devestated as this decline came out of nowhere- she was playing with the kitten, got up to go to the bathroom, and when she returned only a minute or two later, the kitten was screaming and the mama cat was incessantly grooming the kitten (my guess is attempting to soothe it.)

The kitten was struggling to breathe, having seizures, etc., and by the time it arrived at the emergency vet, it was becoming paralyzed. The poor thing had no time to get help as the vet was asking for $1,500 just to begin proper examinations, and had almost no hope given the quick decline it was in.

This is what the rescuer, Caitlynn has to say:

“Good afternoon, today one of my (rescue) cats babies (FireFly) had a seizure from an unknown neurological disorder. Unfortunately, the seizure completely paralyzed her, and her condition was not stable after a while. We spent hours at Pet Specialist of Austin on Guadeloupe considering options and the best one was to put her down due to her condition. Unfortunately because of how unstable she was she could not be transferred anywhere else and therefore for her to be euthanized it is between $500-$700. I will receive the invoice in my email soon. In order for me to collect FireFly’s ashes, I have to have this paid off in a short period. If I fail to pay within the time restriction, I forfeit being able to bring her ashes home. I tried to apply for Care Credit, but the pre approval didn’t go through, and it will be 7-9 days before they contact me to explain the rejection.

If anyone can help with donations in this hard time, I would greatly appreciate it. I just want to bring Firefly’s ashes home to rest.
Thank you.”

Donations can be made via cashapp or gofundme linked below.

Cashapp: CaitlynnClement

Hi, my name is Caitlynn. Today one of my cats babies(FireFly) had a seizure from an unknown neurologi… Caitlynn Clement needs your support for Euthanized pet

Hi everyone! Hopping on to say that Kitty Up Cat Rescue here in Georgia needs help staying afloat!!!! Any donations towa...

Hi everyone! Hopping on to say that Kitty Up Cat Rescue here in Georgia needs help staying afloat!!!!

Any donations toward their efforts would be greatly appreciated as they are facing closing and Georgia is RAMPANT with ferals who need help!


No I am not “under invesitgation” from animal control. I am taking a break financially and emotionally from rescuing. These rumors this woman started are ridiculous.


Amen! 👏👏👏


Free Pet Vaccine and Microchip Clinic!

If you live in Newton County join Newton County Animal Services on Oct. 15 from 9 a.m. to noon at Turner Lake to get up to three of your pets vaccinated and/or microchipped for free!. There will also be a limited supply of free pet food and leashes and collars for your favorite dog or puppy.



•I cannot currently help, I am on a much needed break from rescuing and will not be doing so for the foreseeable future (at least a handful of months)

•If there are kittens, leave them with their mother unless in immediate danger (such as visibly sick.) And if you have to take in kittens and foster them; DO NOT USE MILK, USE FORMULA if they are bottle-aged.

•If you have an injured cat and cannot afford help, post on local animal facebook groups to try to help fundraise, but ultimately see if you can “surrender” the cat at a local emergency vet

•If you’ve found what you think is a LOST cat, or have lost your cat, go to petfbi and enter the information, the Nextdoor app, and local lost pet Facebook groups, also be sure to print posters (in color) and post locally, as older people aren’t as tech-savvy.

•If you’re looking to rehome a cat, or are fostering a cat and need help placing it- please FIRST post online in local pet rehoming groups on Facebook, then if you can’t find help after a couple weeks, contact your local shelters about surrendering.

The BEST thing you can do for feral cats is to TNR- trap, neuter, return/release. Go to and search her TNR articles.

It may cost a bit now to spay/neuter, but there are always low cost clinics near you, and it costs more to care for hundreds of cats, which is what will happen soon if you let them multiply!

FEEDERS: As much as we love that you love the kitties, the BEST thing you can do is to SPAY/NEUTER them, the more you feed, the more dependent they become, meaning you’ll have flocks of ill/injured/inbreeding cats, meaning you’re going to see mass deaths. If you spay/neuter, you’ll have less mouths to feed, it will cost you less in the long run, and you can afford to take your colony in to the vet as needed. Start a gofundme if you have to! Again, look at The Kitten Lady’s TNR information, or ask a local shelter how to TNR- many will even lend you a trap!

I appreciate all of you looking to help your local kitties, but unfortunately I don’t have any secret resources at this time for fosters/colony help.

And if a cat is in peril, such as has severe injuries, please go to the vet first and worry about paying the bills later, you can always start a gofundme, but a life can’t wait.

Some of these things may seem obvious to us rescuers, but I‘ve learned through the frequent questions I get that it’s not obvious to the regular citizen, so hopefully for those coming to my page for help, this list can answer your questions.

Of course, if this list hasn’t answered your questions, feel more than free to contact me for help, but know that my hands are tied for the coming months as I’m on my rescue break and I don’t have too many places to point you other than toward your own local vet/low cost clinic/shelter.


Hey everyone! It’s been a bit since I’ve checked in-

I’m still gearing up for that break I’ve been talking about given my finances/emotional burnout. I have a foster ready to take my last few kitties soon if they don’t adopt out in the next few weeks.

I had a surprising adoption last week where FRISKY managed to get a home with a very loving past adopter of mine (whereas I thought her butt would need a barn program since she swipes at people a lot!) Her owner is very prepared for her random tantrums, and very excited to shower her with love.

Since I’ll be taking a somewhat long break (at least a few months), I’ve already donated a lot of my supplies to some of my favorite rescuers/shelters seeing as I don’t want to hoard what they could so desperately use. Syringes, extra cages, carriers, food, litter, supplements, traps, toys, blankets, formula, bottles, etc., have all been sent to numerous sources. 🙂

I have big plans in mind for when I’m done with my break, but I’ve learned my lesson in keeping things quieter online so that crazies can’t attack and disrupt progress.

I appreciate all of your continued support, and will try to post at least once a month or so on here in my rescuing absence to keep this page active and let ya’ll know I’m alive.

If you’d like to know of places to donate in the meantime, please contact me for a list of some of my favorite local organizations.

If you need help with a feral cat you’ve found, I’ll address this in a separate post!

Thank you all for your love, don’t forget me, I’ll be back soon!



Coming out just to say we could use some wet kitten food if anyone would like to donate some off of our wishlist! Kittens are hungry little buggers!

Due to the recent attacks by Amenda Palo, I’m going to stop posting on this page for the time being while I pursue thing...

Due to the recent attacks by Amenda Palo, I’m going to stop posting on this page for the time being while I pursue things legally. I hope you all understand. I believe it will best protect me and the kitties given the doxing, libel, and slander, etc..

I appreciate all of you, our donations are still open for those who want to support, and as I’ve been planning, I will be taking a break from rescuing soon to get things together financially and have a breather from all of this drama.

I may post some photos of my personal cats and dog during the break period, but I may stop using this page altogether given how it’s been used to take things out of context and attack me. (Most recently she is calling cats “missing” simply because I never updated her personally on when they finally adopted out, she also claims they were never vetted because I never told her or showed her personal records that they were. UGGH.)

Anyway, I love you all, you can still send words of support through messenger and on this post, but please understand I cannot give out updates for the foreseeable future.❤️

I’ve never shared before but I’ll also be listing my personal wishlist as well at the very bottom for anyone who may be interested in sending something to me personally.

Donations can be made through-

Cashapp: $cindysavesallthecats
Zelle: 301-642-2758
or by sending direct goods the kitties need off of our Amazon wishlist:

Personal wishlist:


Lmao ya’ll she’s literally making up that all these cats “went missing” because I didn’t update her on every single one and saying I didn’t vet them simply because I never publicly shared the vet records (which no one does for every cat in their care.) This woman is psychotic, here’s hoping she gets off whatever drugs she’s on🤞🏻

Look at these little messies- I clean their cage up and immediately they get their little paws into everything 😂 Sprite!...

Look at these little messies- I clean their cage up and immediately they get their little paws into everything 😂 Sprite! (Don’t worry fresh blankets are on their way in just a second so he’ll stop using the litter box as a bed… hopefully🥴)

I put a little salmon oil on the top of the kibble to encourage the babies to eat dry food since some didn’t seem too inclined to eat dry food in between their meals, and it worked wonders! Look at these little goblins munching down on it all!

We should be able to stop using the cage so they have more room to run around by the end of the week once we finish this current round of deworming and get another f***l done. I believe I mentioned before, but even though we tested negative on the f***l we treated all the kittens for coccidia/giardia just to be safe since the living conditions they were in outside before I rescued them were so poor they were covered in thousands of flies and fleas and drinking water that was pure GREEN🤢

Their energy since the first day I got them is amazing, they’ve gained weight, they’re bouncing off the walls, eating so well, I’m so incredibly proud of my little messies!

I am a rescuer who rescues on my own dime!

Donations can be made through-

Cashapp: $cindysavesallthecats
Zelle: 301-642-2758
or by sending direct goods the kitties need off of our Amazon wishlist:

(hit add to cart and checkout to have it send to our address!)


To clarify, someone sharing my location, personal bank info, and harassing people who have BLOCKED HER with photos of dead cats is abuse and harassment.

She can report me to the police and animal control, but not letting them deal with it and going on a smear campaign shows mental instability and is illegal because it is defamation. She’s now sharing my personal address and full legal name which puts me in physical danger.

All the “screenshots” she has were taken out of context, she asked for photos of dying cats so she could make up stories of how they died when the entire time every cat was under veterinary care and died due to medical complications, not because they weren’t vetted.

Again, I am so sorry this woman keeps harassing you all, please continue to report her abuse.

And yes I ”updated my post” that talked about Petal because I was mislead to believe Amenda was a more experienced rescuer and I wanted to delete that because it’s simply not true, she is an abusive scammer and nothing more.


Amenda Palo going by fake accounts “Amenda Leelou” and “Minga Lou” and “Giggles Playpen” is spreading fake information about my rescue practices in order to hurt me. I do vet every single animal that comes into my care and that’s all I’ll say about that given I don’t want to stoop to her level “proving” myself to everyone. The only real thing she has on me is that one kitten passed due to neurological issues/imperforate a**s, and during this time I entrusted her with a facetime call as the kitten was passing, meanwhile I was all under the specialist vet’s orders, it didn’t die from my care, there was nothing to do to save it and it died in my arms as I called her asking for help because I wanted there to be more I could do for it and she knew I couldn’t get it to a vet in time to euthanize, nor do I generally believe in euthanizing, she illegally recorded this call and is now spreading it around saying I stole money from donors and killed this cat amongst many other horrendous lies. I just thought I’d give a heads up because she’s blackballed many other good rescuers (sadly I used to believe her lies about these people as well.)

Most of this message is copy and pasted because she’s been going to every rescuer I know and subsequently every donor and friend and contact THEY have and spamming them so I’ve had to contact a LOT of people to cover the bases.

I am sorry to anyone she has been spamming, please feel free to block her and any other accounts she may have created. If she contacts you or won’t stop bothering you please let me know and I will start a police report.


I have to phrase it better than this but I GOT FRISKY!!!!!!!!!!!! Petal is not doing well, it seems whatever issues the rest of the litter had she has as well. I had PERFECT timing pulling into my neighborhood, as FRISKY was right there!! I rolled down my window to call her name and she started to sass away from me toward the woods, so I opened the can of cat food I always keep on hand in my glovebox, and she came to me!! She is locked away in my office now and I am SO grateful and relieved she is back safe and sound!!



Thank you to Selena Stevens and Selena Maldonado for the food and litter donations!

Thank you to Selena Stevens and Selena Maldonado for the food and litter donations!

This photo isn’t super post-worthy, but I thought I’d share my excitement! Today I was calling around getting estimates ...

This photo isn’t super post-worthy, but I thought I’d share my excitement! Today I was calling around getting estimates for an eco-friendly toilet replacement, the first guy said $600+ for the labor, which was ridiculous, so I booked another same day estimate. As I was waiting, I found someone to do it for very cheap online, so when the 2nd estimate people called to say they were on their way, I said no need, we hung up…. they called back.
“What if we did it for free?”
“Free????? Are you sure????”
Fu***ng fantastic moment to my day. I spent $180 on a brand new toilet that has the lowest flush rating on the market and didn’t even pay for install. I tried to tip the man who did it and he said there was no need, he already was being paid for his time, and that he wanted me to use the money toward my rescues I told him about.

Sometimes people just make your day. I feel like all those four leaf clovers are finally starting to pay off, and at a good time, too, as this past month has been very hard emotionally with Thimble and Possum passing and Frisky getting lost amongst other things.

Yay for a cheaper water bill!

I am a rescuer who rescues on my own dime!

Donations can be made through-

Cashapp: $cindysavesallthecats
Zelle: 301-642-2758
or by sending direct goods the kitties need off of our Amazon wishlist:

(hit add to cart and checkout to have it send to our address!)


Pippy is learning that we do not do these for attention or treats:
-put our face aggressively into their face
-shove babies out of our way

If anyone wants to donate some Churus off of our Amazon wishlist we are completely out! They’re not only a yummy treat for the kitties, but they help me sneak medications to them, too!

Pippy seems like she’ll be popping any day now, I expect she’ll only have one kitten given how tiny she is.

I am a rescuer who rescues on my own dime!

Donations can be made through-

Cashapp: $cindysavesallthecats
Zelle: 301-642-2758
or by sending direct goods the kitties need off of our Amazon wishlist:

(hit add to cart and checkout to have it send to our address!)


Wrestlemania is in full swing😂😂 Thank goodness the litter was FRESH!!

I am a rescuer who rescues on my own dime!

Donations can be made through-

Cashapp: $cindysavesallthecats
Zelle: 301-642-2758
or by sending direct goods the kitties need off of our Amazon wishlist:

(hit add to cart and checkout to have it send to our address!)

Thank you to whoever sent the adult cat food! We  needed it! It didn’t have a name listed but we really appreciate it!••...

Thank you to whoever sent the adult cat food! We needed it! It didn’t have a name listed but we really appreciate it!

I am a rescuer who rescues on my own dime!

Donations can be made through-

Cashapp: $cindysavesallthecats
Zelle: 301-642-2758
or by sending direct goods the kitties need off of our Amazon wishlist:

(hit add to cart and checkout to have it send to our address!)


Feeling fancy with my new organizer! They had a sale for $30 at Michael’s (previously the cheapest I could find was on Amazon for $50). Super cheap and easy to put together and now I can organize all of my syringes, dry medicines, tube/bottle feeding supplies, etc., with much more ease than I could before!

I am a rescuer who rescues on my own dime!

Donations can be made through-

Cashapp: $cindysavesallthecats
Zelle: 301-642-2758
or by sending direct goods the kitties need off of our Amazon wishlist:

(hit add to cart and checkout to have it send to our address!)

Very classy. Mars Hill, the hospital with the specialist for Thimble, sent me a condolence card today over her passing. ...

Very classy. Mars Hill, the hospital with the specialist for Thimble, sent me a condolence card today over her passing. I cannot recommend them enough if you’re in the area. ❤️


Uggh. Poor Patches is getting returned this morning after adopting out yesterday. I warned the owner that acclimating a cat to another one takes time, but she isn’t having it. Does anyone want a cuddly calico who knows her name and loves to play and is so sweet even to other kitties?

***update: she has changed her mind and is going to try following my advice for introducing them slowly


Conyers, GA



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