#tseladonia #brazilianjewel #beautifultarantula #highlightseveryonefollowers #spooderfamily #tarantulasoftheworld #babyspoods
My other seladonia came out of her house I dont see her as much as my other one so I had to get a video. They both seem to be doing really well. Fingers crossed it stays that way.
#tseladonia #tarantulasoftheworld #brazilianjewel #highlightseveryonefollowers #beautifultarantula
So I got some absolutely beautiful Male nikites from Grassy Knoll Jumpers LLC I have one already but he only has one pedipalp and I paired him with the female and she hasnt laid an eggsac so I dont think it was successful. So grassy knoll had a Male and I got him plus she threw I another one which was absolutely awesome wanted to make sure we get this female laying some babies. But here is one of the males he never pulled through unfortunately but we will keep trying.
#highlightseveryonefollowers #spooderfamily #jumpingspiderspet #jumpingspiderbreeder #jumpingspiderslings #jumpingspidercommunity #babyspoods #jumpingspidersling #spooderlove #spooderfamily #spooderfriends
This baby is one of my last orange babies she found a good home. I wanted to show her off cause she is super sweet. Hoping to be pairing for more orange babies soon.
#spoodadoption #highlightseveryonefollowers #spooderfamily #jumpingspiderbreeder #jumpingspiderslings #jumpingspidercommunity #babyspoods #spooderlove #jumpingspidersarecute #webpuppies
Before you watch this video just want you to know neither of them got her and still alive. But I'm curious if your Male has ever taken the worm from the female? That is what happen here. This freaked me out bad!!! Thankfully I separated them and he just took the worm did not hurt her at all.
#highlightseveryonefollowers #spooderfamily #jumpingspiderslings #jumpingspidercommunity #jumpingspiderbreeder #spooderfriends #jumpingspidersarecute
This baby cracks me up!!!
#highlightseveryonefollowers #spooderfamily #jumpingspiderbreeder #jumpingspidercommunity #spooderfriends #spooderlove #webpuppies #followerseveryone
One of my baby otiosus catching a meal...love watching these babies eat.
#phidippusotis #spooderfamily #jumpingspidercommunity #jumpingspiderbreeder #spooderlove #spooderfriends #jumpingspidersarecute #jumpingspiderslings #babyjumpingspider #phidippusotis
#spooderfamily #jumpingspiderbreeder #spooderlove #spooderfriends #jumpingspidercommunity #jumpingspidersarecute #spooders #webpuppies #jumpingspider #phidippusotis
Almost!!! I was a little worried at first but she just wasn't positioned right. Maybe next time. They are phidippus nikites. We will try again.
#jumpingspiderbreeder #spooderfamily #jumpingspidercommunity #spooderlove #spooderfriends #jumpingspidersarecute #spooders #webpuppies #jumpingspider #spood #phidippusnikite
#spooderfamily #jumpingspiderbreeder #jumpingspidercommunity #spooderlove #spooderfriends #jumpingspidersarecute #webpuppies #jumpingspider #spooders #spood
#spooderfamily #jumpingspidercommunity #spooderlove #spooderfriends #jumpingspidersarecute #spooders #phidippusregius
Ok so the videoing isnt the best but this a good video to watch when pairing jumping spiders. These are my biggest jumping spiders I have and it was interesting to watch. It's a long video btw.
#spooderfamily #jumpingspiderbreeder #jumpingspidercommunity #spooderlove #spooderfriends #jumpingspidersarecute #spooders #jumpingspider #webpuppies #phidippusapalichola
Just wanted to share my fruitfly culture I use. I make it myself but it comes in a kit. It's worked wonders for me. I produce so many fruit flies from this. I will post link in comments if interested.
#fruitflies #fruitflyculture #jumpingspidercommunity #spooderfamily #spooderlove #spoodaddiction #jumpingspider
I've had ppl ask me if you can handle T. Seladonia's and you can you just dont want to very much. If they are out wandering around there encloser you can but if not I would leave them unless your just checking on them. Here is a video of one of the babies coming out of vile on to my hand.
#tseladonia #brazilianjewel #turantula
Look what I got you guys!!!! I'm like so excited about this. Let's pray these 2 little slings make it cause I've heard they can be hard to care for when they are slings. So beautiful. T. Seladonia (Brazilian jewel turantula) never thought I would own turantula.
#spoodaddiction #spooderfamily #jumpingspidercommunity #tseladonia #turantulacribs #turantual #brazilianjewel
This is momma snow white. I got her from Tearison a few months ago. She is so gorgeous. She loves to explore. She explores more than any of my other jumpers.
#spooderfamily #jumpingspidercommunity #spooderlove #spooderfriends #phidippusregius #jumpingspider Everyone #webpuppies