Anyone else? Lol
#theygaveittome #beardeddragonlife #beardeddragon #beardeddragonbreeder
Anyone else? 🤣 They gave it to me!
#theygaveittome #beardeddragon #beardeddragonlife #beardeddragonbreeder
If you don't have a full bioactive setup because....
1. You are a breeder and need to keep enclosures as clean as possible for the health of the babies
2. You are new to reptile keeping and aren't quite comfortable with engaging in a bioactive setup
3. You have a busy schedule and just want to keep things simple
BUT you still want enrichment for your babies and/or adults
Try a dig box. You can use play sand by itself or play sand mixed with organic top soil in an appropriate sized box to add to their enclosure.
🌟 I use sand only due to gnats in my area swarming to the soil any chance they get when the dragon building door opens. I just mix my sand with a bit of water to lessen the dust stir, and it's better for digging.
Be sure to bake the sand and soil at a low temp to ward off bacteria before placing it in their enclosure and change out the dig box mixture as needed.
Also, if you are unsure what woods are toxic- driftwood is always a safe option to add in their enclosure (be sure to bake the wood as well)
WARNING- CORNCOB IS NOT A SAFE SUBSTRATE- it harbors bacteria and leads to serious upper respiratory issues. COCONUT HUSK IS NOT A SAFE SUBSTRATE-when inhaled it acts like a fiberglass in their lungs.
Personally, as a sole breeder, I choose to stay as natural to their environment and engaging as possible without the full bioactive so it's easier for myself to upkeep.