Making better decisions! Go Barkley!
Luna’s smashing into a new week with her Jolly Ball! Here’s to starting the week with some fun and energy!
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Look at this predator! PNW Grooming, Lexi's groom has upped her grasshopper-catching game! At least she'll be safe while she's hunting in her CoyoteVest.
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It's crucial to tailor your dog's training to the specific environments they'll encounter. One effective cue I use is aimed at having my dogs return promptly to me while maintaining a short distance. This cue is invaluable when I require their attention without necessarily needing to leash them.
When your tiny dog who is safer on a long line because of her size decides to go off the trail, recalls well, and comes back up the same exact path so that the long line doesn't get tangled, that is luck.
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When all else fails, or may fail, scatter. Scatter food in a safe area and move away from the trigger.
Client dog, Diamond, and I couldn't escape the food robots near the Western Oregon University campus today. While she wasn't too worried about them at a distance, I didn't want to have one when we couldn't escape them.
She kept her nose down sniffing for treats and wasn't bothered.