Cheyenne's Hope Farm Sanctuary

Cheyenne's Hope Farm Sanctuary Non Profit 501(c)3 Sanctuary for neglected/abused/special needs animals. We save HOPE for a patchwork of Cats, Dogs, Rabbits, Horses and a Parrot He was approx.

WHAT IS CHEYENNE’S HOPE FARM SANCTUARY Cheyenne’s Hope Farm Sanctuary was founded on November 20, 2009 and is a rescue for special needs and/or abused or neglected animals. It was founded solely because of “Cage 3". You see, in 1999, Stacey McCord Crooks, founder of Cheyenne’s Hope Farm Sanctuary, visited the local Humane Society in hopes of adopting a miniature Collie that had just arrived at the

shelter. As Stacey made her way down the long concrete hallway, she turned her head away from the cages to avoid seeing all pain and sadness on the faces of the dogs leading up to the Collie. However, as she passed cage two, she felt an overwhelming urge to look. There, amidst all the barking and chaos, was a very scared and shaking six-month-old German Shepherd / Siberian Husky mix named Lady. Stacey, still focused on seeing the miniature Collie who was housed in cage eight, continued past the other cages but simply could not get the dog in cage two out of her mind. On the way out, she found herself standing in front of cage two, petting the scared dog through the fence. She was told that the dog had been surrendered because “it shed” and that sadly, it was scheduled to be euthanized the next day due to remodeling and overcrowding at the shelter. Without hesitation, Stacey spoke up and said she wanted to adopt the dog in cage two, renaming her Cheyenne. Through Stacey’s rescues, Cheyenne greeted and happily welcomed an array of animals into their family, even rescuing one of her own; a purebred Cocker Spaniel they later named Noah. Uncertain at how Cheyenne would react to Noah, who was found wandering Stacey’s neighborhood, she decided to keep him at a neighbor’s house while searching for his owner. Noah barked constantly while at the neighbors so Stacey, still uncertain of how Cheyenne would feel about this stranger at her house, made a temporary home for him in her garage. He continued to bark like crazy and, by this time, Cheyenne had started digging under the fence to get to him. It was late and Stacey did not know what else to do so, she bit the bullet and placed Noah in the fenced in yard with Cheyenne. Noah immediately quit barking and Cheyenne quit digging. Stacey awoke the next morning to find the two cuddled together, sleeping, and happy. It was official, Cheyenne was keeping Noah. Just shy of eleven years old, Cheyenne began limping. At first, Stacey passed it off as a minor injury and gave her some anti-inflammatory medicine. Two weeks later, she was still limping and had begun to cry out in pain when her knee was touched, so Stacey rushed her to the vet. It was discovered, through x-rays, that Cheyenne had developed bone cancer. The options were limited, and she was given three months or less to live. Cheyenne underwent several rounds of chemotherapy after having her leg amputated. However, one of the risks of amputation was that it could spread to her lungs during surgery. 6 months after the surgery/chemo, Cheyenne began coughing and refused to eat and Stacey’s worst fears were confirmed. It had, in fact, spread to her lungs and it was not treatable. The night before Cheyenne passed away, Stacey had told a longtime friend that she was done rescuing because the heartache that she felt at that very moment was just too much to experience again. As she and Cheyenne stared at one another that night, tears streaming down her face, she felt an overwhelming feeling that Cheyenne was telling her that she simply could not stop rescuing, that she had provided Cheyenne with a great life and that there were others out there that needed her help, just as she had. Cheyenne had gotten worse through the night. The next morning, they were at the vet’s office where it was confirmed that she was, in fact, nearing the end. There, with her best buddy Noah by her side and her family surrounding her, Cheyenne passed, tail wagging until the very end. The day was November 20, 2009. It was decided, at that very moment in time, that Cheyenne’s spirit was to live on and with that, Cheyenne’s Hope Farm Sanctuary was born. Side note: Noah passed away seventeen months after Cheyenne. seventeen years old. Today, Cheyenne’s Hope Farm Sanctuary is a 501c3 (non-profit) organization and home to approximately 30 to 40 special needs animals at any given time, including but not limited to, Dogs, Cat, Rabbits, Horses, Chickens, and a Parrot, each with their own personal story. CHFS has rescued over 200+ special needs animals since it was opened. The Founder has rescued approximately the same amount, on her own, before starting CHFS.


We could use a lot of prayers and good vibes. We have 2 generators but the big one that can power a lot is leaking gas. I bought in 2013 and never been out of box until today. We have another but it can't power as many space heaters. I could never get anyone who could put in a transfer switch to run furnace. We are sick to our stomachs with worry. We have one heater going but have 30 animals that can't all be together in one room. I hate winter.

People ask me all the time what it is like being a special needs animal rescuer and how can I go through so much heartbr...

People ask me all the time what it is like being a special needs animal rescuer and how can I go through so much heartbreak. The other question I get asked is if it gets easier the more I have to make the hard decision. To answer the first two questions, first, it is never knowing when you WILL lose them, some could come in multiples as I have gone through in less than 2 weeks. I have had one cat pass and after burying her I walked inside how to have another cat have a seizure and die in my arms. In 2023 in 2 months we lost 5 animals and my mom. You never know when God says it is going to be time to take the greatest gifts He ever gave me. Being a special needs rescuer is pouring all of your heart and soul into the precious babies that in turn give so much appreciation and love that the future heartbreak will never outweigh the joy they have brought into my life, the better I am and my life is much more rewarding than any vacation or material things and a thousand heartbreaks will never stop me. Case in point, since July our senior baby Bronson aka Brawny B has been going downhill with teeth issues and has been losing weight. We ran bloodwork panel, Thyroid panel and Diabetes bloodwork. The only thing that showed was low white blood cell count. It tracked many symptoms of wasting disease which can come on quickly in cats over 11 years old. He still ate a little bit of hard food but I supplemented Royal Canin Recovery wet mousse. It got to point he would get fluids every Thursday. He has been doing well since July until this week. He started doing the cat dementia sqawling a couple nights ago and when I would pick him up to feed. He was acting lost. This morning I went to the vet for his fluids but his weight had dropped .4 which is alot for him. With his last couple days I knew it was time. I took him back home to lay comfortably in his bed until they could get me in at 2:15. I laid with him on floor, with him comfortably in his bed telling him how precious he is, the bestest boy and how much his Daddy and I love him. He started getting restless and uncomfortable. He was fading. It was time to keep my promise I give each and every one, that I will make them better. I took him to the vet in his bed instead of the carrier. The entire trip to the vet I was petting his head and stroked the crevice on his forehead he loved so much. He was calm and content because he was ready. I was not but, as I always do, I promised him Momma will make him better. After they gave him the sedation, I held him in my arms telling him how precious he is, the bestest boy and how much Daddy and I love him as he looked up at me, which was the last thing he saw before he was completely sedated. I try my best not to cry and transfer my grief but I could not stop the tears then, nor now as I write this. Bronson was 14 years old and been my sweet baby boy for a glorious 12 years of pure love that emitted from him to every human and animal he met. He is back with his best pal Barbossa (gray cat in photo) and they are both healthy and chasing those Heavenly 🦋. Run free my love!!

To answer the last question. NO it does not get easier, it actually gets harder. Every single baby that God has gifted my life takes a piece of my heart and soul with them. I will never forget them nor the love they so wholeheartedly gave me. I still cry over animals who have been gone for years. They might have left this earth but they will NEVER leave my heart.

By: Stacey McCord-Crooks, Founder/President

Happy 20th Birthday our wild and crazy girl Mickey.  It has been a loud, funny, confusing and loving ride since we rescu...

Happy 20th Birthday our wild and crazy girl Mickey. It has been a loud, funny, confusing and loving ride since we rescued you in May of 2006. We were told you were a boy and named Mickey. On your 15th Birthday you surprised us by laying an egg which your Dad had to wake me because he was in shock and I went into high gear starting protocols to make sure you did not keep laying and cause calcium deficiency. Then, the sad epiphany hit that you were not Mickey but the female of the pair (Mickey & Nickey) and you were not saying your name you were calling for Mickey. You are so loved whether you be Mickey or Nickey or a boy or a girl. I know you have loved many dogs and cats through the years. I know your best friend Bishop (125lb American German Shepherd) who protected you at all costs and was your favorite sibling as you continue to call for him since his passing in May 2023 as you do Mickey after being taken away from him before we rescued you. I know even with your losses you are happy and you are like your momma and tell it like it is and have some cussing fits here n there. Love you sweetheart!

We had to say goodbye to our sweet baby Storm this afternoon.  He was FIV + therefore a compromised immune system.  He s...

We had to say goodbye to our sweet baby Storm this afternoon. He was FIV + therefore a compromised immune system. He showed up at our property about 6 years ago bloody and beat up. We neutered him and brought him in so he would be able to live longer out of elements and cat fights. Unfortunately, he developed an upper respiratory and no meds helped him and he was struggling to breath. We could have continued trying to pump meds into him praying they would work but I could not let him struggle for air in the meantime. We are about quality of life not quantity. As I do with all I promised him Momma would fix him so I kept my promise. Having special needs babies is a lot of heartache and loss but it is worth every heartbreak to love and be loved by them. I know he is healthy, no sickness and is breathing the Heavenly air. Go chase those butterflies baby boy.

MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM ALL OF OUR BABIES TO YOU!!!  The picture is our sweet Biscuit last Christmas.

MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM ALL OF OUR BABIES TO YOU!!! The picture is our sweet Biscuit last Christmas.

Run free sweet Biscuit Belly. We will miss you so much.

Run free sweet Biscuit Belly. We will miss you so much.

Biscuit had a very rough night due to having breathing issues from one of his lungs.  My vet told me to give him some La...

Biscuit had a very rough night due to having breathing issues from one of his lungs. My vet told me to give him some Lasix which has helped and giving him peaceful rest today. Unfortunately, Biscuit has lost mobility in his front legs as well as his back legs and he is not wanting to eat only drink water. Every bit of food I syringe him he can't hold down. His fellow Chihuahua and cat siblings have been sitting vigil since day one of finding out he could no longer walk. One of my Mom's cats, Little Bit has been by his side even laying next to him to keep him warm. His sister Pippa (red Chi) was doing the same last night. Since later this morning he has been peacefully sleeping. All of the cats and dogs in the room with him along with me and his Dad are heartbroken. We know there is nothing more we can do because being paralyzed has caused his lung issue and apparently many other internal problems. Our precious love bug, who is a senior who came to us with a heart murmur, no vetting his entire life does not have the strength to fight this battle. I promised him, as I do all of our babies, that I would make him better. I do not have the earthly ability to do so therefore to keep my promise I have to send him to Heaven where he has no luxating patella, no heart murmur, no teeth infections from neglect, no pneumonia forming and will never have any pain or paralysis ever again. I told him if he needs to go it is ok. If he does not go on his own through the night I will be taking him to the vet tomorrow to fulfill my promise. I told him his Gannyma and Ganpa will be there waiting on him as well as his Chi sisters Evii & Chloe and Chi brother Munchy Roo Roo and his big brothers Bishop, Noah, Ringo, Buffy, Bozzy, Dodger and his big sisters Cheyenne and Dora. I can't wait until I get to see him healthy and running to me on all four legs. Please say prayers for our sweet Biscuit Belly, his siblings and me and Tracy. We will miss him dearly. Thank you so much.

Biscuit has had a rough day today.  He even acted like he was giving up.   After doing a couple of light therapy on him ...

Biscuit has had a rough day today. He even acted like he was giving up. After doing a couple of light therapy on him he finally started eating wet food out of my hand instead of me having to put it in his mouth. He is a long way being out of the woods but we are not giving up. They said 5 to 7 days to know for sure if he will walk again so we will wait patiently and go at his pace. His sisters Luna and Pippa are sitting vigil over him. I have the sides of bed blocked off to keep him from getting up and falling off. Prayers for our sweet Biscuit Belly!!!

Biscuit is getting red light therapy thanks to his Aunt Lisa Pippin.  This really helped Bishop, our German Shepherd who...

Biscuit is getting red light therapy thanks to his Aunt Lisa Pippin. This really helped Bishop, our German Shepherd who had a stroke the day after Thanksgiving 2022 after he was down for a whole month. This helped his muscle atrophy and helped get him walking again along with me doing rehab and retraining him to walk again. I am hoping it will do the same for our sweet little Biscuit Belly!!

Prayers for our precious Biscuit.  He is a severe special needs pup we brought in with multiple siblings from same house...

Prayers for our precious Biscuit. He is a severe special needs pup we brought in with multiple siblings from same household in April 2022. He came to us with a heart murmur and luxating patella. He was able to get around on 3 legs fine with pain management. Last night I came home from a board meeting to find him not able to use either of his back legs. The vet found that he has a pinched nerve in his spine. The only thing we can do with his age and medical issues is to try a steroid shot to see if that will help him recover and be able to walk again. At this point he can only drag himself which we are trying to keep him from doing. They said we should see improvement within 5 to 7 days if it will work. He is not in pain because he can't feel his legs due to the nerve. If the shot does not work he will not have a quality of life and we will not allow anything else but quality. Prayers are needed to help this work and him continue being the happy go lucky pupperoni that he has always been. Thank you very much for any you can send his way!!

It is a glorious morning getting the hole in the barn roof fixed by two special volunteers.  Thank you Lord!

It is a glorious morning getting the hole in the barn roof fixed by two special volunteers. Thank you Lord!


Our special needs animals, large and small are hoping to get some donations to help fix their shelters, fencing and get much needed food and other supplies. The barn is in need of several repairs as is the farmhouse that is not well insulated and there are drafts around windows and old cracked and falling plaster walls. We had insulation blown into walls in 2012 but it is not enough to help insulate a 100 yo house. We need insulation in attic desperately as well. We have only received $2,075 this entire year leaving all expenses of nonprofit on top of personal bills to be paid out of our paychecks which can't cover them all causing us to consistently get personal and payday loans with extremely high interest. We can't continue much longer. We have 37 animals (dogs, cats, horses & parrot) at this time. Wish List on Chewy under our umbrella corp name CheyNoah, Inc. You can donate here or for immediate money to rescue send check/money order to P.O. Box 25, Corydon, KY 42406 or you can use the QR code in Pic below for Venmo. Any monetary amount or physical donations would be greatly appreciated. I can pick up physical donations if in Henderson, Union, Webster, Daviess, Vanderburgh or Warrick Counties. If you want to order and ship direct please message me and I can private message you the shipping address. Thank you for your time and attention. Stacey McCord-Crooks Founder/President

TAX DEDUCTIBLE DONATIONS NEEDED!Our special needs animals, large and small are hoping to get some donations to help fix ...

Our special needs animals, large and small are hoping to get some donations to help fix their shelters, fencing and get much needed food and other supplies. Our vet bill is at $2,300right now. The barn is in need of several repairs as is the farmhouse that is not well insulated and there are drafts around windows and old cracked and falling plaster walls. We had insulation blown into walls in 2012 but it is not enough to help insulate a 100 yo house. We need insulation in attic desperately as well. We have only received $2,075 this entire year leaving all expenses of nonprofit on top of personal bills to be paid out of our paychecks which can't cover them all causing us to consistently get personal and payday loans with extremely high interest. We can't continue much longer. We have 37 animals (dogs, cats, horses & parrot) at this time. Wish List on Chewy under our umbrella corp name CheyNoah, Inc. You can send check/money order to P.O. Box 25, Corydon, KY 42406 or you can use the QR code in Pic below for Venmo. Any monetary amount or physical donations would be greatly appreciated. I can pick up physical donations if in Henderson, Union, Webster, Daviess, Vanderburgh or Warrick Counties. If you want to order and ship direct please message me and I can private message you the shipping address. Thank you for your time and attention. Stacey McCord-Crooks Founder/President

HAPPY 13TH BIRTHDAY TO OUR BEAUTIFUL GIRL, ZOE ZO ZO!!  She came into Humane Society as an adorable pepperoni to help as...

HAPPY 13TH BIRTHDAY TO OUR BEAUTIFUL GIRL, ZOE ZO ZO!! She came into Humane Society as an adorable pepperoni to help as a service doggo for one of our neglected and abused horses we rescued who was scared of any Farrier, vet, dentist, etc. Salem fell in love with Zoe the first moment they met when Zoe licked her from nose to forlock. Zoe was able to keep her calm ever since. We found the person who had her mom when he donated time to put an AC unit in. Her Mom's name was Cheyenne.


Our precious farm cat helping mommy with chores.

Our old girl Salem got a visit from the Fairies last night and twisted her mane!  The Fairies LOVE Salem!!

Our old girl Salem got a visit from the Fairies last night and twisted her mane! The Fairies LOVE Salem!!


Corydon, KY


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