Hey! Everyone who has a dog! Theres a deadly respiratory dog illness going around, they dont have a treatment for it yet, and its killing even younger dogs, If you have a service dog, don't bring your dog to pet friendly places if avoidable, if you absolutely have to, have your dog wear shoes, go in and get out very quickly, if you have a pet dog, please completely avoid the pet store, your pets can stay home, both pet and working dogs should stay away from any places a lot of dogs have been, dog parks (I advise against those anyway) pet stores, boarding facilities, daycare, public places where a dog has used the bathroom, and if your dog needs to go to the vet, ask if there has been any dogs coughing there, don't let your dog both pet or working interact face to face with another dog you don't know very very well (I advise against face to face interactions with dogs you don't know well anyways) ask where the dog has been even when you do know the dog, just wanted to give everyone a warning! It's a bad dog illness sweeping across America kinda like covid did for people! I hope everyone has a happy new year! And stays safe! (Also, here's a cute picture of my service dog Drax)