I always try to be that person for everyone that I didn’t have growing up. Looking like you have it all on the outside creates so much hatred from others towards you for no reason.
Some people carry it better than others but it doesn’t mean it isn’t heavy. Be kind to everyone, even if they are rude to you. You have no idea what anyone is going through. Period. Be kind. 😊
I am reminded daily to always be kind... don’t be a doormat but don’t be a judgemental person either... just be kind.... don’t be so wrapped up in yourself that you forget to take time to be compassionate
That person sitting quietly in the corner may have just lost a loved one recently ....
That mom that dropped her kids off looking a hot mess may have just worked a 12 hour shift to be able to pay the bills....
That guy wearing his beat up old cowboy hat may wear it to remind him of his dad who passed away...
That girl who is heavy set may eat to help deal with years of abuse...
That pretty girl you might look at with jealousy may look in the mirror and not like what she sees due to a nasty childhood
That person that you may envy for having everything you want... may have had to give up lots to get where they are
So be kind to the people you see
Give compliments... be compassionate and take time to listen... truly listen to people’s stories ❤️ you never know who may just inspire you ❤️
Shiners Got Swagger... my guy Jagger ❤️🥰❤️