When we get the results of our DNA tests, we receive a DNA result...clear, carrier, or affected.
Here is a breakdown to help see the outcome of breeding each of the three results:
CLEAR (those having 2 copies of the normal allele and appear to be normal). CLEAR mated to CLEAR will produce puppies that are CLEAR.
CARRIER (those having 1 copy of the normal allele and 1 copy of the PRA-prcd mutation but appear to be normal)
if used for breeding, they will likely pass on the mutation 50% of the time, therefore a CARRIER to CARRIER mating will likely result in producing AFFECTED pups in about 25% of the offspring.
AFFECTED (those having 2 copies of the PRA-prcd mutation and will develop blindness over time). Breeding an AFFECTED to an AFFECTED will result in 100% of the puppies being AFFECTED.
A responsible breeder completes these tests so they know who to breed to who. When I visit with breeders who have no testing on their dogs, I ask WHY NOT. Our job as breeders is to produce a puppy that we have done what we can to ensure a long life.
For instance, breeder Bob doesn't do any tests. His dogs are beautiful and he gets a pretty penny for them. He tells you that his dogs have always been healthy and there is no need to test. STOP right there breeder Bob!! Since your dogs have never been tested, you may be selling AFFECTED puppies. Guess who will pay in the future for breeder Bob not wanting to spend the money to test his dogs.....you, the puppy buyer and your beautiful puppy.
Rather you buy a puppy from Dusty Road Labrador or not, always ask about health clearances. Breeder Bob should know what he is selling and you should know what you are buying.