Dusty Road Labradors

Dusty Road Labradors Mark & Janell O'Connor

Specializing in breeding Yellow English Labrador Retrievers.


Blu had her puppies on Sunday. The X-ray taken earlier indicated four large puppies. Not fat but long puppies. Sadly it took Blu about 5 hours to have puppy #1, a male puppy. Because of such a long labor to have puppy #1, puppies #2 and #3 were stillborn. Puppy #4 arrived about an hour later, a little girl. Puppy #1 weighed 20.4 ounces. Puppies #2 and #3 were right at 20 ounces also. Puppy #4 was about 18 ounces -- a lightweight!! In the picture of the puppies is a thermometer to see a comparison in the puppies and the thermometer. Blu and puppies are doing well.

Dusty Road Labradors

Today is day 55 for Blu. She is getting uncomfortable but still jumps on the loveseat to sit by Mark or me. Blu is taking up more of the loveseat every day. She is such a good natured dog always wanting to be with us. Watch the website www.dustyroadlabradors.com to read the puppy blog.


Our Blu was bred and her due date is October 8. Please go to the website to read more.


I would like to introduce our newest puppy Rose. Rose came to us from Santy's Labradors in Greer, SC. We have been grooming Rose for the conformation ring. She was entered in a local UKC show. We can't be prouder of our 3 3/4 month old puppy -- Rose was Best Puppy in ALL FOUR shows! This was so exciting for Mark and me but terribly exhausting for Rose!!

We are the owners of four of these beautiful ribbons and one beautiful lab puppy!


The puppies are 8 weeks old today. We have experienced frigid temperatures, lots of snow, lots of ice, lots of rain, wind, flooding, and now some much needed sunshine since they were born on January 31, 2019. I am confident these puppies are ready for the adventures ahead of them.


The puppies are going to see Dr. Kaliff of Animal Clinic Suburban to get a puppy exam and first vaccinations. This is always a fun visit for Mark and me. Everyone in the clinic fusses over the puppies! The puppies meet lots of new people and give lots of puppy kisses.

Once the first vaccinations are completed, we welcome visitors to see the puppies. We appreciate appointments so we don't wear out the puppies. One wouldn't think being held and loved is tiring but it is to 6-week old puppies. We also ask that everyone be well in your family. There are illnesses we humans have that can be given to the puppies.


Just want to let everyone know we have reserved all of the puppies. The puppies are 5 weeks and 1 day old. Blu has been a great mom but wanting to stay outside of the nursery although the puppies would love for her to visit.


I'm glad everyone is enjoying the pictures of our precious puppies! They are not staying little very long!! They are just over 4 weeks old and are making lots of noise when they are hungry. Hope everyone is staying warm and driving carefully. Spring is just around the corner...I almost forgot, we have 1 male puppy available.


Wow, within minutes of posting that we have 1 male and 1 female puppy available, we got a call from Shannon who will be the proud owner of the 3rd female puppy.

Still looking for a wonderful home for the remaining male puppy. The male puppy is white as snow with coal black pigment. Give us a call...you won't be disappointed!!!


I have been busy updating the website (dustyroadlabradors.com) but forgot to tell everyone that Blu had her puppies on her due date -- January 31, 2019.

We have 5 healthy 'white' puppies....3 females and 2 males. All of the puppies were spoken for but things happen. We have 1 male puppy and 1 female puppy available. The puppies will go home on March 28. Hopefully the snow will be gone by then!

Blu is a great Mom and the puppies are all beautiful!


Thank you to everyone who kindly donated to Wheels for Wayne. Wayne was able to buy a newer, trustworthy van. Without all your donations, this would not have been possible. Thank you from Mark and I and Wayne!


Dusty Road Labradors would like to announce the birth of Blu and Quincy's beautiful litter on January 31. There are 5 puppies almost white, 3 females and 2 males. Mom and puppies are doing very well!!


Earlier I ask for donations for a friend Wayne Beberniss. Wayne is paralyzed from the chest down and needs dependable transportation. Thank you to those who have donated!!! If your heart would like to donate, please go to GOFUNDME and quarry Wheels for Wayne. Wayne has his niece Addy sitting on his lap. Thank you for helping out a great fellow!!!! Janell


When we get the results of our DNA tests, we receive a DNA result...clear, carrier, or affected.

Here is a breakdown to help see the outcome of breeding each of the three results:

CLEAR (those having 2 copies of the normal allele and appear to be normal). CLEAR mated to CLEAR will produce puppies that are CLEAR.

CARRIER (those having 1 copy of the normal allele and 1 copy of the PRA-prcd mutation but appear to be normal)
if used for breeding, they will likely pass on the mutation 50% of the time, therefore a CARRIER to CARRIER mating will likely result in producing AFFECTED pups in about 25% of the offspring.

AFFECTED (those having 2 copies of the PRA-prcd mutation and will develop blindness over time). Breeding an AFFECTED to an AFFECTED will result in 100% of the puppies being AFFECTED.

A responsible breeder completes these tests so they know who to breed to who. When I visit with breeders who have no testing on their dogs, I ask WHY NOT. Our job as breeders is to produce a puppy that we have done what we can to ensure a long life.

For instance, breeder Bob doesn't do any tests. His dogs are beautiful and he gets a pretty penny for them. He tells you that his dogs have always been healthy and there is no need to test. STOP right there breeder Bob!! Since your dogs have never been tested, you may be selling AFFECTED puppies. Guess who will pay in the future for breeder Bob not wanting to spend the money to test his dogs.....you, the puppy buyer and your beautiful puppy.

Rather you buy a puppy from Dusty Road Labrador or not, always ask about health clearances. Breeder Bob should know what he is selling and you should know what you are buying.


Blu is at day 53. We are getting very excited! Blu has been in the house for about 10 days and has remembered getting on the couch but has gone one step further. She has decided she needs to lay on us. She is pretty big with puppies plus all that coat is very hot. We're not complaining but truly enjoying her company.


In addition to OFA and CERF testing, we complete 4 tests that use the dog's DNA for the tests. Test kits are purchased from different labs which contain a swab for each inside cheek. There is a list of tests that they
perform and you select those you want.

1. Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) is a devastating degenerative disease of the spinal cord that can progress rapidly and cause weakness in the hind limbs and eventually paraplegia among genotypically affected dogs.

2. Exercise Induced Collapse (EIC) will often begin to exhibit leg weakness followed by a complete collapse after just 5 to 15 minutes of strenuous activity.

3. Centronuclear Myopathy (CNM) is an inherited autosomal recessive disorder. Affected pups start with significant weight loss at just a few weeks of age. Within a few months, there is a loss of tendon reflexes, awkward gait and exercise intolerance.

8. PRA-prcd is inherited as an autosomal recessive eye disease. Degeneration of both rod and cone photoreceptor cells of the retina of PRA-prcd affected dogs usually occurs 3 to 5 years of age or later.

The results of all four test are AFFECTED, CARRIER, OR NON AFFECTED.

Next time I will talk about breeding dogs with each of the results.


As Mark and I visit with potential puppy buyers, we tell them that our moms and dad have been tested. I'm sure we talk in acronyms so I'm hoping the description of each will give you a better understanding of why you should only buy from breeders who test their dogs.

The Orthopedic Foundation of Animals (OFA) evaluates hip and elbow X-rays taken by your vet. The hips are rated EXCELLENT, GOOD, FAIR. A dog rated below a FAIR should not be considered for breeding. Passing elbows are rated NORMAL. One can get a preliminary OFA before the dog is 2 years old. Many breeders wait until the dog is 2 years old per OFA recommendations.

Our dogs go to a eye vet for dogs. Their eyes are dilated just as ours and examined for cataracts and other eye conditions that are visible. This test is called a CERF test and is a pass or fail test. Dogs that do not pass the test are not bred as many of the conditions found are genetic.

I'll talk about DNA tests we complete at another time.


I'm adding some pictures of our dogs. We retired 3 moms in 2018. We have 4 dogs -- Conrad, Blu, Quincy, and Shelby. We neutered Conrad. Blu is expecting puppies on January 31, 2019. We've watched Quincy grow into a handsome boy. He is still needing to come into his body but we really like the adult lab he is becoming. And there is Shelby...Shelby is the first puppy Mark let on the furniture and now we can't keep her off the furniture. With no puppies to spoil, we kept on spoiling Shelby. Enjoy!! (l-r Conrad, Shelby, Quincy, and Blu)


Mark and I and the 'kids' want to wish everyone a Happy New Year! We hope for happiness, health, and contentment to all of our friends.
We are expecting our first litter of puppies since January 2018. We are excited to see what Blu and Quincy puppies will be like.


Mark has been busy making the big dogs a play yard. It is every bit as interesting as the puppy play yard. There is a lower level, mid-level, and and a higher level. We knew the lower level with a couple of steps, a model A tire from the 30's to hop thru, a swing bridge, and a barrel would be great. We weren't sure if the mid-level leading to the top level would be used. Well both Shelby and Conrad proved that they like being up high above the yard...hold your gasps, it is 4' off the ground but they can look at the majority of the yard. I think they are thinking they are protecting the yard.

We are planning on an all-yellow litter with Blu in December. The list is full but we are planning a litter with Shelby and another litter with Blu in 2019. Contact us for more information

The picture of two black labs is a Blue Ribbon winner at the Iowa State Fair. The labs are Ole and Lena and they belong to Jeff of Colfax, IA.


The first week of You're Not Alone for those grieving the loss of a pet was a complete success. Six people shared their grief journey and quickly became friends. The second week is this Wednesday, May 9.
One of those attending is a photography student. Amanda came over to meet the dogs and take pictures for her portfolio. She did a wonderful job, don't you think?


Tonight is "You're Not Alone -- for those grieving the loss of a pet" Hope to see you there.

Katie was bred last week so we have our fingers crossed that we will have a litter of puppies next month.

Unfortunately, Maggie didn't pass her OFA hip evaluations. One hip has 'mild hip dysplasia'. With this new information, we will not use Maggie for breeding and she is available to an approved pet home. A fenced yard is a must. We live in the country and our dogs are not street save. If you are interested Maggie, please let us know.

We think spring is here. We have seen a small snake, a tick, and lots of earthworms in the past couple of days. The dogs are loving the free time outside in the sunshine. Hope you are enjoying spring flowers and warm weather also.


All of the puppies from the last two litters have gone to wonderful homes. A yellow male out of the PrimXConrad litter will be in training to be an autism service dog.

We are planning 2 litters. Katie will be bred to Keeper in April for an all yellow litter. This is a repeat breeding. The first litter was very nice and we expect no less with this litter.

Ziva will be bred to Waffle House of Keepsake Kennels. Judy McCormick has chosen Waffle House to compliment Ziva who comes from Keepsake Kennels. This will be a deep fox red litter.


Living in Iowa has it's challenges during winter! It was cold, cold, and cold. Dogs aren't wanting to be outside any longer than they need to potty. Emma's puppies at the barn are preparing to go to their new homes. They are playing in the play yard learning to climb steps, walk a teeter board, and run at full speed thru a tunnel! All of these puppies are being placed in new homes.


Well, it's been a long time since I posted on our Dusty Road Labrador page. If I remember right, I was hacked and decided not to post any more.

Right now we have 2 litters of puppies. Emma and Keeper had 5 beautiful puppies...1 yellow male and 4 black females. They are all sold except 1 black female. This is Emma's last litter. She will be living with Dr. Kaliff of Animal Suburban Clinic who has known Emma since she was born.

Prim and Conrad have a litter of 5 yellow puppies...3 males and 2 females. We are just placing puppies at this time.

We have purchased a yellow male puppy from Santy Labradors of Greer, SC. He will replace Conrad who is getting some age on him.


Christmas is over and Mark has started taking Blu to town for socializing. He plans to take her to the Nebraska Kennel Club's AKC Sanctioned B Match on Sunday, January 15, 2017. Looking forward to some dog activities!!

We have Katie ready to breed whenever she comes into heat. Anticipate this to be the end of January/ first of February. After not having a litter of puppies since last spring, we are ready to see if my hip can take crawling all over the whelping box.

These two pictures are of Maggie cleaning granddaughter Jocelyn's face.


Thank you for all the Christmas cards and pictures we have
received. It is always fun to see what the puppies look like as adults.


Not sure who this puppy is but it is a great example of the puppies we produce. We are planning on 2-3 litters in 2017. If interested in a Dusty Road puppy, please contact us.


Dusty Road Labradors


This past weekend was the Council Bluffs Kennel Club's annual all breed dog show at the MidAmerica Center in Council Bluffs. We believe a good time was had by all because we received lots of compliments.

Mark and I helped set up and take down the show site and did anything in between set up and take down. Plus Mark showed Blu in 12-18 month females. An outstanding black female was #1 in the age group and Blu was #2 both days. Blu is very show inexperienced so we were glad she got to go into the ring more than once. All of the dogs entered in the Labrador competition were outstanding and a pleasure to watch!

On behalf of the Council Bluffs Kennel Club, I wish to thank each of you for entering our show.

Here is a picture of Blu with Mark.


Silly me! I have been posting 'dog stuff' on my personal Facebook. I guess I need Facebook 101!!

I'm highlighting "Sandy's Gucci On A Dusty Road" or Maggie. Maggie is BY. Her sire is "CH Kimleigh Gucci Roll In The Moon" and her great grand sire on her mother's side is "GCHS CH Kaltrav Carribbean Cruise JH". All in all, she has a great pedigree! Maggie has a fun personality and loves to be with her people. She has found the couch to be a lot softer than the rug so she quickly jumps up and settles in.


Profile Pictures


Crescent, IA


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