Watch Cathy Shircliff, Churchill Downs, + Kate Olson, Second Stride, with the help of SS Ambassador Horse, Twinspired, draw the lucky winners of tickets to the 151 running of the KY Oaks + Derby.
🌸151 Oaks: Stephen Loughhead
🌹151 Derby: Carolyn Barnes
THANK YOU to all who purchased a chance💚and to Churchill Downs.
—>>Your contributions helped Second Stride raise over $30,000 to continue their mission of giving a second career to horses retiring from the racetrack + finding a new home.
How lucky are we that so many love the Thoroughbred as much as we do? A happy homecoming warms the heart but we can't do anything without you. Here's your chance to help AND win a box for 6 at Derby/Oaks. Drawing in 8 days! Still tix left.
4 yo 16 h gelding who absolutely LOVES making new friends. That’s BULLION
trying to go about his day and doing his very best to ignore Imploding.
Imploding will frolick about and bring a smile to your face almost everyday at turnout while Bullion(NOLAanyone?) will be a steady friend for his partner.
Check both of them out on line. All horse adoption fees are half off listed price now through 12/31/24.
#devotiontothethoroughbred #HomeForTheHolidaysSale #thoroughbredaftercare #equinesofinstagram #secondstride #homefortheholidays #thoroughbredsofinstagram #thoroughbred #adopt #adoptdontshop
Garrick 7 yo 16 hh ottb ready to hit the trials in the most perfect time of year!
Big thank you to Lucy Burnett of Bottom Line Integrated Bodywork, LLC for donating a chiropractic session to our STAR JUANCHO! He enjoyed a nice afternoon of e-stim therapy and adjustments and he felt like a new man afterwards! We also want to thank volunteer extraordinaire Lori Montie for arranging the session and holding him for Lucy. We are grateful to you both and we know JUANCHO is too!
Who needs a competitive trail horse for next year’s Makeover? We have one for you! JOKE MASTER 3 yo 16 plus h tb m She is a delight to work with and is quite brave out on trails and when encountering new obstacles. She would make a great trail horse or competitive trial horse if you want to have some fun. She can also do some light jumping and dressage. The full package. #devotiontothethoroughbred #thoroughbredaftercare #equinesofinstagram #secondstride #thoroughbredsofinstagram #adopt #horsesofinstagram #mares
4 yo 16.1 tb gelding.
This horse loves to work and have fun. He loves to be in the arena or in a nice trail ride. Either way he will make a great partner!
#equinesofinstagram #horsesofinstagram #devotiontothethoroughbred #thoroughbredaftercare #hellofall #secondstride #thoroughbredsofinstagram #adopt
It's coming soon! Please remember the horses of second stride on Thursday September 12th. #GiveForGoodLou