Crystal River Orchard U-Pick

Crystal River Orchard U-Pick πŸ«πŸ‘πŸ‡ "Small Farm, Big Variety!"
Β· Seasonal U-Pick Orchard Β· A Special Experience to Pick Tree Ripened Fruit β˜€οΈ
Β· Apologies, No Dogs/Pets Allowed Β·


🚨 Invasive Species Alert 🚨

When spending time in Florida's streams, marshes, and wetlands, keep an eye out for this non-native species, raising eyebrows with scientists.

The Asian swamp eel is an air-breathing fish native to Southeast Asia that thrives in muddy, stagnant waters. First detected in Florida in 1997, the species has established in numerous parts of the country, including Hawaii and Georgia.

There is increased concern about the population growth in Florida at this time. Your reported sightings are critical in helping prevent their establishment and protect our native ecosystems.

Learn more about this invasive species πŸ”—

Last post ☺️ The magic of night time

Last post ☺️ The magic of night time

Hi All πŸ˜„ Please join me today 12/20 at "Art on the Ave" happening on Citrus Avenue!  My stall will be set up from 4-8pm ...

Hi All πŸ˜„ Please join me today 12/20 at "Art on the Ave" happening on Citrus Avenue! My stall will be set up from 4-8pm outside of the Franklin Anderson Gallery of Arts which houses all my best creations, along with all the talented artists here. Most every gallery and shop on the Ave will be participating. Stop by to support and pick up some unique gifts from great folks in your community β˜€οΈ Thank you, hope to see you out there! – Laura



Hi everyone,Thank you to all who stopped by on Monday it was great to see you, you really made my day!   Much of the gra...

Hi everyone,

Thank you to all who stopped by on Monday it was great to see you, you really made my day!

Much of the grapefruit was picked, and we will wait a few weeks until more oranges ripen.

Please, ask any questions
Thank you again
Laura and Steve

A great Florida novel

A great Florida novel

Hi All! :)  🍊 U-Pick Grapefruit & Oranges 🍊 THIS MONDAY, 12/9/24, 12-3:30, $3/lbRuby Red GrapefruitWhite GrapefruitHamli...

Hi All! :) 🍊 U-Pick Grapefruit & Oranges 🍊
THIS MONDAY, 12/9/24, 12-3:30, $3/lb

Ruby Red Grapefruit
White Grapefruit
Hamlin Oranges
Navel Oranges
Valencia Oranges (later in the season)

* Not all Citrus is ripe yet
If it is green or not perfectly orange, but soft to squeeze, then it is juicy on the inside and ready to pick
⚠️ Please be careful picking – citrus trees have thorns!

* Sugar cane also available for Ucut.. thin and great for planting (25 canes /$25 or 1/$2)

** Fresh homemade jams available that we make from our fruit (1/$6, 2/10), and Fruit Plants in the Nursery

___ We accept Cash, Venmo, Zelle, CashApp
(No Card Machine)
Blueberry Jam
Nectarine Jam
Muscadine Grape Jelly
Orange Marmalade

❄️FROZEN FRUIT in 5/lb. 1 gallon Freezer Bags
Blueberries $20
Muscadine Grapes $15

πŸͺ΄NURSERY PLANTS for sale! Blueberry, elderberry, pear, apple, mulberry, & aloe

We pick and handmake everything we sell ❀️

Thank you for your support & see you out in the field! β˜€οΈ

Please park by the gate and walk in
Fruit weighed by the pound
5lb buckets with bags provided
Questions? Just ask of course..
We thank you for being here!

Laura and Steve
2659 N Virginia Rd Crystal River


Hi all β˜€οΈ Grapefruit Upick :)
β€’ This Friday, 11/22, 12–2/2:30
β€’ It's the first of the season, so it's a quick afternoon pick to feel out interest
β€’ If there are any oranges that are ripe, you're welcome to pick em; most oranges are still green
$3/lb, 5lb buckets provided

*** We've recently planted Dutch White Clover seeds as a ground cover in the rows, in-between the citrus trees, so be mindful when stepping on the baby sprouts.. please step lightly, they are difficult to avoid ***

I have a few people stopping by for Sugarcane Ucut also, let me know if you want some - 25 canes for $25

β€’ We will have jams we make from our fruit available to purchase 1/$6 2/$10

β€’ The plant nursery will be available at this time as well for any plant purchases

β€’ We accept Cash - or - Venmo, Cash app, Zelle, PayPal Β· (no credit card machine)

Please, ask any questions β˜€οΈ

Thank you!
Laura and Steve

Crystal River Orchard Upick
2659 N Virginia Rd
Crystal River


❀️ Stop by, check out my art in the Franklin Anderson Gallery of Arts and all the other talented artists β˜€οΈπŸ˜„ ~ Laura


Season complete (1/24/25)
πŸŽ‹ UCut Sugar Cane:
β€’ This Monday, 10/28
β€’ 12pm – 3/3:30
β€’ The sale is 25 canes for $25, or $2 per cane.

β€’ Please, bring your own "loppers" or machete – I will have loppers and can help cut
β€’ Please park by the gate at the front – No vehicle entry into the field – I will load the cane on to our cart and drive them to your car/truck

I have an ad or two on FB marketplace and have had at least 10 people inquire πŸ‘πŸΌ

We accept Cash - or - Venmo, Cash app, PayPal
(no credit card machine)

β€’ There is currently nothing else to pick at this time
β€’ First to come, first to get served
β€’ We will have jams we make from our fruit available to purchase 1/$6 2/$10
β€’ The plant nursery will be available at this time as well for any plant purchases

Please, ask any questions β˜€οΈ

Thank you!
Laura and Steve

Crystal River Orchard Upick
2659 N Virginia Rd
Crystal River


Birds are known as the singers of the animal kingdom but they also enjoy listening to the music of other birds. Elephants are musically inclined. They sway their trunks to the sound of music they like and they will beat steel drums for their enjoyment. The best however is the cow. You can go into an empty cattle field and start playing an instrument. Those cows will come running to you. Music fascinates them. Music helps everyone and everything be at peace ❀


Good morning Crystal River! I took this picture this morning from the Wildlife Refuge center on Kings Bay Dr. Twelve months ago today, we woke up to incredible damage from a tornado that ripped through 6.5 miles of our city. Just a month prior we had gone through Hurricane Idalia with over a 7’ storm surge in Crystal River. Over the next 12 months, we would go through Hurricane Debby and most recently Hurricane Helene with over 9’ of water in our city, and then Hurricane Milton. Through it all, our residents never gave up, never lost spirit, and have made this community proud. As the sun comes up today, and we have a gorgeous weekend ahead, many folks will continue working hard and cleaning up. Crystal River is a proud community, whose spirit is stronger than ever! The beauty of our city is amazing. Let’s get to it!



We’re beaten up, on the ropes and in a tough spot, but we fight on! I’m Praying for all those in harms way and all that will be affected by Milton, but regardless we will keep on.

The response, preparation, and attitude of our community has been nothing short of amazing! Sometimes we tend to have a negative attitude about the state of affairs and culture of our society. After witnessing first hand the last few days, our people and our community is as strong and good as it ever has been. I witnessed our youth working hard, our people pouring respect out on to others, folks caring for neighbors and loving strangers. It’s who we are and it’s what makes this community so amazing.

Storms may bring floods and destruction, but the base rock of this place is not going anywhere. God Bless, thank you all for making Crystal River proud! We will get through whatever comes our way!


For those wanting a great hurricane list, here ya go. Please share! Here's what my family does. Hopefully, we won't need all this but better safe than sorry. And remember, shelters are also an option. They fill up quickly in a big storm and some don't allow pets. Keep that in mind if you're in harms way!

1. Charge any device that provides light. Laptops, tablets, cameras, video cameras, and old phones. Old cell phones can still used for dialing 911. Charge external battery backups. ( Glow sticks also provide light for a few hours. Stand them upright in a glass or jar to make a lantern.)
2. Wash all trash cans, big and small, and fill them with water for flushing toilets. Line outdoor trash cans with trash bags, fill them with water and store them in the garage. Add bleach to sterilize.
3. Fill every tub and sink with water. Cover sinks with Saran Wrap to keep it from collecting dust. Fill the washing machine and leave the lid up to store water.
4. Fill old empty water bottles and other containers with water and keep them near sinks for washing hands.
5. Fill every Tupperware with water and store it in the freezer. These will help keep food cold longer and serve as a backup water supply.
6. Fill drinking cups with water and cover with Saran Wrap. Store as many as possible in the fridge. You can store the rest on the counter and use it before opening any water bottles. Ice is impossible to find after the storm.
7. Reserve fridge space for storing tap water and keep the sealed water bottles on the counter.
8. Cook any meats in advance and other perishable foods. You can freeze cooked food. Hard boil eggs for snacks for the first day without power.
9. Be well hydrated before the storm hits and avoid salty foods that make you dehydrated.
10. Wash all dirty clothes and bed sheets. Anything dirty will smell without the A/C, you may need the items, and with no A/C, you'll be sweating a lot. You're going to want clean sheets.
11. Toss out any expired food, clean cat litter boxes, and empty all trash cans in the house, including bathrooms. Remove anything that will cause an odor when the A/C is off. If you don't have a trash day pickup before the storm, find a dumpster.
12. Bring in any yard decor, secure anything that will fly around, secure gates, bring in hoses, potted plants, etc. Bring in patio furniture and grills.
13. Clean your environment so you have clear, easy escape routes. Even if that means temporarily moving furniture to one area.
14. Scrub all bathrooms so you are starting with a clean odor-free environment. Store water-filled trash cans next to each toilet for flushing.
15. Place everything you own that is important and necessary in a backpack or small file box that is easy to grab. Include your wallet with ID, phone, hand sanitizer, snacks, etc. Get plastic sleeves for important documents.
16. Make sure you have cash on hand.
17. Stock up on pet food and fill up bowls of water for pets.
18. Refill any medications. Most insurance companies allow for 2 emergency refills per year.
19. Fill your propane tanks. You can heat soup cans, boil water, make coffee, and other stuff besides just grilling meat. Get an extra, if possible.
20. Drop your A/C in advance and lower temperatures in your fridges.
21. Gather all candles, flashlights, lighters, matches, batteries, and other items and keep them accessible.
22. Clean all counters in advance. Start with a clean surface. Buy Clorox Wipes for cleaning when there is no power. Mop your floors and vacuum. If power is out for 10 days, you'll have to live in the mess you started with.
23. Pick your emergency safe place such as a closet under the stairs. Store the items you'll need in that location for the brunt of the storm. Make a hand fan for when the power is out.
24. Shower just before the storm is scheduled to hit.
25. Keep baby wipes next to each toilet. Don't flush them. It's not the time to risk clogging your toilet!
26. Run your dishwasher, don't risk having dirty smelly dishes and you need every container for water! Remember you'll need clean water for brushing your teeth, washing yourself, and cleaning your hands.
27. Put a small suitcase in your car in case you decide to evacuate. Also, put at least one jug of water in your car. It will still be there if you don't evacuate! Remember to pack for pets as well.
28. Check on all family members, set up emergency backup plans, and check on elderly neighbors.
29. Remember, pets are family too. Take them with you!
30. Before the storm, unplug all electronics. There will be power surges during and after the storm.
31. Gas up your car and have a spare gas container for your generator or your car when you run out.
32 . Use plastic cups and paper plates. πŸ‘ You need water to wash dishes....πŸ‘Ž
33 . Also if you run out of water tap your hot water heater it can have up to 30 gallons stored in there.
34 . Put water in balloons and store it in the freezer.
35 . If it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown Flush it down!πŸ’©
If you can, take a video of your house and contents....walk room to room--open cabinets/drawers and closets. This will help if you need to make a claim later. It will show proof of items and help you list all the items (help your memory, so you don't forget anything)...I highly recommend it!!!
I also heard you should freeze a cup of water, and place a coin on top after it is frozen...keep this in your freezer to help you gauge the temperature if the power goes out. If the coin stays on top, the food is staying frozen. If the coin falls into the water, the freezer thawed out and most food will likely need to be thrown away. This is super helpful is you have to leave and come back, as it may appear everything is still frozen, but if the coin is in the cup--you will know!!
Rule #7 And for those asking, that means "Don't freak out unless I'm freaking out..we're fine". Whatever comes our way, we've got this as long as we stay informed and prepared.

This is not meant to make anyone sad. I share life facts I find interesting from time to time. Time plus knowledge and c...

This is not meant to make anyone sad. I share life facts I find interesting from time to time. Time plus knowledge and curiosity as made food bigger, more taste, more edible... This is good, in my open ended opinion of life long learning

Nothing we eat now exists in nature. Whether a label says GMO, non-GMO, or organic, virtually everything we eat has had their genes modified by humans. Everything.





2659 N. Virginia Road
Crystal River, FL


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