Hey Friends,
I don't want you to miss this opportunity! I was invited to participate in another online dog behavior presentation series that starts today!
It’s called The Dog Behavior Solutions Series, and it’s free to watch starting TODAY!
This one is brought to you by iKE ALLEN & Ande Anderson, Co-Owners of AVAIYA University (creators & teachers of transformational courses, books, films and online events such as The Dog Nutrition Solutions Series, Canine Calm, and many more).
This team has put together scores of online learning programs on a wide range of topics. They bring a fresh and unique perspective to Dog Behavior issues and I am honored to be presenting alongside world renowned veterinarians, canine behavior experts, trainers & specialist that will provide you with effective strategies to ensure you and your dog live your best life together.
Here are some of the topics that you'll get access to:
*Create Your Dog Behavior Toolkit: Learn top strategies to navigate common challenges like excessive barking, chewing, jumping, reactivity, leash-pulling, separation anxiety, aggression, noise phobias & more.
*Preventing Dog Bites (with me!): Learn early warning signs and management tools.
*Training Your Dog With Love & Science: Learn the importance of making the right choices easy for your dog to make & why timing matters.
*How to Become "The Expert" for YOUR Rescue Dog: Understand why your dog behaves the way they do and how to help them overcome their trauma.
*Playing Away Fear: How to use simple games to help your fearful dog build confidence & why giving your dog choice & control can be a game-changer.
*The Wisdom in the Woofs: Learn how your dog's behaviors are secret life lessons & how to stop believing you need to "fix" your dog when they misbehave.
Remember to grab your FREE PDF GIFTS from each speaker!
These alone are worth registering!!!
Here are some of the other presenters who will be sharing their wisdom: Ian Dunbar,
Dr. Janet Roark, Danielle Mackinnon, Toni Shelbourne, Dr. Jeff Feinman, Karolina Westlund, Annie Grossman, Narelle Cooke, Sharon Katzke, Dr. Marlene Siegel, Nancy Windheart, Dr. Christina Chambreau, Anke Herrmann, Paul Owens, Swanie Simon, Tammy Billups, Donna Lozito, Travis Brorsen, Moira Hechenleitner... and more!
I hope you join us!
Click this Link to Have Access to all this Free information:https:https://jrmoore--avaiya.thrivecart.com/dbss-special/