Tried working on sit but ended up learning mostly how to bow on command. Not at all mad about it.
Great job Trixie!
Oso working on sit stay while some guys play golf behind him. We sped up the footage of course 🙂
This is what impulse control looks like!
Great job Oso!
Rebel my service dog client. We are teaching Rebel to be a true service dog. Her primary task is to accompany her owner (with ALS) in public and anywhere she needs to go. Her secondary task will be alerting others around if Rebels’ handler falls down. I am very excited about this one!
Stay tuned for the journey!
Just reinforcing some fun ways to exercise using nothing other than Lucy’s morning food and a treadmill. If you or someone you know wants to know how to train new behaviors and stop bad/ unwanted behaviors before or after they begin, book a lesson with us! We would love to help you achieve your training goals with your pup.
#dogtraining #dog #puppy #puppytraining #basicobedience #dallasdogs #dfwdogtrainer #dallasdogtrainer #ftworth #obedience #obediencetraining
Gertie is doing a great job with basic obedience! Her biggest issue was not coming when called, so we practice coming when called as many time’s and in as many different environments as possible. We are collecting as many different versions of coming when called as possible so that she will easily do this in the house and off leash at a park etc.
Gertie is doing a fantastic job!
Gertie practicing the place command and learning to stay put. Her main issue is reactivity to people who walk in the house. I’m teaching her to hold place while people enter the premises, then I will teach her the same thing at her house. Then she will be more focused on place and less focused on the person coming in. Using a simple obedience command in a way that solves a behavior issue. Win win 🥇 🏅 🏆
Today’s vibe: The dogs are walking in formation from largest to smallest.
Spinning is crucial.
Practicing reward based obedience to strengthen Lolas engagement and listening skills. I don’t care what anyone says, training with food is the best way to reinforce commands.
Here Lola is working on heel, sit, down and come. We are starting to use e collar to communicate as well. When I train with e collars it’s to use as an off leash tool, I find it to be the most effective way to get your dog to come when called when at a distance. I also use it for many other things like fixing leash pulling or reinforcing duration commands like stay or place.
Excited to keep seeing Lola progress throughout these next weeks. Great job Lola!
The reason I named this company @theheadtiltsociety ! Most dogs will tilt their heads when they hear a high pitched noise or praise. I see it as a sign of engagement and I love that they do it.
Today we are headed to to a couple department stores and hopefully a park if there’s a break in the rain. Whiskey has a big day planned!
What an average afternoon at @theheadtiltsociety hq might look like. Today we are heading out to train in public with Whiskey and work on off leash training with her e collar!
Tag your friend that has a dog that should learn how to treadmill 😂
Teaching Whiskey both to go to place and to hold place for a duration. This is an extremely important command for dogs to learn because it essentially means calm on command as well as control your impulses. I use this command to teach the dog to work with an e collar as well. Looking great for the first day.
Always remember that dogs will rise to the level of your expectations. Perfection is not possible but as an owner, striving for it will help your dog in the end.
Also as a dog trainer I find it extremely important to show your work. It doesn’t matter how many people you can sell a package too, what matters is how many people come away from your training with the skills needed to succeed.
Here is Biscuit working on impulse control at the door. Biscuit has had major reactive issues on leash in the past. Now he is working up to staying when people come to the door.
What a good boy!
#dog #dogtraining #obediencetraining #dallasdogs #dogsofdallas #basicobedience
Head Tilt Society Dog Training
Here is our first commercial for Head Tilt Society Dog Training!
If you know anyone looking for dog training in the Dfw metroplex, please tag them here.
A funny moment when filming some go home notes for Leo’s humans.
You’re such a character Leo 😂
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I think this explains itself.
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In this video we are working on calm behavior around chaos, again. After seeing how Leo responded at the gym last night I wanted more practice around the loudest/ biggest distractions possible.
I also wanted to showcase Leo’s recall. In the beginning it was chase games and defiantly running about, fast forward to today and he’s coming off of a play situation with high energy dogs. Very few dogs would successfully perform this task.. very few.
Leo has made it through 2 weeks with me. I am so proud of his progress. We went from avoidance behavior and fear to coming when called consistently and much more confidence.
Is his training done?
Absolutely not!
Learning never stops, and with Leo we had to extend his trip a few extra days because of an unforeseen circumstance. So you get to see even more Leo! We will spend that time doing even more proofing and generalizing of commands.
Very few dog trainers show their work like I did in the last 14 days. I stand by my results, I stand by my process. I am a REWARD based balanced trainer, meaning I get the dog working for something the crave. Positive reinforcement using one of the three major motivators: Food reward, prey/toy drive and handler praise. I also believe in markers heavily. I use “Yes” as a reward marker, “good” as a continuation marker (keep going marker), “wrong” as a non reward or try again marker and finally the word “no” as a correction for bad behaviors.
I always err on the side of caution with dogs, I don’t add corrections unless it’s for a behavior that is dangerous/ absolutely never ok for a dog OR for a command a dog blew off ONLY AFTER the dog has proven over THOUSANDS of repetitions he has a competency in what I am asking him to do.
I have taken the best parts of all the different training styles out there and combined them into a method that works for me and the hundreds and hundreds of dogs I have worked with over the years.
This is what I do.
This is @theheadti
Today Leo went for a long training walk, had play time with the others dogs in the house and worked on commands at the house.
We ended his training in a very tough situation: loud music, slamming weights, a huge crowd and some really cool people practicing hand stands.
Leo wasn’t stoked when we walked in but he calmed down throughout the process and was able to hold some nice stays to pattern some good behavior despite the chaos.
#headtiltsociety #dallasdogs #dogsofdallas #dallas #dfw #obediencetraining #dogtraining #obediencetraining #doggos #dogs #puppies #puppylove #puppylife #doglife #doglife🐾 #dogstagram #puppiesofinstagram #puppiesofinsta #doggosdoingthings #dogcontests #dogslife #kesslerpark #northpark #victorypark #dallas #dfw #adopt #adoptme #adoptdontshop #rescue #rescuedog
If training the dog isn’t fun, you’re doing it wrong.
@theheadtiltsociety @iadoptedjohnny
#headtiltsociety #dallasdogs #dogsofdallas #dallas #dfw #obediencetraining #dogtraining #obediencetraining #doggos #dogs #puppies #puppylove #puppylife #doglife #doglife🐾 #dogstagram #puppiesofinstagram #puppiesofinsta #doggosdoingthings #dogcontests #dogslife #kesslerpark #northpark #victorypark #dallas #dfw #adopt #adoptme #adoptdontshop #rescue #rescuedog