I raise Pygmy/Nigerian dwarf goats in Central Texas.


Tink and Fancy’s babies wanting a little morning snack. Both mama’s are basically dried up so this is like a pacifier


I sat this bucket of feed down to go feed another group of goats and came back to this little moocher. He is not one bit afraid of me. We have even named him Rocky he is around so much. Haha


Little Man is now taking 6 ounces 3 times a day. So glad he has Peanut’s babies to play with in the backyard


Tink will answer me no matter where she is on the ranch. My little brat


Little Man, his mom Betty White, and Peanut and her babies set up in the backyard. Betty White loves Little Man so much but they can not work out feeding him so he still gets 4 bottles a day and everyone is happy. Mom gets to love on him and own him and he gets a full belly from real goats milk that I buy. All is right in the world. Haha

Update on Little Man: I am still feeding him 4 times a day AND he is still with mom. Peanut had two babies yesterday and...

Update on Little Man: I am still feeding him 4 times a day AND he is still with mom. Peanut had two babies yesterday and Little Man has been adopted by a family that will take Peanut’s babies and Little Man. With that said I am moving both families to my back yard, right outside my back door, so the babies can bond together and mama’s are with their babies. Little Man’s mom is very attentive to him but I just don’t think he is nursing, or if he is it isn’t very much. To say he is spoiled is an understatement but he is thriving! That is what is important. He just has two mom’s, Betty White (his Pygmy mom) and me.

These babies have been adopted to people on my wait list. I have had questions about why I have a wait list and how it w...

These babies have been adopted to people on my wait list. I have had questions about why I have a wait list and how it works. Originally I just started taking names of people that contacted me and wanted babies when I hadn’t had them born yet. Now it helps me make sure people are serious about having baby goats and it is not an impulse purchase. It also helps me get to know my customer so I can help them have the experience they want owning baby goats. If you have questions about how and when you can get babies from me don’t hesitate to ask. Mentoring with my customers is a passion of mine.


Who has missed Norman? Let me give you a Norman update. Since he has turned two years old Norman is much less interested in all the mama cuddling we use to do. I’m okay with that because I know he is healthy and happy. We have moved him with the big herd of goats. Still very close but not around all the little ones. Norman does not realize his size and we were concerned for an accident. He has many acres to graze, still gets his pellets and treats daily, about 50 goats to graze with, lots of daily loving still and Dixie even still pays him a visit. I have to respect his size and his steer temperament.


We are ROLLIN now! Woohoo! I think I can safely say he has turned the corner and will make it!!! Every 4 hours bottle feeding is paying off. Still putting him with mom some but I don’t think he is eating from her at all.

Guess who is in the house…..I want to feed him more often because I do not think he is eating from mom. I will feed him ...

Guess who is in the house…..I want to feed him more often because I do not think he is eating from mom. I will feed him at 7 and 10pm and then put him back out with mom for the night. He may be spending the days in with me.


And he’s off! Go Little Man Go!!!


Little Man is perking up. I have been milking mom and giving him a bottle. I think it is easier for him. Part of the problem thus far may be that he hasn’t been getting enough from her. He just wasn’t strong enough. He is getting stronger all the time and hopefully will get strong enough to nurse from mom. She is very attentive to him. He comes to me for his bottle now. Such a cute little guy

So Little Man is far left with his head down in this upside down flower pot with the quads. He LOVES this little house. ...

So Little Man is far left with his head down in this upside down flower pot with the quads. He LOVES this little house. Quads are outside with mom right now but I don’t want him to get over heated so I made a big pen in the AC barn for his mom, Betty White and him and he now has the little house. Gave the quads a bigger house for when they come in this evening. AND he took a little bottle from me so that is good as well.


Prayers and Spoiling is working!!! Little Man is improving!!!

This is Little Man that was born late Friday night or wee hours of Saturday morning. He is eating but not thriving. I st...

This is Little Man that was born late Friday night or wee hours of Saturday morning. He is eating but not thriving. I started giving him vitamins today to help him along and realized his bottom teeth have not come in yet which means he was born premature. He is in the air conditioned barn with mom 24/7. I’m hoping he perks up soon. He does not have a fever and like I said, he is eating. If you don’t mind send up a little prayer for Little Man. I’m hoping he perks up really soon.

While I was in Austin dancing to Justin Timberlake my great husband was overseeing Betty White’s first delivery! Go Sonn...

While I was in Austin dancing to Justin Timberlake my great husband was overseeing Betty White’s first delivery! Go Sonny, Go Betty White! 2am delivery

This is what an 11 year GOGA Birthday special event looks like

This is what an 11 year GOGA Birthday special event looks like


Good morning sunshine!! A little outside time for the quads before it gets too hot


April had quads! Quads are not the norm however we have had several sets of them. I just have to watch them closely to make sure they are getting enough. I usually supplement a bottle to help mom out and insure healthy babies. 2 boys and 2 girls. Woohoo!!!


Kids and grandkids got to watch this little munchkin arrive today. Also this sweet little girl will join Elvis’s boy (that was born last Tuesday) to go to Washington state. It all worked out perfectly.


Fancy family living their best life

Crazy Goat Lady in Vegas! My big birthday gift from Sonny!!! What an amazing concert!!!!!

Crazy Goat Lady in Vegas! My big birthday gift from Sonny!!! What an amazing concert!!!!!


This is what Friday, End of School year looks like in the goat world. Haha Summer Fun!!!

Bambi (bottle baby)has been raised with Fancy and Tink’s babies. When everyone went out together again, after babies wer...

Bambi (bottle baby)has been raised with Fancy and Tink’s babies. When everyone went out together again, after babies were weaned, Fancy has been so kind as to let Bambi join her little family.!!!! These moments make all the hard work and planning worth it.

UPDATE: Elvis has been adopted. His new owner will fly from Washington state, rent a car and drive him home!!! She has b...

UPDATE: Elvis has been adopted. His new owner will fly from Washington state, rent a car and drive him home!!! She has been one of my followers for over 2 years. So happy for her and little Elvis Jr.
Single Elvis baby boy up for adoption. As you know I don’t separate siblings. Many have requested an “Elvis baby”. Here is your opportunity. You have to have other goats. One goat alone will not work out. Mom and Elvis are both small. He is blue eyed and will be ready July 2. Send me a PM if you are interested and we will discuss details.

The Tink family again AND just for fun…..a map of the states circled that have bought babies from me and traveled the di...

The Tink family again AND just for fun…..a map of the states circled that have bought babies from me and traveled the distance to come pick them up!!! I love my customers!!!


Tink’s family all together


Elvis, the heartbreaker!


Lori Weber here again!

Long Post:

It’s time again to attempt getting Roxie’s hacked page shut down. First, to clarify:

The hacked page says Roxie the Crazy Goat Lady, but the URL is
It also says Pet Supplies.

The legitimate page also says Roxie the Crazy Goat Lady, but the URL is and says Pet Services.

The difference in the URL is the name – “…THECrazyGoatLady…” (bad) vs. “…theonlycrazygoatlady…” (good).

Here are the directions for reporting the hacked page. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. I will monitor this post to answer any questions.

1. Go to
2. Click on the three dots under the Search button
3. Click on “Find support or report”
4. Click on “Pretending to be something”
5. Click on “A business”
6. Enter the URL (you can copy and paste)
7. Select the link that says “” which also includes the line “46K people like this. Pet Service.
8. Click Send

Let’s see if collectively we can get this done!

I raise Pygmy/Nigerian dwarf goats in Central Texas.

Hello ! My name is Lori Weber. As Roxie said a few days ago, I helped with the 2024 calendar and have created a YouTube ...

Hello ! My name is Lori Weber. As Roxie said a few days ago, I helped with the 2024 calendar and have created a YouTube channel for her videos. I’ll be assisting her with other media accounts, and working on getting her hacked page shut down. I’ll be posting as her page for the time being, but possibly as myself in the future. I’ll tell you more about myself later, but today is the day to introduce her YouTube Channel which was created on April 26. Please like and subscribe!

I will be posting videos/shorts from her page to the channel. There are currently 12 videos, but there will be more. I will be posting many of the most popular, but will be going through all of her videos to post some you have may missed or might want to see again. Soon, I will make a separate post and provide concise directions on how to report the hacked page. Have a great Monday!

Watch the antics of Texas Pygmy and Nigerian Dwarf goats raised by Roxie.


Dallas, TX


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