Tidewater Schutzhund Club

Tidewater Schutzhund Club IGP/Schutzhund dog training club. Please visit tidewaterschutzhund.com and read the FAQ before call


Happy Veterans Day! Training tomorrow at 7am for tracking and 9:30am for obedience and protection. Reminder that there’s no club training next weekend the 18th.

Congratulations to Forrest and Maeve for trialing and competing for their very first IGP1 at the 2023 DVG Nationals!  It...

Congratulations to Forrest and Maeve for trialing and competing for their very first IGP1 at the 2023 DVG Nationals! It look a lot of guts to travel with your dog, step onto a strange field, and test your training under the scrutiny of 3 judges and a stadium of spectators. I hope it’ll be the first of many for you and others in the club. We are all very proud of you!


No club training tomorrow but the field is open for use!


Club training tomorrow NIGHT at 5pm. Ob and pr


Happy Friday! 7am tracking for the dogs trialing for a 1-3, 9:30a ob and pr for everyone else! Could be a rainy day so be prepared!


Happy Friday! Same schedule except we will finish off the lights


7am trackers 9am everyone else. Mock trial participants will be the only ones working their dogs unless you want to do stuff after.


Happy rainy Friday! Should be storming tomorrow so be sure to gear up and plan ahead. Last training before the mock trial and fields are starting to be harvested. See my IGP1-3 folks at 7am and everyone else at 930a.


Happy Friday! 7am tracking and 930a Ob & pr


Happy Friday! 7am tracking 9:30a Ob & Pr


Happy Friday! Tomorrow is the first week of 3-phase trial prep training. 7:00am tracking for everyone going for a IGP1-3. 9:30am obedience followed by protection for everyone else. I have to leave at 1:30 so let’s be efficient!


Happy Friday! 8:30am ob and protection + send off party for Claire! See you then!


Happy Friday! Tr and Pr tomorrow at 830a


Happy Friday! Ob and pr tomorrow at 8:30am. If you want to track early, keep in mind the fields were just mowed yesterday and today.


Happy rainy Friday! It’ll be a great day of tracking and protection tomorrow. See you at 8:30am


Happy Friday! It’s going to be stupid hot tomorrow so be prepared for yourself and pups. See you at 8:30am!


Happy Friday! Should be slightly less hot tomorrow so let’s rock some ob and pr! See you at 8:30a


Just a reminder no club training tomorrow


Happy Friday! Ob and Pr tomorrow morning. Make sure you have plenty of water for the dogs, shade aluminet, fans, etc. See you at 8:30am!


Happy Friday! Tracking and protection tomorrow at 8:30am.


Happy Father’s Day Friday! No training this weekend but you’re welcome to use the field. See you next week and we are less than 6 months away from the trial!


Happy Friday! Obedience and Protection tomorrow at 8:30am with a focus on the traffic portion of the BH for part of the time. See you then!


Happy Friday! Just a reminder no training tomorrow, but you are welcome to use the field.


Protection only tomorrow at 830am. Happy Friday!


Summer calendar preview:
May 27 - protection only
June 3 - off
June 10 - ob and pr
June 17 - off
June 24 - tr and pr
July 1 - off
July 8 - ob and pr
July 15 - off
July 23 & 30 - training

Needless to say, don’t take the week off of training just because I’m not there. Make time during the week to come out and work, and don’t miss when we do have club training. Your scores in December will thank you!


Happy Friday! Ob and Pr tomorrow at 830a. See you then!


Just a reminder, no training tomorrow


No club training 5/6 and 5/13. The field is open for use and freshly mowed!


Happy Friday! Sorry for the late post, ob and pr tomorrow at 830a


Happy Friday! Tracking and Protection tomorrow at 8:30am. Don’t forget to bring an empty chalk bottle so we can fill it with fire ant killer.


Happy Friday! Obedience and protection tomorrow with the newly constructed jump. Will be muggy and buggy so don’t forget insect repellent. 8:30am


Happy rainy Friday! 8:30a tracking then protection. Should be a short day because a number of people will be out.


Happy Friday! 830am ob and pr


Happy Friday! Just a reminder that there’s no club training tomorrow because of the helper seminar, but you’re welcome to road trip up and join us! Condition your dogs with this warmer weather and I’ll see you next week


Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Rain overnight will make for great tracking. 830am


Happy Friday! 8:30am obedience and protection


Happy Friday! Because of the rain for the past 3 days we’re going to track again tomorrow. See you at 830a


I hope you enjoyed the warm weather because it’ll be gone by tomorrow! Cold and rainy is what we get for tracking and protection tomorrow. See you at 830


Happy Friday! Tomorrow will be obedience and protection at 8:30 with post hole digging and concrete setting mixed in. Feel free to bring a post hole digger because I only have 1 or your personal favorite shovel. Additionally, the rain today and cool temps tomorrow will make for excellent grass tracking conditions in the early morning!


Happy Friday! Tracking and protection starting at 830am


Dallas, TX

Opening Hours

8:30am - 1pm


(972) 743-2386


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